History of sport - Sociological Theory applied to sport Flashcards
What is society:
- An organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest
What is socialisation:
- A lifelong process whereby members of a society learn its norms, values, ideas, practices and roles in order to take their place in that society
What is primary socialisation:
- Refers to socialization during the early years of childhood which takes place mainly with immediate family (mum+dad+siblings)
What is secondary socialisation:
This occurs during the later years (teenagers and adults) when the family is less involved and other agencies deliberately set up for (peer groups, friends, schools)
What is gender socialisation:
involves the learning of behaviour and attitudes historically considered appropriate for a given sex. ‘Boys learn to be boys’ and ‘girls learn to be girls’ via many different agents of socialisation family, friends, mass media
What is internalization:
- The learning of values or attitudes that are incorporated within yourself
What is a social process:
- Forms of social interaction between individuals and groups which occur again and again
What is social control:
A concept that refers to they way in which people’s thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviour are regulated in social systems
What is a Institution:
- An established organisations founded for a religious, educational, professional or social purpose
What is a social process:
- Forms of social interaction between individuals and groups which occur again and again
What is social control:
- A concept that refers to the way in which people’s thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviour are regulated in social systems
What is an institution:
- An established organisation founded for a religious, educational, professional or social purpose
What is social change:
- An alteration in the social order of a society. E.g. significant changes in social behaviors and/or cultural values over time leading to long-term effects
What is “This girl can” produced by Sport England:
Aim - To tackle the gender activity gap
- They lead campaigns and classes
- This was funded National Lottery
What is “Cricket for change” produced by The Change Foundation:
Aim - Provide opportunities for young people inspired by mainstream provision
- Created a 5-day training camp designed for selected students they were trained tp work o cricket skills and life skills
- Funded by Shahid Afridi
What is inequality:
- The unfair situation where resources or opportunities are distributed unevenly within a society
What is social issues:
- Problem/conflict which affects a considerable number of people in society E.g. gender or disability discrimination, drug abuse and low activity patterns linked to health/obesity problems
Possible of causes of inequality:
1) Lack of money
2) Lack of confidence
3) Lack of role models to aspire to
What is social stratification:
- A type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on the basis of a social characteristics, such as wealth or social status
What is Social Class:
- A term used to define social inequalities. Factors which contribute social class include a person’s job, family, background, education and income
social class/ stratification and schools: