History Flashcards
Current Pregnancy
GETS(2) A FAMILY mneumonic
Gestation (wk+days) EDD Twins/singleton Specialist in charge - midwife or consultant Scans ok
Anticipated pregnancy
Folic (a)cid
Movement of foetus
Illness during pregnancy
Your choices
Current Pregnancy
When many wks before they’d expect movements of the foetus?
What can make LMP inaccurate?
20 wks - if they’ve had 1 child - primiparous
16 wks - if they've had more than 1 child - multiparous ---- Irregular cycles Long cycles Hormonal contraception
Past Obstetrics History:
What other types of pregnancy should you not forget to ask about? - 2
What do you ask about in previous pregnancies? - 5
Miscarriages and terminations (+reason for termination)
Problems during pregnancy -
Delivery method - vaginal, assisted, C-section
Delivery complications - shoulder dystocia etc.
Baby - birthweight/sex
Past Obstetrics History:
Gravidity - what is it?
Parity - what is it?
Number of pregnancies that a woman has had to any stage, including the current one
Pregnancies that resulted in delivery beyond 24 wks gestation
Past gynaecological history:
What should you ask about?
Just do a quick gynae history!!!!
Contraception Pre-conception Difficulties with conception Smear history Previous gynae problems or procedures
Past medical history:
Kidney disease
Clotting problems - DVT, PE, thrombophilia, sickle cell etc.
Epilepsy - anti-epileptics are teratogenic
Asthma - may get worse in pregnancy
Thyroid disease
HTN and heart problems - Increased CO might cause strain
Smears up to date?
Family History:
What to ask about? - 2
Pregnancy complications that may run in the family?
History of diseases or congenital abnormalities:
- Genetic disease
- Learning difficulties
Ask about issues with current children
Abnormal labour
Drug history:
What drugs may they be raking during pregnancy? - 2
What should you make sure to ask about?
Folic acid
Allergies - latex and anaesthetic agents
Social history:
What to ask about? - 4
Alcohol and smoking + RD
Support at home
Domestic violence - escalates in pregnancy
Martial status