Global Governance and Global Interstate System Set 2 Flashcards
This is usually referred to as international intergovernmental organizations or groups that primarily made up of member-states.
Which of the statements below are not part of the powers of IOs?
IOs have the power to diffuse norms
IOs have the power of classifications
IOs have the power to redirect the movement of globalization
IOs have the power to fix meanings.
1Os have the power to redirect the movement of globalization
Aside from Michael N. Barnett, she also listed the powers of IOs, who is this person?
Martha Finnemore
A. UN started to define security that it is not limited to safety from military violence but also safety from environmental harm.
B. IOs have the power to introduce laws to its nation-states.
B. First statement is true and second statement is false
A. It is a fallacy that IOs are merely gathering and meetings of nation-states delegates without any people that were really employed part of it.
B. Statement A is true.
D. Both statements are true
A. It was the famous Nobel-prize winning economist John Maynard Keynes who criticized the IMF for using a “one-size-fits-all” approach when economists made recommendations to developing countries.
B. United Nations is a global government.
A. Both statements are false
Which among the members of the Security is not part of P5?
A. GA is UN’s main deliberative policymaking and representative organ.
B. While the SC takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or an act of aggression.
D. Both statements are true
This is the principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue, and recommendations on social and environmental issues. (Use the acronym only and all CAPITAL LETTERS)
A. One of the biggest challenge of UN is related to issues of security.
B. Statement A is true.
D. Both statements are true
A. The vetoing power of the Security Council especially the 5 permament members was to ensure that there are protections from the member states about their sovereign in case United Nations will just rashly intervene.
B. The best case scenario that the sovereign state will have a conditional sovereignty over their nation once its own government cannot protect and is not willing to carry out its responsibility to protect its own people.
D. Both statements are true
A. In an event in the world where the R2P (Responsibility to Protect) was implemented in Libya in 2011, UN was successful in saving Libya.
B. The above statement is false because R2P was a failure in Libya, though they have saved Benghazi was they lost Libya.
C. First statement is false and second statement is true
This organ’s role is to resolve legal disputes between states and to provide advisory opinions on legal issues referred to it by UN organs.
Trusteeship Council
This is the principal administrative officer at all UN sessions and manages the budget.
ECOSOC President
GA Budget Secretary
USA as a member elect for budget cases of Security Council
Secretary General
Secretary General
This is the country where US tried to create a resolution to enter this nation because of Weapon on Mass Destruction whose resolution were vetoed by almost all members of the permanent five Security Council.