Foriegn Words+Etymology Flashcards
Define carillons. Where did it come from?
A set of 4 bells in a tower. latin quadrinio.
The messenger who walks in front of their army?
Hurrah originated where? What did it mean?
Cossacks in Russia. Attack!
Define: Oneiromancy
the interpretation of dreams to forecast the future
the predicting of the future from reading someone’s hands
Origin of migraine?
greek / hemicrania : half of the skull
Explosive word related to pomegranate?
grenade, which in french is grenate which means both grenade and pomegranate. (Latin)
Coffee. Origin?
Chimpanzee. Origin?
Kikongo from the Congo
Giraffe. Origin?
Skunk. Origin?
Massachusett (Native American)
Sugar. Origin?
Taboo. Origin?
Tongan, Spoken in Tonga near Fiji
Cotton. Origin?
Broccoli. Origin?
Alcohol. Origin?
Alarm. Origin?
Italian alarme Fr. > allarme Italian > all’ arme Italian “to arms”
Karaoke. Origin?
Japanese literally “empty orchestra”
Malaria. Origin?
Italian mala aria “bad air”
Escape. Origin?
Medieval Latin excappa “out of cape”
Quarantine. Origin?
Latin quaranta “forty”
Checkmate. Origin?
Persisn šād manad “king is dead”
Goodbye. Origin?
English (16th century) from God be with you.
Biscuit. Origin?
Latin Bis coctus “twice cooked”
Muscle. Origin?
latin musculus “little mouse”
Bandanna. Origin?
Robot. Origin?
Czech robota “forced labor”
Define and Origin. à la carte (a-la-cart)
separate prices for each item on a menu (French)
Define and Origin. a la mode (a-la-mōd)
topped with ice cream; stylish (French)
Define and Origin. ad hoc (ad-hok)
“for this”; created for a particular purpose, usually to designate a committee (Latin)
Define and Origin. ad nauseam (ad-no-sē-um)
“to sickness”; to a disgusting or ridiculous degree (Latin)
Define and Origin. al fresco ( al-fres-cō)
“in the fresh”; fresh, open air (Italian)
Define and Origin. alma mater
nurturing mother; the place where someone was educated (latin)
Define and Origin. alpha and omega
the beginning and the end (Greek)
Define and Origin. ante bellum (antē-bel-um)
before the war; in USA, before the Civil War (Latin)
Define and Origin. avert garde (avont-gard)
innovative; new technique (French)
Define and Origin. bon apétit (bon-apātē)
“good appetite”; enjoy your meal (French)
Define and Origin. bona fide (bōna fīd)
in good faith; genuine (Latin)
Define and Origin. carpe diem (carpā dē-um)
seize the day; enjoy the day (Latin)
Define and Origin. carte blanche (cart-blonk)
“blank document”; freedom to act (French)
Define and Origin. caveat emptor (cavē-et- emp-tor)
let the buyer beware (Latin)
Define and Origin. C’est la vie (sā-la-vē)
“that’s life”; a submission to fate (French)
The distress signal “Mayday” is derived from?
French - French m’aidez, meaning ‘Help me’.
What is an Old English word beginning with N that means deer entrails?
What is the Japanese name for edible seaweed?