Final Exam Flashcards
Which European leader led the Congress of Vienna?
Metternich–from Austria
Was Stalin Lenin’s first choice to take his place when he died?
NO (Trotsky was another contender. It is not clear if Lenin really favored him either but we know he did not approve of Stalin.)
What was the Eastern Bloc
It was the eastern European nations that came under the
Communist umbrella during the late 1940’s & 50’s. (It included East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary)
What was the Lebensborn Program?
(Means Fount of Life) The SS started a program to raise Aryan children. Children were born and/or raised in special homes. Some were kidnapped or taken from their families.
Several countries tried to remain neutral during WWI. Which one was forced to participate in the war?
Belgium–invaded by Germany
What is the significance of June 1941 in Russia?
Operation Barbarossa–the German invasion of Russia–began then.
Would Marx be considered a Nationalist?
No, socialists believe people are united by class, not nations.
When was NATO formed and what was it for?
In 1949 the United States joined Britain, France ,Canada, Denmark, and several other nations in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This was essentially a defensive military agreement against
What was Lenin’s slogan when he returned to Russia?
Bread, Land, Peace
What did Hitler do in March 1938?
He sent forces into Austria to annex it.
What were 4 underlying causes of WWI?
- disputed territories 2. nationalism 3. imperialism 4. military buildup
What took place at Potsdam after Germany’s defeat?
Allies met again to put the agreements made at Yalta in place. Stalin agreed to declare war on Japan and to join the UN but would NOT allow free elections in the sections of Europe they controlled.
What ideology took the ideas of Darwin about evolution and applied them to people?
Social Darwinism
Who led the occupation of Japan?
US General Douglas MacArthur
What was a factor in leading to the growth of the US and USSR as superpowers?
After W.W. II power vacuum in Europe. Britain, France, and Germany– were left weakened by the war.
Who was Doolittle?
Jimmy Doolittle led the Doolittle Raid, also known as the Tokyo Raid, on Saturday, April 18, 1942. It was a bombing campaign which tarketed the Japanese capital Tokyo and other places on the island of Honshu during World War II, the first air operation to strike the Japanese Home Islands.
What was the Maginot Line?
It was a massive system of defenses built along the French border with Germany. It did not extend along the border with Belgium because the French thought they would amass their forces there, thinking the Germans would come that way. The defenses were not successful against the Germans in 1940.
Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?
They were a group of AfricanAmerican airmen who flew in the segregated US Army Aircorps during WWII. They usually escorted other fighter planes but they also destroyed some German planes and ships.
What was the Einsatzgruppen?
They were special mobile death squads created by the SS to kill Jews, often following behind the army as they invaded territories.
When did the Armistice ending WWI start?
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month 1918 (November 11, 1918 at 11:00 a.m.)
What was important about Okinawa?
The Battle of Okinawa was the last major battle of World War II, and one of the bloodiest. It was fought in April 1945 and was part of the final push toward Japan.
Who was the US President during WWI?
Woodrow Wilson
What was Mt. Suribachi?
It was a mountain on Iwo Jima. The Japanese were able to fire down on the landing Marines from the mountains on the island. Suribachi is important because the US Marines captured it 4 days into the battle and soldiers raising the US flag were captured in a famous photograph.
What was Omori?
It was a Japanese prisoner camp. Some say conditions there were inhumane.
What was the Schlieffen Plan?
It was Germany’s plan to defeat France and Russia in a two front war. The plan was to make a swift invasion and victory in France and then turn all the resources to winning with Russia.
What years was WWI fought?
What is the name of the period in Japanese history where Japan modernized?
Meiji period
What was Kokura?
Kokura was the back up city for the first bomb, which was dropped on Hiroshima. Kokura was supposed to be the target for the second bomb but poor visibility led the bombers to go to Nagasaki instead.
Which German professor said “The Jew is our misfortune”?
Heinrich Treitschke
Who defended European Imperialism on the basis of economic and racist reasons?
Lord Lugard
Why did Roosevelt put an embargo on oil to Japan?
The Japanese had invaded French Indochina and were trying to stop China from getting any imported goods. So Roosevelt stopped exporting any oil to Japan. This led Japan to strike the US at Pearl Harbor.
Did President Wilson want to join WWI after the sinking of the Lusitania?
NO. He was angry and made some demands on the Germans but he kept the US out of the war.
Which side did Japan fight on during WWI?
There were allied with Britain, France, and Russia.
What were three things that caused tensions in post-WWII Europe?
Natural resources
Human rights.
On what date was Pearl Harbor bombed?
Dec. 7, 1941
What major change did the Industrial Revolution bring?
New sources of power made it possible to make and transport things in new ways. Machines are used to make things that used to be made by hand. Ex. steam power made it possible for textiles to be woven on large looms. Power also made it possible to have new kinds of transportation–steam boats, rail road.
