A measure of how fast something is moving in a specific direction
how quickly the speed or direction of something is changing. It’s not just about speeding up; it can also mean slowing down (decelerating) or changing direction.
it means it is a number that does not change.
“moving clocks run slow”
if you perfectly synchronize two clocks and the none one on an airplane and fly it around at a very high speed - when they are brought back ti rest relative to one another you will find that the moving clock has passed through less time.
Pair of twins called fritz and vera - fritz is on earth as vera flies past him in a spaceship moving at 60% of the speed of light. Which of the following best describes how they see each other’s clocks as they pass by one another.?
They each see each other’s clocks running slower than their own.
Vera is going to move away from earth at 0.6c (60% the speed of light) therefore they see each other’s clocks running slower than their own.
The different in rate of flow of their two clocks is a factor of 0.8
Each of the twins will say that the other twin’s clock is running at 80% the speed of their own clock.
(for every one second fritz sees on his clock, 0.8 seconds will tick by on veras clock) vise versa
They both assume that they will be older because the other twin’s clock is moving slower (paradox) - but they cannot both be right..
We have no way of knowing if a well isolated train is moving - there is no sense in which a train is moving.
we must always speak about motion with respect to a given frame of. a reference - e.g., (cannot say ball is moving 10km/hr, you have to say “the ball is moving 10km/hr relative to the plane”)
C= the speed of light - the speed of light does not depend on the frame of reference it is ALWAYS the same - the speed of light is Invariant - a number that does not change.
it means the number does not change. - the speed of light will always be the same. - that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant and does not change regardless of the relative motion of the source and the observer.
Translate descriptions of motion between the reference frames of different observers, such as a person on a moving train vs. a person on the ground
Imagine a ball, a person on a train is holding the ball, It is thrown up - bounces off the roof of the train and is caught back in the hand of the person who threw it.
goes up a meter, comes down a meter. That takes one second. -> overall it’s travelled 2m/S
Perspective of person on the tracks. from their perspective the ball went diagonally
up and diagonally back down. - Up and down 2m/s = 4m/s
what aspect do the two observers agree about?
the time between throwing and catching.
Use an example to show how the invariance of the speed of light gives rise to time dilation, using the example of the two observers on and off the train
Both people agree that the action (throwing and catching the ball) takes 1 second. But the paths they see are different: a short path for the person on the train, and a longer path for the person on the ground.
The catch is: for both paths to be completed in the same amount of time, time itself must be working differently for each person. This is time dilation.
In simpler terms, time seems to pass at different rates for the person on the train and the person on the ground. This difference in how time passes is due to the fact that the speed of light is constant and the same in all reference frames. It’s like having two clocks that tick at different rates.
time measured on the moving train appears to be passing slower from the perspective of the observer on the ground.
“moving clocks run slow”
Explain how the invariance of the speed of light binds space and time together into “spacetime”
Space and time are woven together into spacetime because the speed of light is always constant
If you move really fast, time actually slows down for you compared to someone who’s not moving. And distances can seem shorter.
Explain the concept of time dilation and give real-world examples of its effects
If you perfectly synchronize two clocks and then load one on an airplane, and fly it around at a very high speed, when they are brought back to rest relative to one another a you will find that the moving clock has passed through less time.
If your friend jackie gets into a spaceship that moves at a
Constant speed relative to you the time between events that she measures on her ship will be less than the time you would measure while watching her
Explain the Twin Paradox and its resolution
Pair of twins called fritz and vera - fritz is on earth as vera flies past him in a spaceship moving at 60% of the speed of light.
They each see each other’s clocks running slower than their own.
Vera is going to move away from earth at 0.6c (60% the speed of light) therefore they see each other’s clocks running slower than their own.
The different in rate of flow of their two clocks is a factor of 0.8
Each of the twins will say that the other twin’s clock is running at 80% the speed of their own clock.
(for every one second fritz sees on his clock, 0.8 seconds will tick by on veras clock) vise versa
If Fritz and Vera are both 20 and Vera sets out on a trip at 0.6c, how old will each of them be when she returns to earth?
They both assume that they will be older because the other twin’s clock is moving slower (paradox) - but they cannot both be right..
This is called the twin paradox (that they expect the other twin to be the younger one.)
