Holding Patterns Flashcards
Why do aircraft hold? (7)
–Achieve aircraft spacing
–Excess traffic due to volume or weather
–Missed approach
–Waiting for weather conditions to improve
–Wait your turn (conflicting traffic) - esp. in
non-radar environment
–Gain or lose altitude
–Reached clearance limit
–Procedure turn on an instrument approach
What are the challenges to holding? (7)
- Knowing where to hold
- Determining proper entry
- Timing
- Correcting for the wind
- Navigation/Orientation/Visualization
- Communications
- Dealing with emergency/abnormal procedures
- Everything at the same tim
Where can you hold? (7)
- Intersection
- Cross Radials
- Outer marker
- DME Fix
- GPS Waypoint
What are the two areas of obstacle protection?
Primary and Secondary
How much does protection does the Primary and Secondary portion of obstacle protection in holding provide?
1,000AGL for Primary
500AGL for Secondary
Standard Holding Pattern:
Which direction does it flow?
How long is each leg?
Turns are always _________
Flows Right
1 Minute Legs
Turns are always Standard Rate
What bank should holding turns be made?
What is the maximum bank you should use?
What factors come into play?
What bank is the turning criteria based on?
– All turns should be conducted at standard rate, or 30° of bank, whichever is less.
- You have to be going more than 210 knots TAS for a standard rate turn to be more than 30° of bank
- If you are using a flight director the bank should be limited to 25° of bank
– Due to factors such as instrument error, pilot technique, etc., the turning criteria is based upon 25° of bank.
Maximum Holding Airspeeds
14,000ft MSL (including)
6,000ft MSL (including)
MHA (Minimum Holding Altitude
When do you reduce below the maximum holding speed?
14,000ft MSL (including) - 230KIAS
6,000ft MSL (including) - 200KIAS
Reduce to maximum holding speed within 3 minutes of ETA at hold.
What are the exceptions for maximum holding speeds?(2)
What will be restricted?
Is it charted?
What is the speed restricted
Any altitude areas?
•Maximum holding airspeeds may be restricted to 175 KIAS
–Will be charted
–Applies to Category A and B and B aircraft only
–Pretty rare to see
•Max speeds may be restricted between 6000 and 14000 to 210 KIAS
–Also charted
–Much more common
What is High Performance Holding? What do you need to do?
•High Performance Holding
– Non standard restrictions are charted
– Notify ATC if you need to fly faster than the minimum holding speed
Holding pattern times at:
•At or below 14,000’ MSL
- Above 14,000’ MSLleg
- Holds may also be done using ______ instead of minutes.
- At or below 14,000’ MSL - 1:00 inbound leg
- Above 14,000’ MSL - 1:30 inbound leg
- Holds may also be done using distance instead of minutes.
ATC Holding Instructions
When the clearance limit is reached:
Who is responsible for obtaining holding instructions?
Usually, how many minutes from your clearance limit will result in a delay?
If ATC cannot be reached and a hold is not published what do you do?
•When a clearance limit is reached
–It is the pilot’s responsibility to obtain holding instructions
–Theoretically if you are within 5 minutes of your clearance limit and the controller expects you will have a delay, he/she should give you holding instructions
–If ATC cannot be reached and a hold is not published enter a standard holding pattern on the course on which the aircraft approached the fix
What kinds of holding is there?
- Published Holds
- ATC Holds
For Non-published Holds what will you need to know? (7)
- Clearance limit
- Direction of holding from the fix (8 cardinal directions)
- Radial, course, bearing, airway or route
- Leg length in miles if DME holding is used
- Direction of turns if LEFT turns are to be made
- Assume you maintain present altitude if you aren’t cleared differently
- Time to expect further clearance
Timed Holds:
When do you start your outbound holding pattern time? (3)
Three different options
- Abeam your fix
- When you roll level
- When the flag flips
Holding Entry:
What are the three types?
What determines what you use?
•Three Types:
– Direct
– Parallel
– Teardrop
•Which you select depends on your aircraft’s heading and direction related to the holding fix
.•The general rule of thumb is to pick the entry that results in the least amount of turning.
Are there any FARs regulating a specific holding pattern entry?
As long as you do what can you enter any way you please?
- There is no FAR requiring you to use a certain holding pattern entry technique
- As long as you remain on the holding side of the fix you can enter any way you please and you can’t be busted for it
- Now, that being said, here at UND you really ought to do it the recommended way. You’ll be expected to at least demonstrate knowledge of the recommended entry for your check.
6 T’s
- Turn
- Time
- Twist
- Throttle
- Talk
- Track
Required Radio Reports in the Hold
•(AIM 5-3-3)
•Entering the hold
–Report time (Zulu) and altitude/flight level at which the aircraft reaches the clearance limit
•Leaving the hold
Wind Correction Procedure:
What do you use to estimate winds?
Usually have to adjust what two elements of your hold?
Which legs do you use wind correction angles for?
If holding is based on time you are always trying to adjust the _____ leg to obtain a ____ minute ______ leg.
– Utilize the PFD to estimate winds
– You usually have to adjust both the heading and timing of your hold
– Apply wind correction angles for all pattern legs
– If holding is based upon time, you are always trying to adjust the outbound holding leg to obtain a 1 minute inbound leg
WCA Procedures: What do you do to estimate your outbound WCA?
WCA Procedures: Multiply the inbound WCA by 3 to obtain outbound WCA
What is the only holding leg we can change?
Outbound leg
Timed Approaches from Holding:
What doesn’t ATC have for this procedure?
You will be cleared to do what at a specific time?
•Non-radar procedure
•Cleared to leave a fix at a specified time
– Adjust the outbound timing as necessary to depart the fix at the scheduled time
What fuel considerations and actions need to be taken for reaching waypoints and holding?
•Reaching waypoints
– Record the time and fuel remaining
– Compare actual to estimated
– Notify ATC if you can no longer hold due to fuel status. (“Minimum Fuel”)
What is holding?
A predetermined maneuver that keeps aircraft within a specified airspace while waiting for further clearance from ATC.
ATC instructions are issued whenever:
- Delays will exceed 1 hour
- A revised EFC is necessary
- A terminal having a number of NAVAIDS and approach procedures, a clearance limit may not clearly show which approach procedures will be used. On initialy contact, or soon after approach control advises pilot what type of approach to expect.
- Ceiling and/or vis is reported at below highest “circling minimums” for the airport.
- An aircraft is holding while awaitng apppracoh clearance and pilot advises ATC that reported weather conditions are below minimums.