Did Lenin protect the status of the Russian churches?
No, he suppressed religion in the Soviet Union.
What were the 2 sides in WWI–once the fighting started?
Allies vs Central Powers
Allies included Britain, France, Serbia, Russia–also Japan, Italy and later the US
Central Powers included Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
Don’t confuse these with the alliances from before the war which were the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance–the countries in those were not exactly the same
When did Mussolini come to power in Italy?
Who was the actual assassin who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, 1914?
Princip–a member of the Serbian Black Hand group.
What was Krystallnacht?
It was 2 days in 1938 where Jewish businesses were destroyed and Jews were attacked.
Who was Eisenhower?
Dwight Eisenhower was the supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary forces during WWII and he planned both the invasion of North Africa and D-Day (invasion of Europe).
Who coined the term “Iron Curtain”?
Winston Churchill–it refers to the division between the West and the East in Europe–divided areas controlled by Communism and democracies.
Who was Daniel Inouye?
He was a Japanese American soldier who served during WWII and later became a US Senator.
Who was the Desert Fox?
German General Edward Rommel. commanded the Afrika Corps in North Africa and also tank units in France.
What action led to the US joining WWI?
The Zimmerman Telegram–in it, the Germans promised some US territories to the Mexicans if they would become an ally of Germany
What treaty ended WWI and when was it signed?
Treaty of Versailles–1919
What happened at Normandy?
It was the landing sight for the Allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944.
When was the Lusitania sunk?
What happened at Guadalcanal?
Guadalcanal is an island in the Solomon Islands. The Japanese were building an airbase there. The Battle of Guadalcanal was the first major offensive and a decisive victory for the Allies in the Pacific theater. U.S. marines launched a surprise attack in August 1942 and took control of the air base.
When did Russia leave WWI and why?
1917–Russian Revolution started and many soldiers left the front and went home. Lenin got Germany to agree to peace talks.
What was discussed at the Wannsee Conference?
This was a meeting of the German government and military leadership which discussed the Final Solution of exterminating the Jews. It was led by Heydrich.
What happened on April 12, 1945?
Franklin Roosevelt died of a stroke and Truman became president.
Who did Hitler invade in 1939?
End of World War II witnessed profound changes in the
world–what were they?
Europe and the rest of the world was divided into two spheres, each being dominated by another power (US vs USSR) who offered economic and military aid
European powers which had held colonial lands since Renaissance lost their overseas possessions.
There was a buildup of nuclear weapons
Why was the Battle of the Bulge important?
It was the last major Nazi offensive in December 1944. The Nazis were hoping to cut Allied forces in half and negotiate a truce. Since they lost, they were doomed to defeat in the war.
In 1923, Hitler tried to imitate Mussolini’s success he had with the March on Rome. What was Hitler’s attempt called?
The Beerhall Putsch
What was the name of the party that Hitler created?
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
National Socialist German Workers Party
What was the March on Rome?
It was an organized demonstration in 1922 that brough Mussolini and his Fascist party to power.
What happened at Monte Cassino?
Monte Cassino was a monastery in Italy that contained important historical treasures. It was supposed to be off limits to fighting but the Allies were convinced the Germans were using it. Allied forces leveled it in February 1944.
What invention might be considered the “Embodiment of the Industrial Revolution”?
Who wrote The Origin of Species in 1859?
Charles Darwin
What was the Berlin Conference?
The European countries met to decide how colonies in Africa should be managed.
What happened at Yalta–when was it, who was there, what did they discuss?
Yalta was a conference held in February 1945. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin were there.
Decision at Yalta:
Division of Germany into four sectors. (one for each ally–Russia, US, France, Britain
USSR would declare war on Japan following Hitler’s defeat
USSR would join UN
Free elections in the territories held by the USSR
They agreed to divide up Germany into 4 sectors–one for each ally (Russia, US, Britain, France) and Berlin would be divided as well. There would also be free elections in Germany.
What were three things about the Treaty of Versailles that Germany was upset about?
blame for war
loss of territory
What three things do people usually have in common that lead to feelings of Nationalism?
- Language 2. History 3. Territory
What was the kamikaze?
Kamikaze means divine wind in Japanese. They were suicide bombers who flew their planes into aircraft carriers. They did a lot of damage late in the war.
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin and why there?
Great Britain–they had good resources (water, coal, level geography) they had not been damaged by war on their soil, and they had a government and society that supported business
When you think of Romanticism, what do you associate with this movement?
A love of nature as opposed to industrialization, heart is as important as logic, a celebration of creativity.
