Animal Diversity - Ch. 27 Flashcards
Edicaran biota
evolved around 635-543 mya - time before the cambrian explosion
may have evolved from protists
were only a few mm or cm long
Cambrian explosion
includes animals with multiple body parts that are similar to today
is 542-488 mya
animals were similar to echinoderms, molluks, worms, anthropoda, and chordates
dominate species during this time was the trilobite, which was an arthropod which may have been able to see.
thousands of species from this period but none are alive
Mesozoic era
251-65.5 mya
coral reefs evolved, becoming an important marine ecological niches for other organisms
plesiosaurs were reptiles that returned to water
dinosaurs were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates
first mammals appear
flowering plants and insects diversified
Cenozoic era
65.5 mya - present
beginning of the era marked by a mass existinction of both terrestrials and marine animals
mammals increased in size and exploited vacated ecological niches
the global climate cooled
cell structure of animals
animals are multicellular eukaryotes
cells lack cell wall
bodies are held together by structural proteins such as collagen
nervous tissue and muscle tissue are unique, defining characteristics of animals
animals that have an ectoderm and an endoderm
animals have an intervening mesoderm layer
the innermost germ layer and lines the developing digestive tube, called the archenteron
the germ layer covering the embryos surface
radial symmetry
no front or back, and no left or right
typically are sessile animals, often drifting or swimming weakly
asymmetrical symmetry
having no symmetry
bilateral symmetry
two sided symmetry
have a dorsal (top) and a ventral (bottom), a right and left, and an anterior (head) and posterior (tail)
bilateral animals typically move actively and have a central nervous system
term used to describe a fluid filled cavity or space
placental vertebrates develop both extraembryonic and intraembryonic coeloms
instraembryonic coelom is intially a single space located in the mesoderm, which will later form the major body cavities
any group of invertebrates with a three layer body that has a bluid filled body cavity between the endoderm and the mesoderm
animals that lack a body cavity
cleavage pattern of protostomes
spiral and determinate
the blastopore becomes the mouth
tissues in gastrulation
gastrulation is when the tissues form
-stage of the embryo with two or three cell layers
what is the nutritional mode of animals?
they are heterotrophs
what is the reproduction and development modes of most animals?
- most animals reproduce sexually with their diploid stage dominating the life cycle
- after sperm fertilizes an egg, a zygote undergoes rapid cell division called a cleavage
- a cleavage leads to the formation of a multicellular, hallow blastula
- the blastula undergoes gastrulation, forming a gastrula with different layers of embryonic tissues
cleavage pattern of deuterstomes
radial and indeterminate
the blastula becomes the anus
an early development of an embryo, consisting of a spherical cell layer and a fluid filled cavity