Histiocyte, Spleen and Thymus Pathology Flashcards
Histiocyte Disorders
- Histiocyte pathology encompasses a heterogenous group of disorders ranging from benign, reactive disorders to highly aggressive malignant neoplasms.
- The most common of thes is the Langerhans cell histiocytoses (LCH).
Langerhans Cell
- LCs are produced in the bone marrow and are derived from the monocyte-macrophage lineage.
- LCs are a special type of dendritic cell that picks up antigen in the peripheral tissues and then migrates to lymph nodes where they are powerful activators of T-cells.
- Recent data has shown that the cell of origin for LCH is not a cutaneous LC, but rather a myeloid dendritic cell. For now, however, these disorders are still referred to as Langerhans cell histiocytoses.
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- LCH is a clinicopathologic entity classified according the number of sites involved (single vs multiple) and their location (single organ or multiple organs).
- Older, historical names include Letterer-Siwe, Hand-Schuller-Christian, and eosinophilic granuloma
- These are RARE entities (~5 cases/million population/year) and most cases occur in childhood. The etiology is unknown in most cases.
LCH - Symptoms
•Preferential involvement of:
- Skin (80% of patients)
- Scalp, face, trunk, buttocks, intertriginous areas
- Closely spaced papules with scale and crust
- Bone
- Liver
- Spleen
- Bone marrow
LCH Entities
1) Multifocal System LCH (Letterer - Siwe Disease)
2) Unisystem (umifocal or multifocal)
3) Pulmonary LCH (eosinophilic granuloma of lung)
LCH - Multifocal multisystem (Letterer - Siwe Disease)
o Infants and children <2 years old, occasional adults
o Skin, bone, liver, spleen and bone marrow
o Aggressive course; most patients require chemotherapy
LCH - Unifocal (unifocal or multifocal)
o Unifocal disease:
§ Skeleton (skull, ribs and femur), older children/adults
§ Indolent, may regress spontaneously
o Multifocal disease:
§ Young children
§ Multiple erosive bone lesions
§ Exophthalmos
§ Involvement of the posterior pituitary stalk of the hypothalamus leads to diabetes insipidus (most common endocrine abnormality in LCH)
§ Prognosis depends on sites of involvement; may require systemic chemotherapy
LCH - Pulmonary
o Adult smokers (may regress upon smoking cessation)
§ Reactive, non-clonal process??
o Chronic interstitial lung disease with nodular and cystic lesions
o Nonproductive cough, dyspnea, fever, weight loss
o May be discovered incidentally on CXR
Diabetes in LCH
LCH Histology
- Langerhans cells have abundant cytoplasm and nuclei with linear grooves and minimal atypia; they may be admixed with eosinophils (often prominent), lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils
- Nuclei
- kidney bean shaped
- linear grooves (coffee bean)
- minial atypia
LCH - Electron Microscopy
• Birbeck granule
- Pentalaminar tubule with dilated terminal end
- Contains the protein Langerin
- Birbeck granules, CD1a and langerin play a role in antigen presentation to Tcells
LCH Genetics
- Phenotype: LC express HLA-DR, S100, and CD1a
- Genetic Profile: BRAF V600E mutation positive in ~50% of cases
White Pulp of Spleen
The white pulp is involved in generating immune responses to antigens in the blood, and consists of T and B cells and associated cells surrounding central arteries.
Red Pulp of Spleen
The red pulp consists of splenic sinusoids separated by splenic cords. Splenic sinusoids are made up of spindle-shaped endothelial cells and are the actual filter of the spleen. Blood cells that enter the red pulp must pass through the walls of the splenic sinusoids to re-enter circulation.
Spleen Functions
- Phagocytosis of blood cells (senescent and abnormal), particulate matter and microorganisms. Abnormally shaped or antibody-coated RBCs are phagocytosed by macrophages.
- Antibody production – dendritic cells in the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS) trap and present antigens to T-cells, leading to activation and proliferation of B and T lymphocytes and antibody-producing plasma cells.
- Hematopoiesis – normal prior to birth; can be seen after birth in response to marrow failure or in myeloproliferative neoplasms
- Sequestration of blood cells – especially RBCs and platelets
Splenic enlargement. The major manifestation of disorders of the spleen.