HM And Case Studies Flashcards
What is a case study?
-Usually a unique case studying brain damage.
-Typically naturally occurring circumstances.
-Occur over a long period of time.
-Use a variety of research methods.
What was the aim of HM study?
To investigate how structures of the brain such as the hippocampus relate to memory.
What was the sample for the study?
1 adult male, aged 27.
What did HM have done to his brain and why?
-Had his hippocampus fully removed.
-Had severe epilepsy from a young age.
What happened to HM after his surgery?
-He could not make any new LTM.
-Could access old LTM.
-Could still use STM.
What is the conclusion from the study?
-The hippocampus is responsible for making new long-term memories.
-But LTM and STM are separate systems.
What was the procedure for the HM study?
-Used recall and maze tests and drawings of a star.
-Also give him electric shocks to see if it would help him remember.
What type of memory did HM still have and what does it suggest?
-Procedural memory(mirror drawing task).
-Suggests there are different types of LTM.
What are some strengths of case studies?
-Are not unethical as it is already happening to the person so not causing any harm.
-Done over a long period of time so very in depth info on memory.
What is some weakness of case studies?
-May be unethical as the long testing can distress a person.
-Ungeneralisable as it only tests one person.
Why is the HM case useful to psychology?
-Teaches us about the brain and different types of memory/ how the brain works.
What is strength of HM case(data).
-Used several different research methods (triangulation of data) so results are very valid.
What type of data does case study’s collect?
Qualitative data
What bias are case studies high in and why is that good?
-Alpha bias so only explain one gender and does not try to explain the other.
What is autobiographical memory?
Memories of personal experiences and events in our lives.