Definitions+Etymology Flashcards
Literal Meaning of Renaissance
The word “quiz” was coined by whom?
Jim Daly Irishman Original meaning: trick
Napoleon had ailurophobia, which was the fear of what?
“Veni Vidi Vici” said by whom?
Julius Ceasar “I came, I saw, I conquered. “
What is also known as Quick Silver?
“Anesthesia” was coined by whom?
Oliver Windell Holmes
Words that contain all of the vowels in order?
Facetious (treating serious issues with inappropriate humor) and Abstemious (not self indulgent)
Words with all of the vowels in reverse order?
Uncomplimentary, Subcontinental Unproprietary, Unoriental
Scientific name for Vitamin-C?
Ascorbic Acid
What does “planet” literally mean?
Wanderer Greek
Define epithet.
a byname, nickname, or descriptive term or phrase of a person
Define epitaph.
a short text honoring a deceased person
What is a common word that means “sobriquet”?
Define octogenarian.
a person whose age is in the eighties (Latin octo : eight + ginta> viginti : twenty)
Dramatize definition?
to adapt a written work into a movie or play (Greek drama > dran : do,act)
What does Sacajawea literally mean?
“bird woman” from Hidatsa
Of whom is the term “siamese twins” names after?
Chang and Eng (1811-1874) who were born in Siam and lived an active life
Define euonym.
a good name; an appropriate name for a person, place, or thing
What does wampum mean?
a quantity of small cylindrical beads made by North American Indians from quahog shells, strung together and worn as a decorative belt or other decoration or used as money.
Define paedonymic.
a name derived from one’s child