Exam #3 Spring 2022 Flashcards
What were the two important factors which led to the rise of Hitler and Nazism?
- Volkish movement 2. The German defeat and the conditions imposed on them at Versailles
What three conditions placed on Germany at Versailles were especially upsetting to them?
- Germany was blamed for the war 2. Germany had to pay reparations for damages they caused and these reparations were so high they could never pay them back. 3. Germany lost territories, especially to France.
Explain 3 attributes of the Volkish movement.
- It had a great capacity to organize by appealing to the common people 2. It was characterized by ethical dualism–which means it defined things in black or white, good or bad–no middle ground–you agreed with them or you were an enemy 3. Racial dogma–anti-semitism and belief in superior/inferior races
Who did Germany think stabbed the country in the back?
They believed the Weimar Government, which contained many Jews, had sold out the country after Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated.
Who was born in Linz Austria in 1889?
Adolf Hitler
What did Hitler want to be when he grew up? Was he successful at first?
He hoped to be an artist but he could not get into art school. Before WWI started, he worked odd jobs. He was not a successful person.
What did Hitler do when he got home from WWI?
He joined the German Worker’s Party and then formed his own party in 1920. This was called the NSDAP or Nazi party. National Socialist German Workers Party
What symbol has come to mean hatred?
Swastika (Hakenkreuz)
Who were the Storm Troopers?
Brown shirts–group within the Nazi party –bitter ex soldiers who would break up community gatherings, beat up Jews, etc.
Who were the S.S.?
Defense Echelons section of the Nazi Party–they were the party elites.
What role did Joseph Goebbels play in the Nazi party?
He was in charge of propaganda. He said “repeat the lie” and people will believe it.
What was the Beer Hall Putsch?
1923, Hitler wanted to copy Mussolini’s March on Rome so he staged a demonstration that started in a Munich beer hall. The plan was to gather followers and storm city hall in Berlin.
Was the Beer Hall Putsch successful?
No, Hitler was put on trial and imprisoned.
What did Hitler do while in prison?
He wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle).
What were the 4 major teachings in Mein Kampf?
- Race Theory 2. Racial Anti-Semitism 3. Lebensraum (Living Space) 4. Supreme Leader Concept
In Hitler’s Race Theory, what race does he think is supreme?
The Aryan race–their responsibility is to maintain racial purity.
According to Hitler’s Race Theory, what are the 3 categories of cultures?
- Culture Creating = Aryan–everything comes from them 2. Culture Bearing = can’t create culture but can help maintain it (workers/slaves–Slavs, Asians, etc.) 3. Culture Destroying = Jews
In Hitler’s Race Theory, what is the role of the individual?
Individuals only exist as a member of a group. It is their responsibility to protect the race–“the team”.
In Hitler’s racial anti-semitism, what must happen to the Jews?
He claimed his ideas were based on “science” and he claimed that for the health of the people, Jews must be eradicated.
How did Social Darwinism guide Hitler’s ideas?
Tied to Lebensraum–need for living space. Nature tells us the strong destroy the weak and must control the resources. He would later use this idea to justify killing Germans who were not perfect–deformed children, sick, elderly.
What did Hitler mean by the Supreme Leader Concept?
The Fuhrer is bound only by laws essential to the German nature–he can do anything to support the race.
How did Hitler become chancellor of Germany?
In 1933, the Nazi party gained some seats in the German Reichstag. Germany’s President Hindenburg’s party did not have enough seats to have a majority so he made a deal with the Nazi Party to join with his party to make a majority. Hitler said he would make the deal if Hindenburg would make him chancellor.
What event caused Hitler to declare martial law and become a dictator?
Fire in the Reichstag building.
In 1935 the Nuremburg Laws were passed. What did they do?
- Stripped Jews of their citizenship and defined exactly who was a Jew. 2. Prevented Jews and Aryans from marrying. 3. Jews were not allowed to listen to certain composers like Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart. 4. Jews had to write Israel or Sarah after their names on legal documents.
What event in 1938 signalled the beginning of the Holocaust?
