Einkaufen Flashcards
‘How can I help you?’ =
‘How about this one?’ =
‘What do you think about….?’ =
‘How can I help you?’ = Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?
‘How about this one?’ = Wie wäre es mit diese(r/m/n)?
‘What do you think about….?’ = Was hältst du von….?
- the (newspaper) stall =
- the baker’s =
- the florist’s =
- the delicatessen =
- the fishmonger’s =
- the butcher’s =
- the greengrocer’s =
- the (newspaper) stall = der (Zeitungs) kiosk
- the baker’s = die Bäckerei
- the florist’s = der Blumenladen
- the delicatessen = das Delikatessengeschäft
- the fishmonger’s = der Fischhändler
- the butcher’s = die Fleischerei / die Metzgerei
- the greengrocer’s = der Obst-und Gemüsehändler
- the clothes shop =
- the electrical goods shop =
- the shop =
- the grocery store =
- the cake shop =
- the clothes shop = das Kleidergeschäft
- the electrical goods shop = das Elektrogeschäft
- the shop = der Laden
- the grocery store = das Lebensmittelgeschäft
- the cake shop = die Konditorei
- the market =
- the supermarket =
- the department store =
- the jeweller’s =
- the perfume shop =
- the bank =
- the market = der Markt
- the supermarket = der Supermarkt
- the department store = das Warenhaus
- the jeweller’s = das Schmuckgeschäft
- the perfume shop = dre Parfümerie
- the bank = die Bank
you use the accusative case when expressing…………………..
you use the dative case when …………………….
-use the accusative case when there is the idea of approaching something:
Er geht in DIE Konditorei.
(He goes INTO the cake shop)
-use the dative case when there isn’t this idea of approaching something:
Er arbeitet in DER Konditorei
(He works IN the cake shop)
-the prepositions that always take the accusative case are:
‘dog wufe’
- durch (through)
- ohne (without)
- gegen (against)
- wider (against)
- um (around)
- für (for)
- entlang (along)
-the prepositions that always take the dative case are:
‘aus, bei, seit, nach, mit, von, zu take the dative case to you!’ (+ gegenüber)
- aus (out of)
- bei (at (the house of))
- seit (since)
- nach (after)
- mit (with)
- von (from)
- zu (to)
- gegenüber (opposite)
-the prepositions that take the genitive case are:
- außerhalb (outside)
- innerhalb (inside)
- statt (instead of)
- trotz (in spite of)
- wegen (on account of, due to, because of)
‘Is it a good price?’ =
‘How much is it?’ =
‘How much do I owe you?’ =
‘Is it a good price?’ = Ist der Preis gut?
‘How much is it?’ = Wieviel kostet es?
‘How much do I owe you?’ = Wieviel bekommen Sie?
- a/the special offer =
- a/the discount =
- a/the deposit =
- the change =
- a/the banknote =
- a/the coin =
- a/the special offer = einen/das Sonderangebot
- a/the discount = ein/der Rabatt
- a/the deposit = einen/das Pfand
- the change = die Veränderung / das Kleingeld / das Wechselgeld
- a/the banknote = ein/der Geldschein
- a/the coin = eine/die Münze
- a/the wallet =
- a/the purse =
- the cash =
- the euro =
- the cent =
- a/the stamp =
- a/the wallet = die Brieftasche
- a/the purse = das Portemonnaie
- the cash = das Bargeld
- the euro = der Euro
- the cent = der Cent
- a/the stamp = die Briefmarke
- cheap =
- expensive =
- high =
- low =
- up =
- down =
- cheap = billig
- expensive = teuer
- high = hoch
- low = niedrig
- up = auf
- down = nieder
‘what time do you close today?’ =
Wann schließen Sie heute?
- to shut =
- the day when closed =
- favourite =
- sold out =
- a/the cash till =
- the item/thing =
- a/the sale =
- to shut = geschlossen
- the day when closed = der Ruhetag
- favourite = beliebt
- sold out = ausverkauft
- a/the cash till = eine/die Kasse
- the item/thing = das Ding
- a/the sale = ein/der Schlussverkauf
- to accept =
- to open =
- to spend =
- to choose =
- to serve =
- to order =
- to accept = annehmen
- to open = aufmachen
- to spend = ausgeben
- to choose = auswählen
- to serve = bedienen
- to order = bestellen
- to pay for =
- to find =
- to buy =
- to fit =
- to look for =
- to sign =
- to pay for = bezahlen
- to find = finden
- to buy = kaufen
- to fit = passen
- to look for = suchen
- to sign = unterschreiben
- to sell =
- to leave =
- to change =
- to weigh =
- to close =
- to sell = verkaufen
- to leave = verlassen
- to change = wechseln
- to weigh = wiegen
- to close = zumachen