Histories (specialties) Flashcards
Paediatric Hx (what extra questions to include)?
B = Birth
F = feeding (+ toileting)
G = growth
D = development
Paeds Hx questions:
(B F G D)
What does B include?
B = birth
Pregnancy: any abnormal scans? maternal illness? alcohol/drug use?
Birth: location, gestation time, mode of delivery, birth complications, neonantal problems (jaundice, fits, admisisons to neonatal units)
Paeds Hx questions:
(B F G D)
What does F include?
F = Feeding
- how much child normally feeds - compare against normal feeding
- mode: breast/bottle/weaning/solid meals?
- toileting (usually trained 2-4 y)
*dry by day 2 y
*dry by night 3-4 y
Paeds Hx questions:
(B F G D)
What does G include?
G = growth
- Weight: ask for red book (0-5y)
- Puberty: boys 12y, girls 11y
Paeds Hx questions:
(B F G D)
What does D include?
D = development
- any concerns
- school: progress and attendance
- developmental screen (if <5)
Components of the developmental screen (6)
- smiling -> by 6 weeks
- turning to sound -> by 6 months
- sitting -> by 9 months
- first word -> by 18 months
- walking -> by 18 months
- short sentence -> by 3 years
SH in paeds
- family: parents, sibilings/who lives at home
- does anyone smoke at home?
- housing situation
- social services involvement/ safeguarding issues
- playgroup/school/nursery attendance - performing well?
- other: travel, hobbies, pets
PC in psychiatric history (3)
- symptoms that brought pt in
- voluntary/detained admission
- who prompted to come in (e.g. friend, family)
Components of the psychiatric system review
- Psychosis screen (1st rank symptoms): auditory hallucinations, commentary auditory hallucinations, delusions of thought/control/perception
- Depression screen: core (mood anhedonia), biological (sleep, energy), future (hopeless, suicidal thoughts)
- Other: memory loss, anxiety, insight
- RISK: self/others
Past psychiatric Hx (5)
- diagnoses
- first onset/last episodes
- how many admissions (voluntary vs involuntary)
- previous self-harm/suicide attempts
- mental health worker
What to ask in psychiatric Hx in FHx section?
- family psychiatric history
- FHx of suicide
SH in psychiatric Hx (5)
- alcohol and drug use
- social circumstances (current situation, relationship, dependants, home, finances, education/work, coping with AoDL?
- forensic history
- personal upbringing history (ay child abuse?)
- pre-morbid personality
What extra subheadings the gynae Hx must contain?
- HPC: gynae RoS -> 4 P’s: PV bleed, PB discharge, pelvic pain, pregnancy (chance)
- M O S C
M - menstrual Hx
O - obstetric Hx
S - sexual Hx
C - contraception/cervical smears
M O S C for gynae history
What M is?
M = menstrual history
- 1st day of last menstrual period (LMP)
- menarche age +/- menopause age
- cycles: regular, how long
- periods: durations, character (heavy, number of pads per day, flooding, pain)
M O S C for gynae history
What O is?
O = obstetric
- gravida and para
- miscarriages, ectopic pregnencies, terminations (stage, treatment and complications)
- children (living): number, ages, types of deliveries, any problems during pregnancy/delivery