History The Monastery Flashcards
What is the female equivalent of a monastery?
A nunnery (or convent).
What was the purpose of a monastery?
The purpose of a monastery was to provide a secluded place where those who wanted a religious life could cut themselves off from the world and devote their time to prayer and the study of holy books.
What vows did those entering the religious life take?
Vow of obedience: obey the abbot or abbess in charge.
Vow of poverty: give up all personal possessions.
Vow of chastity: to have no sexual relations.
What did men entering the monastery do to show their devotion to God?
They shaved the tops of their heads. (Maybe dad’s a monk???)
What did women entering a convent do to show their devotion to God?
They wore a wimple covering the head and neck.
What was the most important religious order in Ireland?
The Cistercian Order.
Where was the Cistercian Order founded?
When was the Cistercian Order founded?
Who brought the Cistercian Order to Ireland?
St Malachy
When did St Malachy bring the Cistercian Order to Ireland?
The Cistercians believed in self-sufficiency. What did this mean?
They were farmers who grew all their own food and made their own habits out of sheep’s wool.
Who brought the Cistercians to Ulster?
John de Courcy
Who founded Inch Abbey and when was it founded?
John de Courcy in 1180
Who founded Grey Abbey?
John de Courcy’s wife, Affreca.
In what style of Architecture was Inch Abbey created?
Early English
What is a cloister?
Part of the monastery where monks could relax or meditate.
What was kept in the vestry?
Vestments and service equipment.
Where did the monks eat?
In the refectory.
What was kept in the chapter house?
A chapter of rules that were read every day.
Where would indoor activities take place?
In the day room.
What were monks allowed to do in the parlour?
Talk to each other.
What shape was the church of Inch Abbey?
Cruciform (cross-shaped).