HIS112 Flashcards
he was poet and an activist in the early 1900’s he was a radical leader and helped form the communist party in the USA - he covered revolutionary fighting, and world war I for the metropolitan magazine, he also was an eyewitness to the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
prehistory ended 11700 years ago. - the main difference between history and prehistory was that there was no writing during prehistory - there were no words. Instead many people at the time etched conscious designs into rocks. Otzi the iceman lived during prehistoric times, and the way we are able to learn more about that time and him - the food he ate and the fur he was wearing helped us identify different things about him and prehistoric times, for example Otzi jacket was stripped. Which means that even during this period humans were imaginative and creative, they didn’t just make the bare minimum - there was some sort of consciousness in their making of items.
the Holocene began at the end of 11700 which is the end of the last ice age - we are technically still living in the Holocene today. When the holocene began is when humans began evolving a lot, writing began during this time, as well as the start of agriculture and so on… everything that we have experienced since the end of the last ice age and since the beginning of agriculture has occurred during the holocene…. The metal era, the building of empires, religion, war, trade, discovery etc..
the stone age has three “periods” to it - it began before 10,000/8,000 BCE this was known as the old stone age or the paleolithic period - this period is still during the pleistocene where there were no words. This is the period where we find the “art” etched into rock rather than writing. After the end of the last ice age, the middle stone age or the mesolithic period which began in 10,000/8,000 BCE and lasted until 4,000 BCE. Finally, there is the New stone age of the Neolithic period this began in 4,000 BCE and lasted until 1,800 BCE. During these periods it is considered to be in the Holocene where writing and agriculture began. All three of these periods where before metal.
cuneiform was considered to be the earliest form of writing, it was a writing style that was discovered in Mesopotamia, which is now modern day Iraq this was during the Neolithic period, as it was developed c. 3400 BCE, the method of writing was the use of a clay “tablet” of sorts and a reed stylus - there were 1000 different combination of these wedges in the cuneiform wedges. Their writing style was considered Logo- syllabic.
oracle bone script was discovered in China during the Shang Dynasty 1400-1100 BCE this period is after the stone age and is during the middle of the Bronze age. Oracle bone script was the earliest known form of Chinese writing and is basically almost 6000 Chinese characters inscribed into various animal bones. 2000 of which characters are still linked with modern script.
2,900 BC As humans developed their writing systems as well, writing media made the switch from heavier materials such as clay tablets, bones, or rocks - into lighter materials one of them being papyrus. Papyrus was made from a plant that grew along the banks of the Nile river. The method of making papyrus took a lot of work - you need to harvest the plant, cut the stalks into strips, press or roll them and soak them, pound them into strips, soak again, press and burnish the sheets of papyrus.
this was also another method of early “paper” parchment that was tough and lasted long. (The US constitution was made on parchment.) It was made from animal skin. It was created in Iraq with the initial use of sheep skin. - It is made by soaking animal skin (goat, sheep, or calf) in lime and then stretching it on a frame. It is then scraped to remove excess and is then left to dry. - the material is difficult as it is not very flexible, and is sensitive to changes in humidity.
Cia Lun is regarded as the “inventor” of paper in 105 CE. he lived around c.62-121 CE. this event was important because after he invented it paper was no longer a luxury good, it became an everyday object after that. Paper is made from cellulose fiber which is a plant fiber. Lun was the starting point to the mass production of paper and the reason why we use it daily now.
Emperor Constantine (r.306-37) was the founder and emperor of Constantinople (324CE) which is now called Istanbul in modern day. Constantine was the first emperor who initiated the spread of christianity into the world. - after his death his three sons divided the large Roman empire into three, where his one son Constans takes over the whole western side.
Octavian/Augustus Caesar (63 BCE-14 CE) he was related to Julius Caesar. Augustus was a military leader who gained more control eventually becoming the first emperor of Rome. He began his reign as emperor (c.27 BCE) - people called him tsar which derived from “Caesar” - he managed to expand the Roman empire which caused a divide or citizens and “Romans”.
was a goddess for the Romans. The head of Minerva Sulis was discovered in 1727; it was a gilt bronze head of the goddess. It was found in the Romans Baths which is located in England. - Minerva played a role in that periods Roman religion, where they looked to Gods, and goddesses.
Constans (Constantine’s son) took over the entire western side of the Empire. - the western side faced issues with Barbarian Invasions, they all came from the North through a period of over 60 years, and divided the western empire a lot. Some main ones first came the Visgoths who invaded in 410 CE they conquered the West portion of the empire (where spain is) the came the Vandals in 450 CE who conquered the south portion of the empire (parts of france, Italy and south of that) then finally came Odoacer in 476 who was killed and replaced by the ostrogoths who took over the rest of modern day italy. - these invasions ended the western Roman empire.
