History Flashcards
During the Holocaust, what Swedish diplomat in Budapest provided at least 20,000 Jews with Swedish passports and protection?
Raoul Wallenburg
First U.S. President?
George Washington
Who was killed on the Ides of March?
Julius Caesar (44BC)
Who painted the “Mona Lisa”?
Leonardo da Vinci
Who was the Greek king who conquered Persia?
Alexander the Great (Macedon 336-323)
Who led French armies against the British in the Hundred Years War?
Joan of Arc
Who was the first blind and deaf college graduate?
Helen Keller
Who started the Protestant Reformation?
Martin Luther
Who first theorized gravity?
Isaac Newton
Who was the state of Virginia named after?
Queen Elizabeth I
Who started the Spanish Inquisition and funded Christopher Columbus’s travels to America?
Queen Isabella of Castile
Elizabeth I was associated with what house?
The house of Tudor (a royal house of Welsh origin)
What is a draft of a proposed law that is presented to parliament?
Which U.S. state was the first to legalize same-sex marriage, in 2004?
What conquistador conquered the Aztecs?
Hernán Cortés
Name the Chief Justice who has administered the Oath of Office to the most presidents.
Roger Taney
What was the first permanent English settlement in Northern America?
Jamestown (founded in 1607)
What is the first known empire?
the Akkadian
formed around 2250 B.C.
“If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye. If one break a man’s bone, they shall break his bone.”
In what legal code was this written in?
Code of Hammurabi
Who was the first Roman emperor?
Augustus Caesar
What was the name of the angel that spoke to Muhammad?
What mathematician and physicist was born the same year that Galileo Galilei died?
Isaac Newton
In this philosophy, Jen and Li are the two most important virtues. Who created this philosophy?
Jen - humanity, love
Li- etiquette, propriety, ritual
Who invented paper?
Ts’ai Lun
(Also commonly reffered to as Cài Lún)
On whose tomb is this written:
“Let mortals rejoice that so great an ornament to the human race has existed!”
Isaac Newton’s
Who ordered a book burning in 213BC on the Asian continent?
Shi Huang
The span of tranquility after Augustus Caesar is called what?
Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
In what year did the first powered flight take place?
1903 (thanks to the Wright brothers)
What year did the Titanic sink?
RMS= Royal Mail Ship
What global event began in the same year that the Panama Canal first opend?
World War I (1914)
In what year was the insulin treatment for diabetes developed?
In 1922 by Fredrick Banting, Charles Best, J. J. R. Macleod, and James Collip
In what year did President Nixon resign due to the Watergate scandal?
He is the only president to resign from office
What was the name of the president who caught pneumonia and died within a month of presidency?
William Harrison
(John Tyler, his Vice Precedent, succeeded Harrison)
(His grandson Benjamin Harrison became the 23rd president)
What year was the Louisiana Purchase made?
In what war were the British able to set fire to the White House?
The War of 1812
What amendment abolished slavery?
13th (in 1865)
What did the 18th Amendment in 1919 prohibit?
“Intoxicating liquors”
Repealed in 1933 by the 21st Admendment
During the third term of Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency, this amendment was created to limit the presidency to two terms in office.
The 22nd Amendment (1951)
In what year was the Great Stock Market Crash?
When was the Berlin Wall erected and removed?
What were the Wars of the Roses?
The rivalry for the throne between the Lancastrians (represented by red roses) and the Yorkists (represented by white roses) in Britain in the 15th century
Who founded the world’s first Communist state?
Vladimir Lenin
What was the name of the first satellite in space?
Sputnik, a Russian satellite (1957)
What was the name of the first man in space?
Yuri Gagarin, a Russian man (1961)
Under whom was the Communist USSR ended?
Gorbachev (who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990)
Who was the last czar in Russia?
Nicholas II (he and his family were murdered during the October Revolution, or Russian Revolution, in 1917)
What French emperor was defeated at Waterloo and exiled to St Helena?
Napoleon I
What is the name of the massacre in France in which over 3,000 Protestants died? This day is said to have been instigated by Catherine de Medici, King Charles IX’s mother.
St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
First Emperor of China?
Shih Huang-ti (Shi Huang)
Which dynasty was the first to rule over all of China?
the Han dynasty (founded by Kao-tsu)
Who was the leader of the Huns?
Attila (the Hun)
Last survivor of the Mayflower?
Mary Allerton (who died in Nov 1699)
Who was the first Christian Roman emperor?
Constantine the Great
During which presidency were these states added?
North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee
During George Washington’s presidency
Who was the Greek philosopher that wrote /The Republic/ and believed that the best form of government would’ve been an aristocracy of merit?
Who was the military leader in the 1600’s that led the Parliamentary forces to victory in the English Civil War?
Oliver Cromwell
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
Who discovered penicillin and was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 for this discovery?
Alexander Fleming
What was the first American university?
Harvard University, Massachusetts 1636
Who was the only bachelor president?
James Buchanan
Who killed these men and in what year? •Abraham Lincoln (16th potus) •James Garfield (20th potus) •William McKinley (25th potus) •Huey Long (aka The King Fish; created "Share Our Wealth" program; 40th governor of Louisiana) •John F. Kennedy (35th potus) •Martin Luther King
Abraham Lincoln (1865) - John Wilkes Booth
James Garfield (1881) - Charles J. Guiteau
William McKinley (1901) - Leon Czolgosz
Huey Long (1935) - Dr. Carl Weiss
John F. Kennedy (1963) - Lee Oswald
Martin Luther King (1968) - James Earl Ray
What was the names of Hitler’s dog?
Who was the first president in the Philippians?
Manuel Quezon
Where on the moon did Apollo 11, the first maned moon landing, take place?
On the Sea on Tranquility
Which US document in known as the supreme law of the land?
the Constitution
What was the name of the Wright brother’s first plane?
Flyer 1
In what place did the Wright Brother’s fly the first controlled powered plane, named Flyer 1?
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in December 17, 1903
Who came up with this thought experiment: We place a living cat into a steel chamber, along with a device containing a vial of hydrocyanic acid. There is, in the chamber, a very small amount of hydrocyanic acid, a radioactive substance. If even a single atom of the substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip a hammer, which will, in turn, break the vial and kill the cat. The observer cannot know whether or not an atom of the substance has decayed, and consequently, cannot know whether the vial has been broken, the hydrocyanic acid released, and the cat killed. Since we cannot know, according to quantum law, the cat is both dead and alive, in what is called a superposition of states.
Erwin Schrödinger
AKA Schrödinger’s cat
What does ISIS stand for?
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
The term “Siamese twins” was named after whom?
Chang and Eng, the “original” Siamese twins from Siam
What phrase is used to describe the practice of politicians making reference to the blood of martyrs or heroes to criticize opponents?
“To wave a bloody shirt”
What did Rune Elmlqvist invent in 1958?
the first implantable pacemaker
Who was the Tzar of Russia during the 1905 tragedy, Bloody Sunday?
Nicholas II
Who was the 14th century Egyptian queen who was married to Akhenaton and worshipped only Aten?