Holding Procedures Flashcards
Define holding positions
A predetermined manoeuvre which keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting further clearance
How are holding procedures located?
Located to ensure that an A/C remains clear of the ground and obstructions, ready to continue flight when authorised to do so, either to begin an approach to land or to continue en route
Describe non published Hold
ACC Controllers May instruct an aircraft to hold along ATS routes or within defined controlled airspace
These holds may be required due to congestion, and the ATCO will determine the inbound axis and direction of the hold for this purpose
Why hold?
In the event of the extended delays, aircraft should be advised of the anticipated delay as early as possible and, when practicable be instructed or given the option to reduce speed en route in order to absorb delay
Reason include
Traffic management
What is a holding fix
May be over a point source nav-aid (NDB/VOR) or be defined as an intersection of radials it as
What is the holding AXIS?
The required inbound track to the holding fix. If this is defined by VOR radials, then the axis must lie on one of the radials although it may be orientated towards or away from the relevant VOR.
Holding Patterns turns are made at Rate 1 (3 degrees per second) or with a 25 degree of bank. Which ever requires least angle of bank.
True or False?
Aircraft holding at greater than 170kts May therefore turn at less than 3 deg/sec. True or False?
Holding Speeds:
Up to and including 14,000ft.
Cat A&B aircraft shall hold at normal speed of and a turbulent speed of?
170kts and 170kts
Holding Speeds:
Up to and including 14,000ft.
Cat C/D/E aircraft shall hold at normal speed of and a turbulent speed of?
230kts normal
280kts turbulent
Holding Speeds:
Above 14,000ft up to and including 20,000ft
Shall hold at a normal speed of and a turbulent speed of?
240kts normal
280kts turbulent or
M 0.80 which ever is less
Holding Speeds:
Above 20,000ft and up to and including 34,000ft
Shall hold at a normal speed of and a turbulent speed of?
265kts normal
280kts or
M0.80 whichever is less
Holding Speeds:
Above 34,000ft
Shall hold at a normal speed of and a turbulent speed of?
M0.83 normal
M0.83 turbulent
Aircraft categories
Cat A Approach is
Less than 91 kts (IAS)
Aircraft categories
Cat B Approach is
Is 91-120kts (IAS)
Aircraft categories
Cat C Approach is
121-140kts (IAS)
Aircraft categories
Cat D Approach is
140-165kts (IAS)
Aircraft categories
Cat E Approach is
166-210kts (IAS)
How are aircraft categories according to their normal VAT?
Defined as 1.3x the stalling speed in landing configuration at maximum certified landing mass
The outbound leg of the hold takes how long below 14,000ft?
1 minuet
The outbound leg of the hold takes how long above 14,000ft
1.5 minutes
How long does the standard holding pattern take below and above 14,000ft
4 minutes below 14,000ft
5 minutes above 14,000ft
How can outbound leg be limited?
Limiting radial
Name the 3 standard entry procedures
Sector 1 Parallel (3 Mins)
Sector 2 Offset (3 mins)
Sector 3 Direct (no time)
List the 3 other Entry Methods
1) Along Holding Radial
2) Via DME Arc
3) Via Secondary Fix
List the 5 factors that effect a holding pattern
1) Wind
2) Speed (rates of turn)
3) Effect of level (temp and pressure)
4) Effect if Navigation AIS in use
5) Turbulence
Define Expected Approach Time (EAT)
A time which to expect to leave the hold to commence an instrument approach
Define Expected Onward Clearance
Time to leave the hold and continue en route
How does a pilot adjust his timing within the pattern?
Shortening/eliminating outbound leg
Reducing speed before reaching the fix of a short hold is specified
What is a normal separation from a holding pattern
5 minutes flying time from flight path of holding a/c
Pilots use established error check procedures to reduce effects of operating errors or equipment.
True or False?
What do VFR aircraft hold over?
Visual Reference Point (VRP)
What are VRPs used for?
Assist ATC routing VFR traffic and interesting them with IFR traffic
Should VFR aircraft be instructed to hold over a VRP outside CAS
No. But can instruct them to hold over VRPs inside CAS
List the points of the standard holding pattern
Holding Fix Fix End ABEAM Outbound leg Outbound end Inbound Holding side Non-holding side