History Flashcards
4 cardinal symptoms
Chest pain
Chest pain - how to ask about?
Ask about if it is worse breathing in or out
- Site – where is the pain
- Onset – when did it start? / sudden vs gradual?
- Character – sharp / dull ache / burning
- Radiation – does the pain move anywhere else?
- Associations – other symptoms associated with the pain
- Time course – worsening / improving / fluctuating / time of day dependent
- Exacerbating / Relieving factors – does anything make the pain worse or better?
- Severity – on a scale of 0-10, how severe is the pain?
What 2 parameters need to be determined?
How can the severity of breathlessness be graded?:
- Grade 1 being the best and grade 5 being the worst
Now Baseline (good to know what they can do especially is they have a chronic disease)
(1) SOB on strenuous exercise
(2) SOB when hurrying on level or uphill
(3) Slower walker
(4) SOB after a few minutes on level ground tops for breath after walking about 100 yards or after a few minutes on level ground
(5) Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when undressing
What to ask first?
Q’s to ask about sputum?
If it is dry or productive
Volume - teaspoon, tablespoon, egg cup, tea cup?
Q’s to ask?
Time of day / Triggers
What to ask for every cardinal symptom except chest pain?
Onset / Duration / Course / Severity / Precipitating factors / Relieving factors / Associated features / Previous episodes)
Systemic symptoms - 4
Weight loss - lung cancer, TB
Night sweats
Leg pain and dizziness - PE
PMH - what to ask? - 4
Respiratory conditions – asthma / pneumonia / COPD / PE / malignancy / TB
Other medical co-morbidities –CVD/ neuromuscular disease/malignancy
Surgical history
Acute hospital admissions / ITU admissions?
Drug Hx - what to ask? - 4
What should you never forget to ask about in a drug history?
Regular medications – often provide useful clues as to patients past medical history
- Inhalers – preventer/reliever
- Steroids
- Diuretics
OTC/herbal remedies?
Home oxygen?
Medications with respiratory side effects - what resp symptom do the following cause?
- Beta-Blockers / NSAIDs
- ACE inhibitors
- Cytotoxic agents
- Oestrogen – e.g. contraceptive pill / HRT
- Amiodarone / Methotrexate
Bronchoconstriction - COVID 19
Dry cough
Interstitial lung disease
Increased risk of PE - VTE
Pleural effusions / interstitial lung disease
Family Hx - what to ask?
Respiratory disease? – asthma / atopy / lung cancer / cystic fibrosis
Recent contact with others who were unwell? – viral infections / pneumonia / TB
Social Hx:
How to ask about smoking?
How to ask about alcohol?
Smoking – How many cigarettes a day? How long have they smoked for?
Alcohol – How many units a week? – be specific about type / volume / strength of alcohol
Recreational drug use – e.g. Cannabis (increased risk of lung cancer)
Social Hx:
Living situation - what to ask about?
Activities of daily living - what q’s do you ask to assess this?
Why is it important to ask about pets?
• House / Flat – stairs / adaptations / home oxygen
• Who lives with the patient? – important when considering discharge from hospital
• Any carer input? – what level of care do they receive?
• Is the patient independent/able to fully care for themselves?
• Can they manage self-hygiene/housework/food shopping?
They may be ALLERGIC
Social Hx:
What is important to ask shipyard/construction/plumbers about in terms of exposure?
What resp illness could miners suffer from?
What resp illness could farmers suffer from?
Shipyard / Construction / Plumber – Asbestos
Pneumoconiosis - a disease of the lungs due to inhalation of dust, characterized by inflammation, coughing, and fibrosis.
Farmer – Allergic extrinsic alveolitis - ALLERGY
Social Hx:
Hobbies - what resp illness could bird fanciers suffer from?
Hobbies – Bird fancier – Allergic extrinsic alveolitis - ALLERGY
Travel Hx:
Why do you ask about travel history?
Why do you ask about long haul flights?
High-risk areas for tuberculosis (TB)?
Risk of PE