Justinian was the emperor of the re-built Byzantine empire and his reign lasted from around 527-65 he was married to Theodora. Re reconstructed the Byzantine empire after the fall of the previous empires. Justinian re established land in what would have been the western roman empire, he was also known for his buildings. Where he reconstructed constantinople as well as the famous Church of sophia. He was very well known for his leadership and had books written about him such as (procopius, buildings)
Justinian was the emperor of the Byzantine empire which was reconstructed after the fall of the eastern empire, where Justinian re-established land back into the western empire. The Byzantine empire largely covered the previous two empires and was known as an empire of cities as there were some pretty big ones. (constantinople being the biggest.) - the city was extremely remarkable after Justinian rebuilt it. It also became a link between christianity where it later caused christianity to become the dominant religion throughout the Roman empire, though it took it a while.
His reign lasted from 980-1015 was from Kyiv which was south of Rus’ during the beginning of his life Kyiv was a place of many gods, Vladimir believed in multiple gods rather than one - he tried to bring regulation and order to the various gods, and had no interest of following the Christian religion - even though he was set to marry a Christian Princess - the tale is Vladimir did not plan of marrying or following the christian religion but he came ill (in the eyes) and the princess told him if he gets baptized he will be cured, so he ordered to be baptized and when he rose from the water he could see again. This caused him to quickly believe in one god and christianity.
in 1054 there were east/west schisms - basically this was a time that led to stronger and clearer divisions in the churches for the east and the west. (bishop of rome - and the patriarch) if you follow the teaching of the Church that I lead you cannot be part of the other Church (sets up rival authorities) - basically there was a big divide and those following one church were forbidden to follow the other church. - Roman Church (Latin) - Eastern Churches (local languages)
after the death of Muhammad(632 CE) Islam spread where a state was born. it was a political and religious state that was made up of the muslim community - it was ruled by a caliph which are religious and political authorities (usually leader of a church or political space)
before the great wall(s) of China were established it was large open grasslands that were not great from agriculture, but amazing for the nomadic population and them moving through the grasslands. - waves of new people came into the steppe lands attacking previous steppe owners, so the Great walls were built during the Qin and Han dynasty. Their purpose was a defense from powers of the nomadic peoples from the north.
the silk roads130-1450 CE were a vast trade network. - they passed all around and through Eurasia. Their use was not just for the trading of merchandise knowledge and many other things were traded. However the start of this was China’s manufacturing of highly regarded silk that spread to various countries against their best efforts to keep it secret. - overtime the trade routes became more lucrative and spread throughout the continents.
the ottoman turks are responsible for the Ottoman empire the Ottoman turks were here from around 1299-1323 where they only conquered a small piece of modern day Turkey. After 1323 their reign exploded into what was known as the Ottoman empire which controlled parts of south east europe, west Asia, and North Africa. - the greatest extent of this empire last from 1683 - 99.
When Constantinople was taken over by the Turks in the Ottoman empire this ended the Byzantine empire allowing the Turks to switch Constantinople’s name, calling it Istanbul instead. Making it the Ottoman Capital.
Temüjin who is formally known as Chinggis Khan was the emperor of the Mongol empire1206 -1277 who was born in modern day Mongolia - at the time it was a world of multiple clans and tribes. Where he lived a Nomadic- ish culture. He had 5 daughters and 4 sons and was married to a woman called Borte. He married off his 5 daughters to rival clans in order to build ties and expand his empire - his expanding influence happened because of these marriage ties. Expanding from minimal parts of Asia to a very large area of it and parts of europe etc (Northern China, Korea, Central Asia) .. he acquired his name as it meant “Universal Leader”
he was the grandson of Chinggis Khan - after Chinggis Khan passed away he gave the throne to three of his sons, as the oldest passed away. The oldests son Batu eventually took the throne of the western territory of the Mongol empire and expanded the empire into Russia.
This is a measurement that goes east or west while Latitude goes from north to south. It is an imaginary line that forms from the meridians.
The black death (or the bubonic plague) was a devastating epidemic that spread through Eurasia in the 1300’s. It was a horrible plague that attacked the lymphatic system and it was extremely contagious. It weakened the Eurasian society and killed many people, no one knew how to treat it and doctors when scared to even come in contact with the ill. - it was a death sentence.