In Japan in 1947 a new constitution was adopted with two key provisions–what were they?
sovereignty (power) was transferred from the emperor to the people
Japan as a nation renounced war and the right to build a military force
Why did American leaders decide to rebuild Japan after WWII?
They did not want a repeat of what happened in Germany after their humiliation at Versailles. They were afraid that would lead to increased Nationalism in Japan. Also, they wanted a buffer zone against Communism in Asia.
Why is Iwo Jima important?
Iwo Jima was one of Japan’s last island strongholds and was close enough to be a staging area to attack Japan. The Battle of Iwo Jima took place in February 1945. It was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. Only a few of the Japanese on the island were left to surrender when the battle ended 5 weeks later.
What was the Triple Entente?
It was an alliance formed before WWI (not during) and it included: Britain, France, and Russia. It was meant to counter the Triple Alliance which was an agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. Once the war started, the Triple Entente became the Allies and were joined by Italy and other countries against the Central Powers.
What were 2 background factors in the rise of Hitler?
- Volkish movement 2. Defeat and conditions of the Treaty at Versailles
Which world leader was the only one to understand Hitler’s mindset?
Winston Churchill
What happened at Bastogne?
Bastogne was a Belgian town where many important roads came together so it was essential for the Germans to capture it during the Battle of the Bulge. Allied forces were under siege there in December 1944 but were rescued by forces under General Patton.
What was Mussolini’s nickname?
Il Duce (The Chief)
What countries did Bismarck go to war against to gain more territory for a united Germany?
- Denmark 2. France 3. Austria
How does the Industrial Revolution relate to the growth in Imperialism and eventually to World War I?
The Industrial Revolution created a need for raw materials and for markets for goods that are produced. This created competition between countries for colonies. Industrialization also created new weapons that could be used against colonists and against rival countries.
What is imperialism?
Imperialism exists when one country takes control of other countries, controlling their resources, politics, military, etc.
What happened at Dresden?
Dresden was a German city that the Allies bombed. It was controversial because it was a beautiful city and thousands of civilians were killed in a firestorm. However, there were some military targets there.
Which ISM is a reaction against Enlightenment rationalism?
What was the Truman Doctrine?
In 1947 the United
promised support to any nation resisting communist
Can you describe what unites people who want to be a separate nation? Which European led his country to be a unified nation in the 19th century?
Bismarck united Germany.
When did the US join WWI?
Name three characteristics of the Volkish Movement.
- capacity to organize and appeal to the general
population. . - ethical dualism.
- racial dogma
What is the name of Hitler’s famous book?
Mein Kampf = My Struggle
Did Mussolini take over control of Vatican Affairs?
No, in 1929 he signed the Lateran Treaty which allowed the Catholic Church to maintain its power over church affairs.
What two words can be used to describe Germany’s treatment of the Jews?
Holocaust= burnt sacrifice
Shoah= destruction
What French writer developed the theory of Aryan Superiority?
de Gobineau
Who was the leader of Germany during WWI?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
What was the Marshall Plan?
In the late 1940’s the US gave large sums of money to European countries to rebuild their infrastructures and create jobs.
Which German composer claimed Jews had no cultural talent?
Richard Wagner
Who was Winston Churchill?
Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII.
Name at least one important idea from Socialism? Who do we think of in relation to Socialism?
Class struggle defines us. Workers vs Owners. Workers all over the world should unite, The goal is no classes or property. Karl Marx is an important figure in this ism.
What was Operation Overlord?
It was the Allied invasion of France at Normandy June 6, 1944.
Which Lutheran minister said Jews are a social detriment?
Adolf Stoecker
What is “a date that will live in infamy”.
December 7, 1941–the day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
What person do we think of when we think of German Unification?
Otto van Bismarck
What Englishman do we think of related to African Imperialism?
Cecil Rhodes
Why were the Japanese unhappy with the Treaty of Versaiiles?
The Allies had refused to put a clause in it that guaranteed all countries would be treated equally, regardless of race.
Which city did the US drop the second atomic bomb on?
Where and when did Otto von Bismarck declare the beginning of Germany’s 2nd Reich?
January 1871 (end of Franco Prussian War) at Versailles.
What happened at Dunkirk?
Dunkirk was a town in France and the scene of a massive military campaign during World War II. From May 26 to June 4, 1940, 338,000 British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and other Allied troops were evacuated from Dunkirk to England as German forces closed in on them. Churchill asked English small boat owners to help in the rescue.
Who wrote “Foundations of the 19th Century” which discussed the Aryan superior race?
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
What were the goals of Liberalism?
little government interference except to protect property
the rule of law
limited political participation
Did Mussoline fight in WWI?
Who led the Wannsee Conference?
What happened at Gallipoli?
