History of Psychology (Unit 1) Flashcards
wondered how sensations and perceptions combined to form ideas
Stressed power of ideas, people should be governed by moral decisions
emphasized importance of self-examination and personal reflection
Believed in innate knowledge, supports dualism- body and mind
Suggested that knowledge (ideas) grow from experience and memories, denied innate ideas
Agreed with Plato, dissected animals, “reflexes) as unconscious body reactions to environmental stimuli
Rene Descartes
one of the founders of modern science, particularly experimental method.
Francis Bacon
supported monism and knowledge comes from observation
John Locke
Knowledge comes from experience via senses and science flourishes through observation and reason
founder/father of psychology, used technique called introspection- means to look within one self-reflective and report thinking, feeling at particular moment
William Wundt
set up first psych lab using introspection at john hopkins, became first president of APA
Stanley Hall
student of wundt who joined cornell university
Edward Titchener
Supported structuralism- early thought that focused on inner workings of unconscious mind’s elements by breaking down mental processes to understand mind as a whole
wundt, hall, titchener
introduced functionalism- school of thought that focused on how and why the mind works
william james
Student of William James first female president of american psychology association
Mary Calkins
first female to receive phd in psychology advised by thitcher, second female president of apa
Margaret Washburn
founder of behaviorism- science rooted in overt behavior that observers could record and measure
john b watson
studied how behavior is shaped by rewards/punishments or positive and negative outcomes
H. B.F. skinner