Foot and Ankle Flashcards
What is Turf Toe?
- Sprain to First MTP joint
- Usually involves hyperextension on artifical turf while pushing off
What are the Major Anatomic Divisions of the Foot?
- Rear Foot- Talus and Calcaneus
- Mid Foot- Navicular, Cuboid, and Cuneiforms
- Fore Foot- Metatarsals and Phalanges
How much ROM is required for normal gait?
- 6-10 deg Dorsiflexion
- 20-30 degrees of Plantar Flexion
- 4-6 degrees of inversion/eversion
What is the Windlass Mechanism?
- Supination and creation of a medial longitudinal arch due to extension of the toes, specifically the Hallux
What are the common arches of the foot?
- Medial Longitudinal Arch
- Lateral Longitudinal Arch
- Proximal Transverse Arch
- Distal Transverse Arch
What is the ideal position for ankle arthrodesis?
- Neutral Dorsiflexion
- Slight Valgus
- External Rotation of approx 5-10 deg
What is Lisfrancs Ligament?
- Ligament spanning the Medial Cuneiform and the base of the 2nd Metatarsal
What is the role of the spring ligament?
- Primary Static Stabilizer of the Medial Longitudinal Arch
What is the difference between Choparts and Lisfranc Joints
- Choparts- Mid Tarsal- Talonavicular and Calcaneocuboid
- Lisfranc- TarsoMetatarsal
What is the most common way of treating Clubfoot?
- Ponseti Method of serial manipulation and casting
What is Kohlers Disease?
- Avascular necrosis of the navicular bone
- Occurs in young children typically age 4-7
- Midfoot Pain, TTP Navicular, Limp
- Immobilization with short leg walking cast
What is Iselins Disease?
- Traction apophysitis of the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal
- Seen in Physically active children aged 8-13
- Pain on Lateral Foot, TTP base 5th Met
- RICE, Activity Modification
What is Severs Disease?
- Calcaneal Apophysitis in the skeletally immature athlete
- TTP Calcaneal Apophysis
- RICE, NSAIDs and Activity Modification
What is Metatarsus Adductus?
- Common Pediatric Foot Disorder
- Forefoot Varus and Adduction, In Toeing in Gait
- Most resolve with shoe modification and serial casting, few need surgery (Midfoot Osteotomy)
What is the function of the Dorsal and Palmar Interossei of the foot?
- Dorsal are ABductors
- Palmar are ADductors
What conditions might be indicated by palpation of the Achilles?
- Pain in different parts with palpation indicative of different pathology
- Musculotendinous Junction- Muscle strain
- Mid Substance of Tendon- Tendonosis
- Calcaneal Insertion- Retrocalcaneal bursitis
What is the Thompson Test?
- Calf Squeeze test to check for Achilles Tendon Rupture
What is typical protocol after Achilles Rupture Repair?
- Immobilization in cast in slight PF x 6-8 weeks
- WB at discretion of Surgeon
- Progress to Heel Lift in shoe
- DF Stretching avoided x 4 months
- Progressive Strengthening of PF and return to run x 7-9 months
Describe the Accelerated plan for Achilles Tendon Repair
- Performed when patient receives surgery with stronger sutures
- Patient Immobilized x 72 hours, early AROM begun, Post Splint x 2 weeks
- Return to pre injury level at 4 months
What is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?
- Entrapment of the Posterior Tibial Nerve as it passes under the retinaculum
- Pain and parasthesias in plantar foot are common symptoms
Describe the Clinical Presentation of Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction?
- Pain and swelling of medial ankle and onset of flatfoot deformity
What is common cause of Peroneal Tendon Subluxation?
- Sudden, Forceful passive dorsiflexion of the everted foot with sudden, strong reflex contraction of the peroneal muscles
- Skiing Injury, Soccer
What are the Ottawa Ankle Rules?
Radiographs warranted if:
- Bone Tenderness to Post 6 cm of distal lateral or medial malleoli
- Unable to walk 4 steps immediately after injury
- TTP Navicular or Base of 5th Metatarsal
What is a Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain?
- High Ankle Sprain
- MOI is External Rotation of Tibia on Planted Foot
- Squeeze Test for diagnosis
- Rule out fracture of the Proximal Fibula
- Possible Referral to Ortho
What is the Sinus Tarsi?
- Funnel Shaped opening in rear foot between the talus and calcaneus
- Wider AnteroLaterally and narrow PosteroMedially
- Main Blood Supply to Talus and TaloCalcaneal Ligament pass through it as well as nerve endings and fatty tissue
What is Sinus Tarsi Syndrome?
- Tenderness over Sinus Tarsi (Lateral Hindfoot)
- Often Associated with recurrent lateral ankle sprains. Sprain of Talocalcaneal ligament and inflammation of Tarsal Sinus
What is Tarsal Coalition?
- A fibrous or Osseous bar that spans two or more of the tarsal bones
- Usually in early teens
- Pain and Loss of Rearfoot motion and rigid pes planus
- Treat with Rest, Mobilization and in extreme cases, surgical release or fusion
What are Hallux Limitus and Hallux Rigidus?
- Decreased Extension of the First MTP of varying degrees.
- Limitus then Rigidus
- Treatment focuses on Joint Mobilization
What is a Hammertoe?
- MTP Extension and PIP Flexion
- Callous on dorsum of PIP
- Treatment focuses on Joint Mobiliation, Flexibility and wearing of a deeper shoe
What is Claw Toe?
- MTP Extension, PIP And DIP Flexion
- Extrinsics Stronger than Intrinsics
- Stretching is main treatment
What is Sesamoiditis?
- Inflammation and pain in sesamoids of Foot
- Pain under First MTP, Pain in ambulation, Pain with Extension of great toe, swelling at head of first Metatarsal Head