Freizeit: Lesen, Fernsehen, Filme und Musik Flashcards
‘I like to read …………’ =
Ich lese gern …………
‘I prefer to read/watch/listen to ………’ =
Ich lese/sehe/höre lieber ……………… fern
‘I listen to’ cen be made more specific by use of the separable verb: zuhören
Ich höre Musik zu
‘I don’t like to go to the cinema’ =
Ich gehe nicht gern ins Kino
a novel =
ein/der Roman
zwei Romane
a magazine =
eine/die Zeitschrift
zwei Zeitschriften
the news =
die Nachrichten
a newspaper =
eine/die Zeitung
zwei Zweitungen
an article =
ein/der Artikel
zwei Artikel
‘to start’ =
‘Yesterday I started a book’ =
Gestern, habe ich ein Buch angefangen
‘Yesterday I started reading a book’ =
Gestern habe ich angefagen ein Buch zu lesen
‘to relax’ =
sich entspannen
‘to be pleased about’ =
sich freuen üben
the comic (book) =
einen/das Komikheft
ein/der Comic
zwei Comics
the issue (magazine issue) =
einen/das Heft
history =
historical =
history = die Geschichte historical = historisch / geschichtlich
a crime novel =
a crime series =
a crime film =
the crime novels =
the crime series =
the crime films =
a crime novel = ein Kriminalroman
a crime series = eine Krimiserie
a crime film = ein Krimi
the crime novels = die Kriminalromane
the crime series = die Krimiserien
the crime films = die Krimis
a game show =
the game shows =
a/the game show = eine/die Gameshow
the game shows = die Gameshows
a reality TV show =
the reality TV shows =
a reality TV show = eine/die Realityshow
the reality TV shows = die Realityshows
a/the documentary =
the documentaries =
a/the documentary = eine/die Dokumentation
the documentaries = die Dokumentationen
an/the action film =
the action films =
a/the fantasy film =
the fantasy films =
an/the horror film =
the horror films =
a/the comedy =
the comedies =
a/the romantic film =
the romantic films =
a/the sci-fi film =
the sci-fi films =
a/the thriller =
the thrillers =
an/the animation film =
the animation films =
an/the action film = ein/der Actionfilm
the action films = die Actionfilme
a/the fantasy film = ein/der Fantasyfilm
the fantasy films = die Fantasyfilme
an/the horror film = ein/der Horrorfilm
the horror films = die Horrorfilme
a/the comedy = eine/die Komödie
the comedies = die Komödien
a/the romantic film = ein/der Liebesfilm
the romantic films = die Liebesfilme
a/the sci-fi film = ein/der Science-Fiction-Film
the sci-fi films = die Science-Fiction-Filme
a/the thriller = ein/der Thriller
the thrillers = die Thriller
an/the animation film = ein/der Zeichentrickfilm
the animation films = die Zeichentrickfilme
a/the variety show / entertainment programme =
eine/die Unterhaltungssendung
a music show
eine/die Musiksendung
a programme =
eine/die sendung
an/the audio book
ein/der Hörbuch
a poetry collection
eine Gedichtsammlung
poetry =
die Poesie
‘I watch films’
Ich schaue Filme
‘I laze about’
Ich faulenze
listen to =
‘(the) classical music’ =
‘(the) pop music’ =
‘(the) folk music’ =
‘(the) film music’ =
‘(the) jazz’ =
‘(the) classical music’ = (die) klassische Musik
‘(the) pop music’ = die Popmusik
‘(the) folk music’ = die Rockmusik
‘(the) film music’ = die Filmmusik
‘(the) jazz’ = der Jazz
‘from time to time’ =
‘generally’ =
‘still’ =
‘every evening’ =
‘every day’ =
‘every week’ =
‘every weekend’ =
‘once again’ =
‘without stopping’ =
‘at home’ =
‘from time to time’ = ab und zu
‘generally’ = im Allgemeinen / im Großen und Ganzen
‘still’ = immer noch
‘every evening’ = jeden Abend
‘every day’ = jeden Tag
‘every week’ = jede Woche
‘every weekend’ = jedes Wochenende
‘once again’ = noch einmal
‘without stopping’ = ohne Pause
‘at home’ = zu Hause