History-Medicine Key Question 4(medical knowledge) Flashcards
What were main ideas in the Middle Ages?
The four humours, based on Hippocrates and Galen, were key to their ideas as they believed that yellow bile, black bile, phlegm and blood needed to be balanced otherwise they caused illnesses.
What other ideas were there about illnesses in the Middle Ages?
Alchemy was used as they were searching for the Elixir of life. Doctors believed that the movement of stars influenced the body and churches encouraged people to pray to prevent illnesses and beg for forgiveness.
How did Vesalius help with medical knowledge?(Early Modern)
Vesalius carried our his own dissections on human bodies instead of animals, meaning it was more accurate. However the church disagreed as he was known to take bones from graves. He used his ideas to publish a book called ‘Fabric of the human body’ in 1543.
What advances in medical knowledge were made in the Modern Era?
Pasteur developed the term theory as he established a link between germs and disease. He said that microorganisms were responsible for disease. Koch took Pasteur’s work further and he linked particular germs to particular diseases. He identified the bacteria that caused tuberculosis and cholera. In 1910 Ehrlich then developed magic bullets which targeted specific germs that caused illness without effecting anything else.
What technology caused advances in the Modern Era?
X-rays were used to photograph bones and foreign bodies. Ultrasound could see inside the human body and look at organs and unborn babies. MRI scans also built up pictures of organs and tissues. PET uses tracers to produce 3D images of tissues and bones. CT uses multiple images to get a cross section area of the body.
What did Crick, Watson and Franklin research?
In 1853 they published papers about DNA. They said it carried genetic information about materials in human beings and this led to copying cells when researchers cloned dolly the sheep in 1996.
Who were Hippocrates and Galen? (before the Middle ages?
Hippocarates was the father of medicine from Ancient Greece and came up with the idea of the four humours. Galen was from Ancient Rome and developed his ideas with the theory of opposites.
How did Pare help with medical knowledge?(Early Modern)
Pare was a surgeon in the French army and ran out of hot oil to burn the skin and stop bleeding during war. He came up with egg yolk, turpentine and rose oil to use instead. He also developed ligatures to tie off after amputation and later developed artificiallimbs.
How did Harvey help with medical knowledge?(Early Modern)
Harvey discovered that blood pumped around the body was taught that the veins in the body had valves so it blood pumped one way. He showed that the liver was not the centre of the body like Galen had said and that it was insteasd the heart. He published ‘On the motion of the heart’ in 1628.