History Of Globalization Flashcards
apart from being a meeting ground for presidents and other heads of state, it also has a task-specific agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO)
The UN (United Nations)
is a relatively modern phenomenon in human history, and people did not always organize themselves as countries.
The nation-state
refers to a country and its government, i.e.,the government of the Philippines.
A state has four attributes.
• First, it exercises authority over a specific population, called its citizens.
• Second, it governs a specific territory.
Third, a state has a structure of government that crafts various rules that people (society) follow.
• Fourth and the most crucial, the state has sovereignty over its territory.
here refers to internal and external authority.
Internally, no individuals or groups can operate in a given national territory by ignoring the state.
means that a state’s policies and procedures are independent of the interventions of other states.
Russia or China, for example, cannot pass laws for the Philippines and vice versa.
On the other hand, the nation, according to_____, is an “imagined community”
Benedict Anderson
It is limited because it does not go beyond a given “official boundary.” and because rights and responsibilities are mainly the privilege and concern of the citizens of that nation.
Being limited means that the____ has its boundaries. This characteristic is in stark contrast to many religious imagined communities
often limit themselves to people who have imbibed a particular culture, speak a common language, and live in a specific territory.
allows one to feel a connection with a community of people even if he/she
will never meet all of them in his/her lifetime.
most nations strive to become____.
Nation-builders can only feel a sense of fulfillment when that national ideal assumes an organizational form whose authority and power are recognized and accepted by “the people.”
• nation and state are closely related because it is______ that facilitates state formation.
In the modern and contemporary era. it has heen the_____ movements that have allowed for the creation of nation-states.
States become independent and sovereign because of nationalist sentiment that clamors for this independence.
a system of heightened interaction between various sovereign states, particularly the desire for greater cooperation and unity among states and peoples, This desire is called_______
Internationalism comes in different forms, but the principle may be divided into two broad categories:
liberal internationalism
socialist internationalism
World Politics has four key attributes:
- There are countries or states that are independent and govern themselves.
- These countries interact with each other through diplomacy
- There are international organisations, like the United Nations (UN), that facilitate these interactions
- Beyond simply facilitating meetings between states, international organisations also take on lives of their own.
for example, apart from being a meeting ground for presidents and other heads of state, it also has a task-specific agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO)
UN (United Nations)
is a relatively modern phenomenon in human history, and people did not always organize themselves as countries.