HIS 102 Exam 1 Fall 2022 Flashcards
From September 1814-June 1815 an important set of meetings took place in Europe–what were they called?
The Congress of Vienna
Who was the leader of the Congress of Vienna?
Klemens von Metternich of Austria
What were the main goals of the Congress of Vienna?
- To return Europe to the way it was before Napoleon (restore borders, monarchs)
- To maintain a balance of power in Europe
- To maintain a Conservative Order
The period in Europe between 1815 and 1848 has been called…
The Age of Metternich
What important period of change happened between 1760-1820?
The Industrial Revolution
What is a short definition of Industrial Revolution?
- A period where new forms of energy were controlled and used
- which allowed the use of machines to increase productivity in the manufacture of goods.
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin and why there?
- No wars on its territory
- lots of natural resources
- plenty of access to water
How does industrialization lead to militarization?
Mass production ⇒ Need for resources ⇒ National expansion to get those resources ⇒ Militarization to conquer and control new territories
What raw materials were needed to “power” the Industrial Revolution?
oil and coal
What new form of transportation was important during the industrial revolution?
Can you name 4 important ideologies of the 19th century?
- Liberalism
- Socialism
- Romanticism
- Nationalism
Which ideology led Europe on the path to World War I?
German Nationalism
What is the primary goal of Liberalism?
To protect personal freedoms–especially the right to property.
What is a drawback of Liberalism?
The rights of owners are protected but not the rights of the workers.
What did Liberalism hope to achieve in government?
Constitutionalism and rule of law important as well of freedom of the press, religion, and speech.
But did not fully guarantee representation of the common person.
What is a primary goal of Socialism?
Government will make laws to protect workers.
What is a drawback of Socialism?
Government may take control of all aspects of society and become oppressive.
What writer and book is considered important to Socialism?
Karl Marx–Communist Manifesto (1848)
What do the socialists mean by class conflict?
The workers must fight against the owners of the means of production.
What are some of the characteristics of Communism?
- Workers control the means of production
- classless society
- ideology is more important than the individual
- all opposition must be eliminated
What important event in the 20th century was based on Communism?
Marxist-Leninist revolution in Russia 1917.
What ideology is John Stuart Mill tied to?
What were some of the important ideas of John Stuart Mill?
- wrote On Liberty
- Constitutionalism–rule of law, due process, constitutional limits on executive power and the power of the people
- concerned about the dangers of too much liberty
- believed democracy threatened liberty
What was an important idea that both Locke and Rousseau believed in?
The social contract–people agree to abide by the rule of the majority.
Which ideology believes the following: “The heart has reasons the head cannot understand.”
What is the chief goal of Romanticism?
- It is a reaction against the rationality and reasoning of the Enlightenment
- believes truth derives from the heart/feelings/creativity/imagination.
What is the chief drawback of Romanticism?
Irrationality can take over–beliefs may be taken to be sacred without being questioned or reasoned out.
What other ism does Romanticism influence?
Which ISM believes strongly in the power of Personal Genius?
Which ISM is a reaction against Liberalism?
In which ISM does the individual identify with a culture, language, religion, or territory?
What is a drawback of Nationalism?
Love of country can lead people to feel superior to others.
What is the Volk?
It is the German word for folk but refers to people who share culture, history, language, and territory.
What is one example of a volkish movement that emerged in 20th century Germany?
How did the Industrial Revolution lead to the Volkish movement?
It changed Europe from a rural, peaceful way of life tied to nature to an urban society of crowds, noise, and corruption. It’s rapid change was confusing. It created a working class who needed to belong to something greater and have a sense of place and be tied to the earth/nature/land.
What group of people did the volkish movement (and Nazism) appeal to?
The common man–the farmer, craftsman, lower classes.
What is this a definition of? “A doctrine that, in exchange for conversion, promises temporal salvation that conforms to a cosmic order whose evolution has been scientifically deciphered and requires political practice aimed at radically transforming society.”
