Hippocampus Flashcards
What does the hippocampus do
Helps put STM into LTM
Supporting Study
-damage to hippocampus during operation to help his epilepsy.
- his personality and intellect remained but couldn’t create new LTM.
-still had procedural memory (could draw) and learn new procedures
-still had semantic memory and can make new ones
-cant make new episodic memory
Supporting study Clive
Clive wearing
- hippocampus damaged from herpes
- lost the ability to form new LTM as he can’t convert stm into ltm
- damaged episodic (can’t make new ones) and only remembered elements of semantic
- normal STM but forgot everything after 30 seconds
- still had procedural memory as remembered how to play piano.
-supports multi store model as shows STM and LTM are different parts of the brain.
- and supports the hippocampus being important in memory making
Neauroimaging evidence
MRIs - brain scan
- give them tasks and see what part of the brain is active (by seeing the electrical activity)
-shows LTM in different parts of the brain and that the multi store model of memory is not just a unitary unit.