Krystallnacht–November 9-10, 1938 (means night of shattered glass) Jewish homes and businesses attacked with more than 100 Jews killed, 30,000 arrested, 191 synagogues destroyed, more than 500 shops looted.
In April 1933, Hitler imposed a boycott of Jewish businesses. How did the rest of German citizens react?
It got wide support because it reinforced attitudes that were already in place.
Which Japanese period was a time of rapid modernization?
Meiji Period
What European country did Japan sign an alliance with in 1902?
What European country did Japan defeat in war in 1905?
Which side did Japan fight on in WWI?
They were with the allies–Britian, France, US.
Why was Japan disappointed with the outcome of the peace negotiations at Versailles?
The failure of the Japanese to get a clause on racial equality inserted into the covenant of the League of Nations was an insult. Plus, they expected to gain territories since they had helped the Allies win.
Why did the US put an embargo on oil and steel exports to Japan?
Japan had invaded French Indochina in 1940, after Germany defeated France and the US wanted Japan to get out of China.
On what date did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?
December 7, 1941
What was the name of the party that Adolf Hitler formed?
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
NSDAP =National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI)
What does the word SHOAH mean?.
Destruction. Another word for the holocaust.
What word means “A sacrifice consumed totally by fire.”
Where did leaders discuss the “final solution”?
Wannsee Conference, led by Reinhard Heydrich, in 1942.
Where were Jews exterminated?
At camps:
Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Madjenek, Sobibor,
The aim of German policy was to make secure and to preserve the racial community and to enlarge it. “
Lebensraum = - Living space
What area did Hitler annex first, in 1938?
After Austria, what country did Hitler take over in 1938/39?
He annexed the Sudetenland in 1938 and then conquered the rest of the country of Czechoslovakia in 1939.
What British Prime minister met with Hitler in Munich in 1938 and agreed he could have the Sudetenland?
Neville Chamberlain
Who did Dr. McNutt say was the only European leader who really understood how bad Hitler was?
Winston Churchill–who became Prime Minister of Britain after Neville Chamberlain resigned.
Who became the leader of Italy in 1922 with the March on Rome?
What was Mussolini’s nickname?
Il Duce (The Chief)
What did Mussolini do before he became a dictator?
He was a newspaperman?
What was Mussolini’s political party called?
What was Centralized Capitalism?
Mussolini allowed business to be independent but state would intervene if necessary.
How did Mussolini treat the Catholic Church?
He made peace with them and said they were the only religion in Italy through the Lateran Treaty plus he allowed Vatican City to be independent.
Under Mussolini, children were taught to….
Believe, obey, fight!!
Did Mussolini allow a lot of freedom?
He suppressed other political parties and practiced censorship.
What was the Lateran Treaty?
- Agreement between Mussolini and the Catholic Church. They were recognized as the state religion and Vatican City made independent.
What did Hitler do during WWI?
He served as a soldier and he was wounded.
How can you define the Holocaust?
A systematic attempt to wipe out European Jews.
What was the Final Solution?
The extermination of Jews through a process of gassing them using Zyklon B.
What year was the Wannsee conference? Who was there and what did they do?
- German leadership. Came up with the plan for the “final solution” for the Jews.
What was the Tokugawa period in Japanese history?
Lasted from 1600-1868. Japan very isolated from the West and industrialization. Run by shoguns–feudal lords who were always fighting each other.
What was the Imperial period in Japan? (1890-1945)
Japan created a Constitution and the position of emperor but it was also a time of more industrialization, military buildup, and drive for international power.
What was an important goal for Japan in the Imperial period?
Dominate the Pacific region. Started by taking control of Korea and Taiwan.
Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?
They wanted to dominate the Pacific. Controlling Pearl Harbor would extend their reach. If they had aircraft carriers there, their planes could reach the West Coast of the US.
What does kamikaze mean?
Divine wind. Refers to the typhoon that saved Japan from the Mongol invaders but also the suicide pilots used by Japan toward the end of the war.
What was the Rape of Nanking?
Japan invaded China and committed atrocities against the citizens in that city.