History Of Psychological Testing Flashcards
Attain certainty through measurements,
10 tests based on Galton
Physiognomy & phrenology
Judge personality on outward characteristics (Aristotle, lavater)
Bumps on your head indicate your personality (gall)
Thought meter
Made the first psych lab in Leipzig
Series of simple tasks (sensorimotor)
Intellect by reaction time
Alfred Binet
First modern intelligence test
Mental retardation
Binet-Simon test
Simple sensory test and complex verbal test
Emphasis on verbal
Wants to classify
Adapted binet-Simon test to classify children according to retardation
-> invited to Ellis island to test immigrants
Stanford-Binet test (Terman)
Revised Bibers scales and standardized the test-> IQ
WWI alpha and beta tests
Sigmund Freud
Id, Ego, Superego
Projective testing
Respond to ambiguous or unstructured stimuli to reveal inner most needs
Free association test
- Freud
- Jung: 100 words participants had to reply quick
- Kent & Rosanoff: comparing subjects answes
Rorschach test
Has a tendency to fake
Sentence completion test
Underlying emotions
Thematic apperception test (tat)
Pictures, participants have to make a story shows underlying needs due to hero assumption