Hip Flashcards
What is the Angle of Inclincation of the Femur?
- Angle between the femoral neck and shaft
- 150 deg in Infants - 125 in Adults - 120 in elderly
What is the Angle of Torsion of the Femur?
- Angle between the axix of Femoral Condyle and the Femoral Neck
- 12-15 degrees in Adults
What are the Three Primary Ligaments of the HIp?
- Iliofemoral Ligament (Y ligament of Bigalow)
- Pubofemoral Ligament
- Ischiofemoral Ligament
What is common MOI of Groin Pulls?
- Sports that require quick acceleration or direction changes
- Commonly the Adductor Longus
- Grade 1 and 2 most common
What is best treatment for Groin Pulls?
- Active Strengthening of the Adductors
- Should be 80% of the strength of the ABductors to avoid reinjury
Describe Iliopectineal Bursitis
- Bursitis of Bursa deep to iliopsoas tendon
- Common with Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Painful Passive Hip Flexion and Adduction, and Passive Hip Extension
Describe Ischial Tubersity Bursitiis
- Occurs in people with sedentary occupations
- Sometimes after a direct fall on the ischial tuberosity
- Palpation over Ischial Tuberosity and Hamstring Stretching is painful
What is the Sign of the Buttock?
- No increase in Hip Flexion Angle during SLR when the knee is bent and further hip flexion is attempted
- Indicates pathology of the buttock
Describe Clinical Signs of a Hip Pointer
- Disabling Pain
- Athlete flexed toward the side of injury to avoid stretching it
How is Myositis Ossificans Treated?
- Early on, RICE
- Once pain and swelling decrease, gentle ROM
- Avoid aggressive stretching for 4 months
What is Snapping Hip Syndrome?
- Also Known as Coxa Saltans
- Occurs commonly in female athletes
- Complaint of clicking greater than pain
- Treated with stretching of involved tissues
What is Osteitis Pubis?
- Chronic inflammation of the Pubic Symphysis
- Caused by repetitive stress of the muscels that attach to Pubic Symphysis
- X rays show widening of the symphysis and can appear “moth eaten” in chronic cases
How are Acetabular Labral Tears Identified and Treated?
- Fitzgeralds Labral Test, Impingment Test
- Treated with Reduced Weight Bearing and Crutches x 4 weeks, if no change, may require surgery
What are common special tests for Piriformis Syndrome?
- Frieberg Test
- Pace Test
- FAIR Test
- Beattie Test
- Lee Test
What is Meralgia Parasthetica and How is it Treated?
- Nerve entrapment of Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
- Tight fitting garments or heavy tool belt usually the cause
- Treated with Rest and Removal of Causative Factor