Hip Region Flashcards
OPP of Hip Joint
30 Flexion
30 Abduction
Slight ER
CPP of Hip Joint
Internal Rotation
CP of Hip Joint
IR > F > Abd
DF of Hip Joint
What type of joint is the Hip joint
Multi-axial Ball and Socket joint
Low loads
Incongruous joint surfaces
High loads
Congruous surface joints
Hip load during standing
0.3 x BW
Hip load during standing on one limb
2.4 - 2.6 x BW
Hip load during walking
1.3 - 5.8 x BW
Hip load during walking up the stairs
3 x BW
Hip load during running
4.5 x BW
Normal Center Edge Angle
20-30 degrees
Measurement defines the extent to which the acetabulum covers the top of the femoral head
Center Edge Angle
CEA is the intersection of:
Vertical, fixed reference line
Acetabular reference line
Indicates the extent to which the acetabulum covers the front of the femoral head
Acetabular Anteversion Angle