Histo/phys mammary glands Flashcards
What type of gland is mammary gland
with glandular elements, ductal elements, sub cut stroma with abundant adipose surrounding
what type of epithelium is mammary nipple and areola
stratified squamous epithelium, keratinized, no hair follicles with tall dermal papillae
How come the areola has darker pigmentation
numerous melanocytes that also increase during pregnancy
What is the underlying CT of nipple
dense irregular CT with abundant elastic fibers
what type of corpuscles are found in areola
meissners and pacinian
what happens to ducts in nipple as they reach center
ducts expands to form lactiferous sinus
what is the functional unit of a gland in nipple
where do ductules of the breast originate
at secretory alveoli
what is the ductal epithelium in breast
cuboidal to columnar, may be stratified cuboidal in lactiferous duct (layer of myoepithelial cells)
what binds cells together in ducts
tight junctions, gap junctions and desmosomes
describe lactiferous alveoli
clusters of alveoli surround alveolar ductule
what type of epithelium does lactiferous alveoli have
simple columnar with rER golgi, secretion granules especially and myoepithelial cells around
How does the stroma of mammary gland vary
dense irregular to loos irregular
What is the dense CT in mammary gland
interlobular CT
separates lobes and lobules
provides structural support for breast
What is the loose CT of mammary gland
intralobular, surrounds and separates alveoli
allows expansion during lactation
What is the source of lipids for milk production
the adipose tissue, becomes depleted during lactation
What inn the mammary gland
superficial like nipple and areola are richly inn with sensory neurone
myoepithelial cells are not inn– endocrine hormones, like oxytocin (milk ejection