Bones Of The Lower Limb Flashcards
Which part of the pelvis does the femur articulate with to form the hip joint ?
The Acetabulum
The ligament of the head attaches to what part of the femur ?
Fovea capitis
Location of the quadrate tubercle ?
On the inter trochanter crest Posteriorly
What connect the 2 trochanters anteriorly?
Inter-trochanter line
Where is the lines aspera
Posterior border of the femur
What muscle attaches below the greater trochanter ?
Gluteas maximus on the gluteal tuberosity
Structure present between the two supra condylar ridges of the distal femur :
The popliteal surface
T/F:The lateral and medial condyles are separated by the patella Posteriorly
The adductor tubercle is present on
The medial epicondyle of the femur
The condyles of the femur are separated Posteriorly by
The intercondylar notch
What type of bone is the patella ?
(Largest) sesmoid bine
Which structure lies posterior to the quadriceps tendon ?
Patella bone
Anterior surface of the patella :
Rough and subcutaneous
Which surface if the patella articulates with the femur ?
Posterior (facets)
The upper end of the tibia has 2 condyles that articulate with :
The condyles of the femur
Which surface is the tibial tuberosity on ?
Which surface of the tibia is subcutaneous?
Soleal muscle attaches to which surface of which bone ?
Posterior surface of tibia
T/F: the upper end of the tibia is larger than the lower end
Leg/thigh Bone which has no sort of articulation in the knee joint ?
Which tarsal does the FIBULA articulate with
What bone forms the heel ?
Largest tarsal is
How many bones in each foot ?
Cartilage between the 3 parts of the pelvis ?
Triradiate cartilage
When does fusion of the pelvic bone occur ?
Acetabulum roof is formed by :
On which aspect is the greater sciatic notch ?
Which part of the pubic bone forms the acetabulum?
Superior pubic ramus
Projection between the superior ramus of the ischium and the body of the ischium is:
Ischial spine
The later distal surface of the tibia articulates with