Discharge Planning Flashcards
Discharge planning
- Is a shared responsibility
- Ideally discharge planning starts as soon as the person is admitted to the service
- The multidisciplinary team works together with the patient and their family
Effective discharge planning
- Ensures continuity and a smooth transition to their next destination
- Improves coordination if services after discharge from the hospital by considering the patient’s needs
- Prevents unnecessary readmission
- promotes increased satisfaction and confidence with patients and their families
Nurses have a very important role
Nurses are the front line in delivering care. Concerns by patient and family may be communicated to the nurse
Clear communication with patient and multidisciplinary team to ensure effective car wand discharge planning eg handover noted to the team including info about the level of care
Role of a social worker
The social worker profession facilitates social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment and liberation of people.
Principles and of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work
4 key social work values
Client self-determination
Social justice
A psychosocial approach
Systems theory
Increasing complex and chronic presentation for care
Presenting issues may not be the underlying cause
Each patient is different and has their own unique story
My aged care
Myagedcare is the entry point to access aged care services and information about
Different types of age care services
Eligibility for service
Referral to service provider
The financial contribution to the cost of aged care
Myaged care will ask
A person a series of questions that will determine if they would be suited for a follow up by regional assessment team or aged care assessment team
Regional assessment service
Home supprt assessments are provided by a local accessor from ras. They can assess and provide approval form entry level services under the commonwealth home support programsto help a person remain independent home and actively participate in the community
Acat age care assessment team
Acat can conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine if a person if a person is eligible for
Services acat
Home care package Residential care in an aged care home Residential respite care Transition care Other services that a person may need
Home care packages
A coordinated package of care and services to help an older person live independently in their own home for as long as they can
There are 4 levels of packages to meet different levels of care needs
Everyone accessing a home cafe package pays a contribution towards their care
Alternative options
Existing support network Department of veteran affair Private service Day centre respite , in-home respite and emergency respite Transitional care packages