In the Battle of Gallipoli, the Allies tried to take the city of Constantinople and control the waterways leading from Europe to Asia. It was an unsuccessful battle. Trench warfare was important there. Many Australian and New Zealand troops were killed fighting for the Allies.
What was Bataan?
Bataan was in the Philippines. Filipine and US forces tried to hold onto it in a battle with the Japanese. They were surrounded and had to surrender. The Japanese forced them to march to prison camps. Many died on the way in what is called the Bataan Death March.
Why is the Schlieffen Plan important to understanding WWI?
- It showed that the countries in Europe were preparing for war well ahead of when it actually started since the plan was developed several years ahead of time. 2. It did not go as planned because the Germans did not count on Belgium resisting them. This led to a stalemate on the Western Front (with trench warfare) and did not allow Germany the resources it needed to defeat Russia.
Was the US friendly with Japan before Pearl Harbor?
No things were tense since Roosevelt had put an embargo on oil exports to Japan.
When did Hitler annex Austria?
What was McCarthyism?
In the 1950’s Senator Joseph McCarthy led investigations against suspected Communists, ruining many careers.
Who was Patton?
General George Patton commanded American troops in North Africa, Sicily, and France. He was famous for his command of tanks. He was the general most respected by the Germans.
When and what was the Age of Metternich?
1815-1848 It was a time of conservatism and the Balance of Power in Europe.
What British Prime Minister participated in the Munich Agreement with Hitler?
Neville Chamberlain
Who was Benjamin O Davis?
Davis commanded the Tuskegee Airmen and later became the first African American general in the US Air Force.
Who founded European Socialism?
Karl Marx
What was the Final Solution?
This was the Nazi plan for the genocide of Jews.
What was the Cold War
It is considered the third major war of the 20th century. It was tension between two major superpowers, the Soviet Union and the US. It never resulted in direct conflict but it was fought through proxy wars which were wars where one of the major powers supported each side. Ex. Korea, Vietnam
How long did the Allies occupy Japan?
7 years
What was the Munich Agreement?
On September 30, 1938 Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy agreed that Germany could annex Sudetenland, in western Czechoslovakia.
Who met with Hitler and allowed him to take over part of Czechoslovakia? Where did they meet?
Neville Chamberlain–Prime Minister of Great Britain
Munich, Germany
DId Hitler and Mussolini both fight in WWI?
What was the event that was the direct cause of WWI?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.
Who were the Red Tails?
This was the nickname for the Tuskegee Airmen?
Which ISM would you think of Jeremy Bentham with?
What were the 4 important ISMs of the 19th century?
Which publisher coined the term “Anti-semitism”?
Wilhelm Marr
What were the 4 major doctrines of Mein Kampf?
1) Race theory and the concept of Volksgemeinschaft
Culture creating / culture bearing / culture destroying races
Individual is totally submerged in the group… no separate existence.
2) Racial Antisemitism
Emotional Antisemitism to be replaced by “reason based” antisemitism
based on the clearly visible corrosive nature of the “Jew”
3) German Lebensraum
Law of nature (Social Darwinism) that the strong crush the weak and control the resources. “The eternal struggle for daily bread”
4) Supreme leader concept
Führer” is bound only by the laws inherent in the nature of his
What was the Blitzkrieg and where was it first used?
Blitzkrieg means “lightning war”. It was a concentration of forces and firepower used very quickly which would confuse and catch the enemy off guard. German forces first tried out the blitzkrieg in Poland in 1939
How did Hitler legally come to power?
In 1933, he was appointed Chancellor of Germany.
What happened at Tarawa?
Tarawa was a heavily fortified island held by the Japanese. In November 1943 US forces took the island after a bloody battle where the Japanese refused to surrender.
Who was an important person in Social Darwinism?
Herbert Spencer
What was the Enola Gay?
It was the specially constructed aircraft which carried the atomic bombs to Japan.
What happened at Stalingrad?
Stalingrad is a city in Russia and was the site of the largest and bloodiest battle of the WWII (and perhaps ever) . The battle lasted from August 1942-Feb 1943. The Germans could not take the city and had to retreat.
What is Edmund Burke best remembered for?
European conservatism.
What were the Nuremburg Laws?
Germany passed a series of laws in 1935 that discriminated against Jews. Examples: Not allowed to marry non-Jews, not considered citizens, not allowed to listen to certain music, had to sign their name followed by Sarah or Israel
Which group organized the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914?
The Serbian group called THE BLACK HAND.
What was the Blitz?
The Blitz was when Germany bombed England in 1940 and 1941. They targeted industrial sites, towns and cities–including London.
Which Japanese city was the first one the US dropped the atomic bomb on?
Who was Johan Fichte?
He was a German philosopher who wrote Addresses to the German Nation –he is considered one of the fathers of German Nationalism.