History of the Three Physical Sciences Flashcards
Form of energy created by moving electrons
One of the firs tment to extensively study electricity and magnetism
William Gilbert of England
Experimented with electricity merit him a place among the serious investigators
Robert Boyle
Proposed that rubbing two bodies promotes attraction and no repulsion (eg, hair and comb)
Robert Boylr
Built and improved the static generator
Isaan Newton
What was Isaac Newton known for?
Gravitational force
Working with glass, silk, and paper; Distinguished two different kinds of electricity
Charles DuFay
DuFay’s electricities and modern electricity types
DuFay: vitreous & resinous
Modern: static & dynamic
Made a significant improvement in the electroscope, a vessel for discharging elecrticity under vacuum condition
Abbe Jean Antoine Nollet
forerunner of x-ray tube
vessel for discharging electricity under vacuum condition
Conducted many electrical experiment sin electricity
Benjamin Franklin
What was Benjamin Franklin known for?
Kite experiment (lighning rod)
Demonstrated a current of electricity by transmitting electricity from a Leyden jar through wires and vacuum tube
William Watson
Noticed the coloration and differences in color of partially evacuated tubes
- He noted that when a tube cracked and some air leaked in, the amount of air in the tube determined the coloration.
William Morgan
Induced an electric current by moving magnetic in and out of coil
Michael Faraday
Evolved the concept of electromagnetic induction
Michael Faraday
Most significant changes/ improvement on induction coils
HD Ruhmorff
Conducted several experiments w/ vathode rays
Johann Wilhelm Hittorf
Furthered the study of cathode rays
William Crookes and Philipp Lenard
Where the idea of x-ray started
Cathode rays
1643, produced the 1st recognized vacuum when he invented barometer
Evangelista Torricelli
When was the barometer invented?
1646, invented air pump that was capable of removing air in the vessel tube
Otto Van Guericke
1659, repeated Guericke’s experiment
Robery Boyle
1865, repeated Guericke’s experiment
Herman Sprengel
produced a radiograph in 1890 (but was not credited for his discovery)
William Goodspeed
Produced the first photographic copy of written material in 1727
JH Scultz
When was the first photographic copoy of written material produced?
Produced a film with a gelatin silver bromide in 1871
RL Maddox
Basic component for film
Gelatin silver bromide
Produced and patented roll-paper film in 1884
George Eastman