Histolgy Of Muscles Flashcards
——% of the body weight is muscle
Covering around single fiber/cell
Around a bundle
of fibers
Covers the entire
skeletal muscle
Muscle growth occurs via
Myofibrils are separated by :
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Contractile organelles of skeletal muscles :
Functional units of a muscle
Each sarcomere is separated from
the next by
Z discs
is the part of the sarcomere
composed of thick (myosin) and thin
(actin) filaments
A band
is the part of the sarcomere that
contains only thin (actin) filaments
I Band
is the part of the A band
that contains only thick filaments
H zone
the middle of the sarcomere
and is composed of supporting proteins
that hold the thick filaments together
M line
Contractile proteins
Of Myofibrils
myosin and actin
Regulatory proteins which turn contraction
on & off
Of Myofibrils
troponin and tropomyosin
Structural proteins which provide proper
alignment, elasticity and extensibility
titin, myomesin, nebulin and dystrophin
T/F: The sarcoplasmic reticulum is invaginations of the
sarcolemma that penetrate
deeply into the musclefiber
around all myofibrils
False t tubules
—————permit rapid
transmission of the action
potential into the cell,
T tubules