Four fundamental forces of nature
Strong nuclear force (holds atomic nuclei together)
Electromagnetism (most of the forces you experience in your daily life are manifestations of this force) e.g., friction, tension etc…
Weak nuclear force (involved in radioactive decay) (encourages it to fall apart)
Gravity (makes masses attract one another)
It governs the motion of planets, stars, galaxies, and even light. Despite being the weakest force, it dominates at large scales due to its long-range and the fact that it only attracts
The strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force we never encounter in our daily life. - they only function inside atoms.
(those are in order) -
Describe how forces are related to accelerations
Force is that which produces acceleration - if you had an acceleration you must have had a force.
Newton’s second law.
Distinguish between Newtonian gravity and Einstein’s general relativity
(Newton) The pull of gravity gets weaker the further apart things are. If you double the distance, the gravitational pull becomes four times weaker.
Instead of an invisible rope, Einstein thought of space and time as a fabric (like a trampoline). Big objects with a lot of mass (like planets) make a dent in this fabric. Other objects fall into these dents, which we see as gravity. Instead of being pulled by a force, things move because they are following the curves and dents in the space-time fabric.
Newton’s theory says gravity is a pulling force between things with mass. Einstein’s theory says gravity is the result of massive objects bending space and time.
Explain the Equivalence Principle and describe what it tells us about the nature of gravity
States that the effects of gravity are indistinguishable from the effects of acceleration. This means that being at rest in a gravitational field (like standing on Earth) is equivalent to being in a constantly accelerating spacecraft in space (where there’s no gravity).
Describe how the presence of a mass deforms spacetime
Picture spacetime like a big, stretchy, two-dimensional sheet or trampoline. This sheet represents the fabric of spacetime.
Imagine placing a heavy ball (like a bowling ball) in the middle of this sheet. What happens? The ball causes the sheet to curve and sag around it. This sagging or curving is the “deformation” of spacetime.
When a mass like a star or planet exists, it causes the spacetime around it to curve in a similar way. The bigger the mass, the more spacetime curves.
Describe gravity in terms of spacetime curvature
In space, when we have something really heavy like the Earth or the Sun, it makes a dip in this “space-time sheet.” Then, things like the Moon or satellites or even light move towards these dips.
So, when we see things falling to the ground or planets going around the sun, it’s like the marbles rolling towards the dips in the sheet. That’s gravity!
Define the term “escape speed” and explain how it changes with the mass of a body and the distance from that body
The speed required for a projectile to break free from the surface of the earth (or free from an object’s gravity) is called the “escape speed” - from the surface of the earth the escape speed is about 11.2 km/s
The more massive the body (like a planet or star), the stronger its gravitational pull.
To escape from a more massive body, you need a higher escape speed. For example, escaping from Earth requires a higher speed than escaping from the Moon because Earth has more mass.
The closer you are to the planet (or any celestial body), the stronger its gravitational pull on you, and the faster you have to move (or throw the ball) to escape that gravity. The further away you are, the weaker the pull, and the slower your escape speed can be.
Describe what happens to bodies which attempt to orbit with speeds above and below the escape speed
If a body is moving at a speed below the escape speed but still fast enough to avoid crashing into the celestial object, it will settle into a stable orbit. This is like a satellite orbiting the Earth.
Too slow, and it might fall towards the celestial body; too fast, and it will escape the gravitational pull and move away into space.
Define the term “Schwarzschild radius” in terms of the escape speed and the speed of light.
If you shrink a star or planet down to fit inside this circle, it turns into a black hole. The circle is just big enough so that, if you’re on the edge and try to escape, you’d have to go as fast as light to get out. But since nothing can go that fast, nothing can escape once it gets inside this circle.
This is a specific measurement, a certain distance from the center of a black hole. (add more mass get more radius)
Define the “event horizon” of a black hole
Black hole’s “point of no return.” It’s the invisible line around the black hole that, once you cross it, you can’t come back. It’s like a trapdoor that only opens one way. Once you’re in, you’re in for good and can’t get out or send any signals back.
This is the actual boundary around the black hole.
Explain why black holes are not “cosmic vacuum cleaners”
Black holes have strong gravity, but their gravity doesn’t work differently than that of other objects. They pull things towards them the same way any celestial body (like a star or planet) does. If you replace the Sun with a black hole of the same mass, Earth would orbit it the same way it orbits the Sun now. The black hole wouldn’t start “sucking in” the solar system.
Their gravitational pull doesn’t reach out to actively drag objects in from afar. Objects fall into black holes when they get too close, just as they would fall towards any other massive object if they couldn’t maintain a stable orbit or weren’t moving fast enough to escape its gravitational pull.