HIS 102 McNutt Spring 2022 Exam 2 Revised Flashcards
Who wrote On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man
Charles Darwin
What was the main idea Charles Darwin wrote about?
Species evolve from more primitive species through the process of natural selection in nature.
Why was Darwin so controversial?
His ideas were different from the established patterns of thought and religious beliefs.
What was Social Darwinism?
It applied the ideas of Darwin to people and society. It was a ruthless interpretation of “survival of the fittest” ideas. It saw existence as a struggle.
Who was Thomas Henry Huxley?
He was a 19th century biologist who was a strong defender of Darwin’s theories.
Who was Herbert Spencer?
He said people must be strong to survive. He came up with the phrase the “survival of the fittest”.
What was eugenics?
It was an attempt to control the improvement of the species, manipulate nature, build a better human being.
Who was Arthur de Gobineau?
He wrote Essay on the Inequality of the Races (1853). He said the European white race is superior.
He coined the term Aryan.
How was the new “science” of racial distinctions used?
It was used to promote the idea that the Semitic race (Jews) were racially inferior as opposed to the Aryan race.
How was Houston Stewart Chamberlain?
Wrote Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (1889). Pushed the racial pseudo science of Teutonic (German) superiority and Jewish inferiority. Pushed for elimination of Judaism.
Who is the person who led the Unification of Germany?
Otto von Bismarck
What was Bismarck’s policy?
Iron and blood
With what wars did Bismarck claim the territory he wanted for the new unified Germany?
Denmark 1864/Austria 1866/France 1870
What was proclaimed on January 18, 1871?
German Empire
What do we mean by “spheres of influence”?
The carving of the globe into territories controlled by the European powers under Imperialism.
What were some of the reasons European countries wanted colonies?
- colonies supplied cheap labor and raw materials
- colonies were markets for European goods made by the Industrial Revolution
- Europeans felt it was their duty to bring civilization to backward people–western influence would be a benefit to them
- competition with other countries for resources led to national rivalries
Who was Cecil Rhodes?
He was a wealthy British imperialist who thought the British were superior and should control more territory. He was especially important in Southern Africa. (important in the “scramble for Africa”)
What do we mean by the “Scramble for Africa”?
In the late 19th century, European powers sought to grab land in Africa to get a competitive edge over the others.
Who was Lord Lugard?
He wrote an important speech where he said it was a vital necessity for civilized nations to secure remaining areas in Africa. He said we have to provide for our growing populations. But we should not deprive Africans of their rights. His speech was important in justifying the “scramble for Africa”.
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?
to establish international guidelines for the acquisition of African territory
Who organized the Berlin Conference?
Otto von Bismarck
Who was Leopold?
King of Belgium–he wanted the Berlin Conference to make sure African colonies were being divided up fairly in the Scramble for Africa
How many African nations were invited to the Berlin Conference?
What were the dates for World War I (years)?
1914-1918 (The US did not join until 1917)
How many lives were lost in WWI?
8.5-9 million
Who were the two sides in WWI and which countries belonged to which sides?
Allies: Great Britain/France/Russia/Serbia (others joined later)
Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria
What were two key treaties that were important before WWI?
Triple Entente: between England, France, Russia
Triple Alliance: between Germany, Austria, Italy
What were 4 underling causes of WWI?
- Nationalism
- Imperialism
- Military Buildup
- Disputed territories
How is an underlying cause of WWI linked to the Industrial Revolution?
New technology allowed countries to produce new weapons in mass quantities which led to military buildup.
What were some of the territories in dispute before WWI?
Russia wanted Constantinople and the Balkans so they could have access to the Mediterranean Sea and the ocean. They needed warm water ports.
What is an example of how Nationalism was an underlying cause of the war?
Serbia wanted Bosnia to also be free of the Austro Hungarian Empire since fellow Serbs lived there.
What was the immediate cause of WWI?
June 28, 1914–assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, capitol of Bosnia. Killed by Princip, a member of the Black Hand–a Serbian group seeking independence for Bosnia.
Why did Serbia believe Russia would side with them in a conflict?
Russians and Serbians shared a Slavic heritage–similar language and culture.
How did the Austro-Hungarian empire react to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand?
They demanded Serbia make reparations (payments). They were so high, it was certain Serbia could not pay.
Who promised to help Austria-Hungary after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand?
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany
What did England demand of Germany?
That they respect the neutrality of Belgium.
What happened in Belgium at the start of the war?
Even though Belgium was neutral, Germany ordered them to allow them to pass through. When Belgium refused, Germany invaded them.
What did the invasion of Belgium cause?
It caused England to enter the war.
What was the Schlieffen Plan?
Germany planned to bulldoze through Belgium and conquer France THEN focus their attention on attacking Russia.
Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail?
Belgium resisted the Germans and slowed them down. This gave France and England more time to mobilize.
What caused many Americans to see Germany as the aggressor nation that needed to be stopped?
Atrocities committed in Belgium.
What kind of warfare was fought on the Western Front?
Trench warfare–battle lines moved very little for most of the war.
What were some of the newer weapons used in the war?
machine guns, grenades, tanks, poison gas, air war
What are three battles McNutt mentioned at your review session? What did he want you to remember about them?
Gallipoli, Verdun, The Somme–remember the huge numbers killed
What significant thing did Russia do in 1917? Why?
They withdrew from the war. They had trouble on the homefront.
Describe the problems Russia had during the war…
Food shortages. Economic hardship led to political dissent. Czar Nicholas was ineffective. Workers went on strikes. Nicholas abdicated the throne.
Why did Germany start attacking ships with their U-boats?
The British set up a blockade so supplies could not reach Germany and Austria through their ports.
Why did a German u-boat sink the Lusitania in 1915?
Germany knew the Lusitania was carrying arms to England even though it was supposed to be a civilian ship?
What effect did the sinking of the Lusitania have on America?
Since there were American civilians on board, the country was very angry. However, this did not cause the US to enter the war.
Who was President of the US during the war?
Woodrow Wilson
Did Germany stop attacking merchant ships after the Lusitania?
For about a year but then they started up again.
What finally caused the US to enter the war?
Zimmerman telegram–secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United States entered World War I against Germany.
When did the US enter the war?
April 1917
What was the last great German advance in the war?
March 1918 2nd Battle of the Marne
What happened on November 11, 1918 (eleventh hour)
Armistice ended the war.
What document finally ended the war officially?
Treaty of Versailles–signed 1919
How did the Treaty of Versailles sew the seeds of World War 2?
France wanted to punish Germany. They made Germany pay large reparations payments, give up land, and admit war guilt. This caused a lot of resentment in Germany
After the czar abdicated, who led the government in Russia?
Alexander Kerensky led a provisional government that did not succeed.
Who led the Marxist party in Russia?
Vladimir Lenin
How was the Marxist party organized under Lenin?
He insisted it be professional revolutionaries who would obey without question.
What was the majority wing of the Marxist party called?
The Bolsheviks
What was Lenin’s slogan?
Bread, Land, Peace
What was the Treaty of Brest Litovsk?
Peace treaty between Russia and Germany signed by Lenin.