What ideology is this?
“a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its language, culture, and interests.”
What two other isms greatly influenced Nationalism and how?
Romantism: encouragement of “feeling” and “identity”
Liberalism: requirement that a legitimate state be based on a “people” rather than a ruling dynasty.
In Nationalism, cultural unity can come from….
Language, history, territory
How did the distrust of urban areas tie in with Anti-Semitism?
The volkish movement distrusted the urban centers and tied the Jews who lived there with all the bad things associated with the cities.
What did Johann Fichte write about the Jewish religion and history?
He wrote that the Jews’ religion separates them from history and reason. Germans are Christians but Jews do not accept the “new” religion and keep up with the times.
How did Johann Fichte believe the Jews separated themselves economically from the rest of German culture?
He wrote that the Jews do not belong to the German economy because they have separated themselves from the natural development of the country by not participating in farming or manufacturing.
What did Ernst Arndt say about the Jews and race?
He wrote that being Jewish is not just a question of religion but they are also a separate race and nation.
What were the HEP HEP riots and where did they take place in 1819?
Happened in the universities–Jews were condemned.
In The Jewish Question, Bruno Bauer attacked the Jews because….
Jews attacked for two reasons:
1) they don’t keep up with historical change since they don’t admit their religion is gone.
2) they blindly follow their religion which means they are not morally free.
Why did Bruno Bauer say Jews did not deserve rights?
He said the Jew is a religious believer and not a human who deserves rights.
In Judaism Abroad, Bruno Bauer wrote racist things about the Jews. What did he say?
He said the Jews were stubborn as a result of their character and that they were social and moral degenerates.
These qualities were a result of their birth–not individual choice.
Saying someone is a certain way because they are born that way is racist.
What German composer had anti-semitic ideas and said the Jews did not have cultural skills or any artistic depth?
Richard Wagner
What term did journalist Wilhem Marr first use?
Who wrote that species naturally evolve through a process of natural selection?
Charles Darwin in On the Origin of Species.
How did Social Darwinism use the ideas of Darwin?
It interpreted the idea of natural selection to mean “survival of the fittest” and said that some races of men might not survive in competition with others because they are not as well equipped.
What ideas did Herbert Spencer have?
He encouraged the idea of “survival of the fittest” in human societies.
Who came up with the term Aryan to describe a superior white European race?
Arthur de Gobineau in his Essay on the Inequality of Races
Who wrote about the racial psuedo-science of Teutonic (Germanic) superiority, and Jewish inferiority.
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
What Lutheran preacher said the Jews were a separate race, not just a religion.
Adolf Stoecker
What professor and historian came up with the slogan “The Jews are our misfortune.”
Heinrich Treitschke
The Volkish movement was influenced by which 2 ISMs?
Romanticism and Nationalism
What important book did Friedrich Engels write?
The Condition of the Working Class
What two ideologies merged to support the 1848 Revolutions?
Who wrote “I believe we are sleeping on a volcano” during 1848?
Alexis de Tocqueville
What happened in Ireland from 1845 to 1849?
Potato famine
Where did the first Revolution of 1848 take place?
Who wrote “When France sneezes, Europe catches cold”?
Klemens von Metternich of Austria
How did the news of Paris’ Revolution spread across Europe?
In what German city did the National Assembly meet?
In what country did the Chartist Movement emerge?
Great Britain
What was the rallying cry of the Paris workers in June of 1848?
Bread or Lead!
Who was Robert Blum?
Revolutionary leader during the 1848 revolutions and member of the German Parliament. He was executed in Frankfort, becoming a martyr.
Who wrote: “We have been beaten and humiliated…the fate of European democracy has slipped from our hands.”
Pierre Joseph Proudhon, French socialist
What did British historian, G. M. Trevelyan, say about 1848?
“The year 1848 was the turning point at which modern history failed to turn.”