HIV Flashcards
Which populations are at the highest risk of HIV?
- Sub saharan Africa, especially southern africa
- men who have male sexual partners
- Children of people living with HIV
- People who inject drugs
- People who have transactional sex
Explain HIV testing
- 4th generation testing, tests the p24 antigen/HIV antibody
- There is a window period of 45 days so if you are testing someone, test them right away but also 45 days after exposure
- Confirmatory test (different assay)
- Can do POC testing
What are the symptoms of seroconversion?
•Systemic: - fever - rash •Pharyngitis •Mouth sores and thrush •Oesophageal sores • Myalgia •Enlargement of the spleen and liver •Lymphadenopathy •Skin rash •nausea and vomiting •Central: - malaise - headache - neuropathy
What are the differentials in someone with symptoms of seroconversion?
- Infectious mononucleosis
- Secondary syphilis
- Drug rash
- Other viral infections e.g. CMV, influenza
In which respiratory conditions are AIDS-defining?
- Tuberculosis
* Pneumocystis
Which neurological conditions are AIDS-defining?
- Cerebral toxoplasmosis
- Primary cerebral lymphoma
- Crytpococcal meningitis
- Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
What are the dermatological AIDS-defining conditions?
Karposi’s sarcoma
What are the gastroenterological AIDS- defining conditions?
Persistent cryptosporidosis
What viral load is undetectable?
Below 200 copies per ml
How is the CD4 count calculated?
From total lymphocyte count
Describe the natural history of HIV infection
- HIV RNA copies rapidly increase in first weeks (acute HIV)
- Falls down sharply
- Enters clinical latency for many years
- Steadily increases then sharply increases
- CD 4 count is slowly decreasing throughout after an initial sharp dip
What is the aim of HIV treatment?
Viral load suppression and CD4 recovery
What is the treatment of HIV
- HAART - highly active antiretroviral treatment
* normally triple therapy with 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and 1 drug from another class
What are the classes of antiretrovirals?
- Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
- non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
- Integrase inhibitors
- Protease inhibitors
- Other egg, CCR5 entry inhibitor
What are the challenges with ART?
- Good adherence is essential
- Psychological impact
- Short term side effects
- Longer term toxicities
- Drug-drug interactions