The Ghana empire lasted form c. 500 - 1235 CE located in Western Africa they were big in agriculture their society was based off of trade and agriculture, because of there growing trade it brought a lot of wealth to West Africa, - this is when citizens of Ghana were getting exported for slave labor to islam. Where towards the end of the Ghana empire it had converted to the Muslim religion. This was important because this is the beginnings of the African slave trade.
it is now considered Mexico city today, - it was the capital of the Aztec empire. Also known as - Itzcoatl 1428 the Aztec empire became the dominating empire in Mexico at the time,- they were big in cultivation and continued expanding until the Spaniards came and conquered them because when the spaniards came they spread various illnesses that the Aztecs were not immune to, and killed large portions of the population causing the empire to crumble.
Posotsí is located in modern day Bolivia the mining of metals has become a very big thing at this point people need weapons, armor, tools… and countries initially planned to mine for gold to trade. However, there became an interest in silver mining because of how useful it was in many aspects. A site that is discovered in 1545 and very quickly is mined - in 1570 is producing a huge amount of silver, because of this large amount of silver being produced Potosí begins the process of forced labor to get more silver, and to get it quicker.
Manilla was located in the Philippines and the manilla Galleon was a spanish ship that every year would travel across the pacific from Manila to Mexico. During this period it was the only way that spain and Philippine colony could communicate the port at Manila became one the the greatest trade ports - they had silk from China, and other various things where the Galleon would give Manilla silver from Spain at that time.
the anthropocene is known as the human effect on the world. - it is said that we are currently living in the Holocene which began after the last Ice age, but many argue that we are now in what is called the Anthropocence because of our effects on the world - the idea fully came to play in around 2000. - there are many arguments on when the Anthropocence actually began, some say 1950 when the acceleration of greenhouse gasses began… others say the Nuclear Era in 1945 or CO2 valley in 1610 …
Columbian exchange (1500 ish) first moment of interaction between the americas and spaniards
The beginning of agriculture itself (neolithic) (11000 years ago)
It is important because the Holocene was the massive change but the Anthropocene are the big change that is being caused by the human population.
the neolithic revolution is the basic idea of when agriculture began - basically the moment when human societies made the switch from hunter gatherer and nomadic lifestyles to agrarian lifestyles the origins of agriculture are first seen in mesopotamia Northern China, Andes (south america) around 1100 years ago, then later advancing to Southern China, Mesoamerican (6 - 7,000 years ago), finally Africa, India, SE Asia, North America (4-5,000 years ago).
Because of the adaption of agrarian lifestyles we began to alter the environment in order to cultivate. Humans cleared forests, and set fire to shrubs in order to make better land for agriculture - this is important because some say this is the beginning of the anthropocene and when our climate began to get harmed.
the columbian exchange (1492) was the exchange of various things from the Eruasian world to the Americas, such as Material objects, animals, plants, and diseases - when Christopher columbus came to the americas he brought things that the Americas did not yet have. Like horses, various plants, and diseases. The Spaniards also discovered new items such as tobacco that they could bring back into Eurasia. And one big cash crop that is discovered was sugar cane.
Sugar cane was a large cash crop and there was a high market for it. (sugar cane) - had become a major source of interest to the europeans who came to the Americas. There has always been a taste for sweetness for the human population - and in order to process sugar cane it needs to be processed very close to the site where it is harvested. 1500s brazil - portuguese state starts to actively encourage portuguese entrepreneurs and set up Engenho to start growing and producing sugar (1534) that is where the word plantation or sugar mill was derived, soon there were plantations all over.
Chattel slavery was first thought to be discovered in ancient Greece and Rome. - . If you were a Chattel slave you were considered to be the property of the owner. You were under the complete control and care of the owner. - there was no wages. It initially began as prisoners of war being enslaved but mainly the women and Children would be enslaved and the men would be killed. There was no freedom in chattel slavery and it was hereditary. (A child born to enslaved parents will also be enslaved.)
(10th century) “serfs” were Peasant societies based in family units -husband, wife, kids, aunts etc.. farming together. It was basically An unfree form of peasant labor - serfs are not completely free to make choices about their lives. Seen as bound to the land - legal limitations are placed on what this individual is - you are obligated to stay and farm in your village. Peasants are not able to move away from their village without the permission - of village society, or landlord that owns the land they live on. Bound to the lord - bound to the person of the landlord who owns that land (can buy better land and moved to a better piece of land). Bound to the land - live on this land and dont leave it. Lord stands in for state - if the state is telling the lord to collect taxes from the peasants and send it to them - so in that case the lord can say, the state wants 100 - the lord collects 120 and keeps 20. It is different than enslavement in a number of ways- because there is often a greater degree of everyday freedom and ultimate freedom
this was a form of unpaid labor in the 17th century, where an individual is under contract to work without pay to repay an indenture or a loan within a certain period of time. It typically lasted a period of a few years where the individual would work under contract until they paid off their debt. Land owners could also sell this persons contract to other land owners where they’d then work for a different person until the debt was paid. - there was more freedom in this compared to enslavement.