History taking + examination in obs + gynae Flashcards
• Understand the basic principles of history taking of Obstetrics and Gynaecology patients
Principles of a gynae history
Same as normal
+ additional important info (e.g. last menstrual period, current cycle, contraception, last smear test)
+ sexual history (e.g. parity)
+ obstetric history
What additional questions are necessary for a gynae history (4)
LMP (last menstrual period)
Contraception/sexually active
Last smear
What are some gynae problems people present with
Menorrhagia (abnormal heavy periods)
Pelvic organ prolapse into vagina - cystocele/rectocele/uterine prolapse
Pelvic pain
Early pregnancy bleeding
What kind of questions to ask someone presenting with menorrhagia
How frequently they change their pad/tampon
Any clots in the blood
Effect on occupation/lifestyle
Principles of a gynae examination
General - hands/arms/face/neck/chest/legs
Abdo - at least inspect + palpate
Vaginal examination + speculum
ALWAYS examine before what before vagina
Vaginal examination involves feeling for the uterus - what features of uterus should we be looking out for (5)
Position - anteverted anteflexed or retroverted?
Adnexal masses (region lateral to uterus)
Tenderness/cervical excitation (pain when doing bimanual palpation)
Principles of an obstetric history
General history
+ gynae history
+ past obstetric history - type of delivery, size of baby, complications
+ additional info (parity)
What questions to ask during past obstetric history section of an obstetric history
All previous pregnancies and outcomes
Type of delivery
Weight and sex of baby
Any problems encountered during pregnancy/delivery/postnatally, e.g. gestational diabetes, PE
Principles of an obstetric examination
General examination
Abdo - inspection/palpation/auscultation of foetal heart
BP + urine dip
Findings to say to examiner on obstetric abdomen examination
The abdomen is distended - compatible with pregnancy
The fundal height is … which is/is not in keeping with gestation
The lie is longitudinal/oblique/transverse
The presentation is cephalic/breech
Head is /5 palpable
FH (range 110-160) is heard, rate =