Holidays, Travelling and Accommodation Flashcards
‘I am going to Germany’ =
‘I live in England’ =
‘I am going to Germany’ = Ich fahre nach Deutschland.
‘I live in England’ = Ich wohne in England.
Use ‘nach’ to say ‘to’ a country and ‘in’ for in a country
Africa = Antarctica = Asia = Europe = North America = Oceania = South America = the continents =
Africa = Afrika Antarctica = die Antarktika Asia = Asien Europe = Europa North America = Nordamerika Oceania = Ozeanien South America = Südamerika the continents = die Kontinente
Australia/Australian = Austria/Austrian = Belgium/Belgian = China/Chinese = Denmark/Dane/Danish = England/English = France/French = Germany/German = Great Britain/British = Greece/Greek = Holland/Dutch =
Australia/Australian = Australien/der Australier/die Australierin/die Australier/ australisch
Austria/Austrian = Österreich/der Österreicher/die Österreicherin/die Österreicher/ österreichisch
Belgium/Belgian = Belgien/der Belgier/die Belgierin/die Belgier/ belgisch
China/Chinese = der Chinese/die Chinesin/ die Chinesen/ chinesisch
Denmark/Danish = Dänemark/der Däne/die Dänin/die Dänen/ dänisch
England/English = Engländer/die Engländerin/die Engländer/ englisch
France/French = Frankreich/der Franzose/die Französin/die Franzosen/ französisch
Germany/German = Deutschland/ der Deutsche/die Deutsche/ die Deutschen/ deutsch
Great Britain/British = Großbritannien/ der Briten/ die Britin/ die Briten/ britisch
Greece/Greek = Griechenland/ der Grieche/ die Griechin/ die Griechen/ griechisch
Holland/Dutch = Holland/der Holländer/die Holländerin/ die Holländer/ holländisch
India/Indian = Ireland/Irish = Italy/Italian = Japan/Japanese= Netherlands = Pakistan/Pakistani = Poland/Polish = Portugal/Portuguese = Russia/Russian = Spain/Spanish = Scotland/Scottish = Switzerland/Swiss = Turkey/Turkish = USA/American = Wales/Welsh =
India/Indian = Indien/der Inder/die Inderin/ die Inder/ indisch Ireland/Irish = Ireland/der Ire/die Irin/die Iren/ irisch Italy/Italian = Italien/ der Italiener/die Italienerin/die Italiener/ italienisch Japan/Japanese= Japan/ der Janaper/die Janaperin/die Janaper/ japanisch Netherlands = die Niederlande Pakistan/Pakistani = Pakistan/der Pakistaner/die Pakistanerin/die Pakistaner/ pakistanisch Poland/Polish = Polen/ der Pol/die Pol/ die Polen/ polnisch Portugal/Portuguese = Portugal/der Portugiese/die Portugiesin/ die Portugiesen/ portugiesisch Russia/Russian = Russland/ der Russe/die Russin/die Russen/ russisch Spain/Spanish = Spanien/ der Spanier/ die Spanierin/ die Spanier/ spanisch Scotland/Scottish = Schottland/ der Scotte/die Schottin/ die Schotten/ schottisch Switzerland/Swiss = die Schweiz/der Schweizer/ die Schweizerin/ die Schweizer/ schweizerisch Turkey/Turkish = die Türkei/der Türke/die Türkerin/ die Türken/ türkisch USA/American = die Vereinigten Staaten/ der Amerikaner/die Amerikanerin/die Amerikaner/ amerikanisch Wales/Welsh = Wales/der Walise/die Walisin/die Walisen/walisisch
the English Channel =
Bavaria =
the Danube =
Geneva =
Cologne =
the Mediterranean =
Munich =
the North Sea =
the Baltic Sea =
the Rhine =
the Black Forest =
the Channel Tunnel =
Vienna =
the English Channel = der Ärmelkanal
Bavaria = Bayern
the Danube = die Donau
Geneva = Genf
Cologne = Köln
the Mediterranean = das Mittelmeer
Munich = München
the North Sea = die Nordsee
the Baltic Sea = die Ostsee
the Rhine = der Rhein
the Black Forest = der Schwarzwald
the Channel Tunnel = der Tunnel
Vienna = Wien
on the coast =
in the country =
on a campsite =
in the mountains =
in a holiday cottage =
in a holiday apartment =
in a hotel =
on the coast = an der Küste
in the country = aud dem Lande
on a campsite = auf einem Campingplatz
in the mountains = im Gebirge
in a holiday cottage = in einem Ferienhaus
in a holiday apartment = in einer Ferienwohnung
in a hotel = in einem Hotel
in a caravan =
in a youth hostel =
in a city =
in a caravan = in einem Wohnwagen
in a youth hostel = in einer Jugendherberge
in a city = in einer Stadt
by car =
by bus/coach =
by bike =
by plane =
by train =
by ship =
by car = mit dem Auto / Wagen
by bus/coach = mit dem Bus
by bike = mit dem Fahrrad
by plane = mit dem Flugzeug
by train = mit dem Zug
by ship = mit dem Schiff
by taxi =
by tram =
on foot =
second class =
by taxi = mit dem Taxi
by tram = mit der Straßenbahn
on foot = zu Fuß
second class = zweiter Klasse
(going) home =
at home =
to set off =
to accompany =
to visit =
to travel =
to buy =
to rest =
(going) home = nach Hause
at home = zu Hause
to set off = abfahren*
to accompany = begleiten
to visit = besuchen
to travel = fahren
to buy = kaufen
to rest = sich ausruhen*
to hire =
to write =
to swim =
to sail =
to sunbathe =
to forget =
to hire = mieten
to write = schreiben
to swim = schwimmen
to sail = segeln
to sunbathe = sich sonnen
to forget = vergessen
the arrival =
the departure =
the exit =
the emergency exit =
the entrance =
the arrival = die Ankunft
the departure = die Abfahrt
the exit = der Ausgang
the emergency exit = der Notausgang
the entrance = der Eingang
the motorway =
the station =
the platform =
the fast train =
the ticket =
the ticket office =
the motorway = die Autobahn
the station = der Bahnhof
the platform = der Bahnsteig
the fast train = der D-Zug / ICE
the ticket = die Fahrkarte
the ticket office = der Fahrkartenschalter
the airport =
the customs =
the passport =
the port =
the suburban railway =
the road =
the airport = der Flughafen
the customs = der Zoll
the passport = der Pass
the port = der Hafen
the suburban railway = die S-Bahn
the road = dier Straße
the petrol station =
to put fuel in =
the ferry =
the petrol station = die Tankstelle
to put fuel in = tanken
the ferry = die Fähre
‘I’d like to go to ……….’ =
‘I want to spend a month there’ =
‘I’ll go with my friends’ =
‘What’s your ideal holiday?’ =
‘I’d like to go to ……….’ = Ich möchte in …. fahren
‘I want to spend a month there’ = Ich will dort einen Monat verbringen.
‘I’ll go with my friends’ = Ich werde mit meinen Freunden fahren.
‘What’s your ideal holiday?’ = Wie sind deine idealen Ferien?
‘Are we travelling with the underground or by bus? =
‘We are travelling neither with the underground, nor by bus’ =
‘We are travelling by tram’ =
‘Are we travelling with the underground or by bus? = Fahren wir mit der U-Bahn oder mit dem Bus?
‘We are travelling neither with the underground, nor by bus’ = Wir fahren weder mit der U-Bahn, noch mit dem Bus.
‘We are travelling by tram’ = Wir fahren mit der Straßenbahn