History of Life on Earth - Ch. 18 Flashcards
Fossil records
how scientists date and record and reconstruct history. Fossils can be found in sedimentary rock, mineralized, and organic. The fossil record is an incomplete record, this is because some organisms may not have been preserved, some destroyed, and some not found yet.
Relative dating
uses the order of rock strata to determine relative age of fossils.
Radiometric dating
measures decay of radioactive isotopes present in layers where fossils are found - uses half life, which is the amount of time it takes for 50% of the substance to decay
How many years ago was the first prokaryote present?
3.5 billion years ago
When did O2 start to accumulate in the atmosphere?
2.7 billion years ago
When were the first eukaryotes present?
2.1 billion years ago
When did the first multicellular eukaryotes appear?
1.2 billion years ago
When did plants start colonization?
500 million years ago
When did humans appear?
200,000 years ago
Endosymbiat theory
mitochondria and plastids were once individual and small prokaryotes. eventually the prokaryotes joined together with a smaller cell and worked cohesively together, eventually forming what is known today as a eukaryotes.
Evidence of endosymbiat theory
replication of binary fission, single and circular DNA, ribosomes to make proteins, enzymes similar to living prokaryotes, and two membranes
was a super continent that formed about 750 million years ago. continental drift helps explain many bio-geographical puzzles, such as the separation of the continents. movement of the continental plates change geographically and climate of earth and caused mass extinctions.
Pre-cambrian era
microscopic fossils, development of photosynthesis and eukaryotic species (endosymbiat theory)
Paleozoic era
cambrian explosion, plants invade the land and animals start to appear. During this era the permian extinction occurs, causing 96% of species to go extinct
Mesozoic era
age of reptiles and plants and the origin of mammals, formation of pangea, there is a cretaceous extinction that occurs because of an asteroid off Mexico’s coast
primates form
Evolutionary development (Evo Devo)
evolutionary developmental biology. evolution of new forms results from changes in DNA or regulation of developmental genes
Gene regulation
also called homeotic genes, and they are responsible for master regulatory genes that determine location and organization of body parts
evolutionary change in rate of developmental events
Hox genes
an example of homeotic genes.
a group of related genes that control the body plan of an embryo along the cranio-caudal axis (head tail axis).
After the embryonic segments have formed, the Hox proteins determine the type of segment structures (e.g. legs, antennae, and wings in fruit flies or the different types of vertebrae in humans) that will form on a given segment.
structures that evolve but become co-opted for another function. an example would be bird feathers = thermoregulation and flight
the formation of two species from one original species
for speciation to occur, two new populations must form from one original population and evolve in that it becomes impossible for individuals from two populations to interbreed
changes in allele frequencies (different versions of a gene) within a single gene pool
evolutionary change above the species level
population or group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring
Another defintion of species, refers to the body shape, size, and other structural features
Another definition of species, refers to the niche/ role in a community
Another definition of species, refers to the a share in a common ancestor, form one branch on the tree of life
Allopatric speciation
geographically isolated populations, cause by geological events. evolves by natural selection and genetic drift
Sympatric speciation
overlapping populations within the same geographical area. gene flow can be blocked by polypoidy (no proper separation of chromosomes), habitat differentiation, and sexual selection
extra sets of chromosomes, failure of cell division
2 species produces a hybrid
Prezygotic barriers
prevent mating or hinder fertilization
Types of prezygotic barriers
habitat isolation, temporal isolation, behavioral isolation (mating calls/rituals), mechanical isolation (can’t be enseminated), gametric isolation (mating occurs but no fertilization)
Postzygotic barriers
prevent hybrid zygote from becoming an adult
Types of postzygotic barriers
reduce hybrid variability (won’t live past adolescence), reduced hybrid fertility (cannot reproduce), and hybrid breakdown (offspring is infertile)
type of time course of speciation, has a common ancestor, the change is slow and constant. The organism comes from one ancestor, but eventually, slowly over time, the common ancestor will divulge into two different species
Punctuated equilibrium
type of time course of speciation, long periods of stasis punctuated by sudden change seen in fossil record. Long pause, then all of a sudden a new species occur . This may occur because the fossil record is incomplete or sparse
Hybrid zones
incomplete reproductive barriers, possible outcomes for this can be reinforcement, fusion, and stability
hybrids will be much less fit than the original species. Eventually the species will not be able to produce more hybrids or will not survive
the barriers between two species reproducing will weaken, and two species will fuse or join together and become one species
over time, the hybrids will be become fixed and continue to be reproduced
How did life arise?
1.Small organic molecules were synthesized
2.Small molecules, macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids)
3.Packaged into protocells(membrane-containing droplets)
4.Self-replicating molecules allow for inheritance
“RNA World”: 1st genetic material most likely RNA First catalysts = ribozymes (RNA)
Theory of how biomolecules developed
Early atmosphere = H2O vapor, N2, CO2, H2, H2S methane, ammonia
Energy = lightning & UV radiation
Conditions favored synthesis of organic compounds - a “primitive soup”