Clearances Flashcards
What is Craft?
Clearance Route Altitude Frequency Transponder
What is a clearance?
99% of the time your clearance limit is_______
Can your clearance be ammended?
Authorization to proceed to a certain point.
‘Cleared to’
99% - Your Destination
Yes, your clearance can be amended to a new clearance limit (ex. Holding Pattern)
What is the purpose of an IFR clearance?
To prevent collisions between known aircraft.
When En Route what separation do you have?
When in Class B/C Airspace what seperation do you have?
En Route: Only IFR Traffic
B/C: VFR & IFR Traffic
Where are IFR clearances required?
Class A Airspace (91.135)
Before operating in IFR controlled airspace you must be ON AN IFR FLIGHT PLAN and RECEIVE A CLEARANCE.
Why do we use 29.92 above FL 180?
There is no more terrain to worry about, only other aircraft.
It’s much easier for all aircraft to know a standard altitude, than worry about terrain when there is none.
Can you operate VFR to take off?
Yes, but to operate IFR you must obtain your clearance.
Do you have to accept a clearance? (91.123)
No, you do not have to accept an IFR clearance.
If ATC issues a clearance that woudl otherwise cause a pilot to deviate from a rule or regulation, or PIC opinion would place aircraft jeopardy what must you do.
You MUST amend the clearance by stating “UNABLE”
When are clearances amended?
Deviations due to an emergency
When given priority you may asked to submit a report within how long?
48 hours
What should you use to get ready for an IFR flight. (6)
- Any and all info (runway lengths, TO/LD info)
- Weather reports and Forecasts
- Fuel Requirements (45 min plus fuel for alternate)
- Alternates available if flight cannot be completed
- Any known Track Delays
- IFR Flight Plan (91.173) - must file at least 30 min before dep.
Where can you file an IFR flight plan?
- File VIA FS (1800wxbrief)
* Any ATC Facility (ground, tower, TRACON, CENTER)
What is a ‘pop-up’ flight plan?
A VFR aircraft calls ATC and requests an instrument clearance without having previously filed an IFR flight plan
What is the 1-2-3 rule?
You must include an alternate airport for IFR IF:
1 - During the time 1 hour before to 1 hour after the estimated arrival time
2 - Ceiling less than 2,000 feet
3 - Visibility less than 3 miles
How do you get clearance?
Where do you find controlling agency?
Controlled Airports:
Non-Towered Airports:
A/FD will have frequencies for clearance.
Controlled airports:
•Clearance Delivery
•Ground Control
•Control Tower
Non-Towered Airports:
• Controlling Agency, RCO, GCO, or phone
• FSS (radio)
• National Clearance Delivery (888-766-8267)
• Relay from other aircraft (last resort, usually due to terrain)
Pre-Taxi Clearance Procedure
- According to AIM when can you call clearance or ground up.
- IFR clearance is available ______ min prior to proposed departure time and cane be made up to ________ before.
- IFR flight plan is good for at least _________ past proposed time, then it expires. Sometimes they are good up to ________ .
- Upon initial cal to ground you should advise them
- 10 Minutes before proposed taxi time.
- IFR clearance is available 30 min prior to proposed departure time and cane be made up to 2 hours before.
- IFR flight plan is good for at least 1 hour past proposed time, then it expires. Sometimes they are good up to 2 hours.
- Advise ground you have PDC and squawk code.
You say READY TO COPY when?
Only when airborne, never when on the ground.
Pilot is responsible only for writing clearance. T/F?
False, pilot is responsible for write down and readback.
Clearance Void Time:
When must you be airborne?
If you are not off by then what do you need to do?
If you fail to do that, what will happen?
You must be off by Clearance Void Time
If not, notify ATC that you are no going to depart by then.
If you fail to, search & rescue will be activated
You get the plane pre-flighted, taxi, and run-up done and then call for clearance. When you call FSS they will ask for _____- (2)
Runway you wish
How soon before you will be ready to depart.
When is Hold For Release given?
When do you call back?
Can you depart?
If you’re not released how can you still depart?
Given for spacing, or flow issues and you call back when #1 for the runway and you will be given release and void time. You can not depart until you are released.
You can still depart VFR but maintain VFR and may not be given your IFR clearance immediately.
Pilot Discretion Means:
You can begin descending now, or at your discretion but all climbs and descents should be made at optimum consistent with aircraft.
IFR Clearance when airborne in VFR:
What should you do first?
If you did not file a flight plan who can help you?
When you contact ATC facility with jurisdiction for IFR what do you tell them?
File flight plan with FSS if you haven’t yet.
ATC can create a flight plan for you if you do not have one, workload permitting.
Tell them who you are, where you are, and what you want.
Expect Departure Clearance Time (EDCT)
When will you be notified?
What may you be asked?
ATC will assign what?
How long o you have to depart after your runway release time?
You will be notified ATIS or upon initial climb for clearance
You may be asked how soon you will be ready.
ATC will assign a runway release time, and you must depart no earlier than 5 minutes before and no more than 5 minutes later.
Through Clearance (define)
Clearance that allows a pilot to stop at an intermediate airport while on a single IFR clearance.
Short Range Clearance:
What is it?
Why is it done?
Where is it usually used?
Clearance that is issued to a departing IFR flight, allowing flight to a short destination.
ATC does this to coordinate and obtain clearance from another ATC facility.
Usually used in non-radar areas.
Cruise Clearance:
What is it?
When is it issued?
What restriction is there?
On approach what does it authorize you to do?
It is issued on short route segments where track congestion is not an issue, where altitude operations are at the discretion of the pilot from CLEARANCE ALTITUDE to the MINIMUM IFR ALTITUDE.
If you report leaving an altitude you must have clearance to go back to that altitude.
Authorizes you to do any approach at the destination that you choose.
VFR on Top:
When can pilots request? What rules have to be followed? What altitude rules do you maintain? When is it usually used? What happens when requesting VFR on TOP?
Pilots may request VFR on top if they’re in VMC
Must follow both VFR and IFR
Must maintain VMC and fly VFR altitudes
Generally used for IFR-rated climb through clouds and then cancel IFR once up top.
You will be cleared to climb to an altitude and asked to report VFR on top.