Cervical Spine Flashcards
What serious Medical Conditions is the Head and Neck Screening Questionnaire meant to pick up?
- SubArachnoid Hemmorhage/ Stroke
- Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency
- Meningitis
- Primary Brain Tumor
- Mild TBI/ PostConcussive Syndrome
- Subdural Hematoma
Describe When Radiographs would be required according to the Canadian C Spine Rule
Series of Questions
- Does the patient have 2 or more of these high risk factors
1. Age > 65
2. Parasthesias in Extremities
3. Dangerous MOI; Fall from height > 1 meter, MVA speeds greater than 100 km/hr or rollover or ejection in MVA, Bike or Motorcycle Accident - Does the patient have any factors that limit assessment of AROM; Assessment of AROM depends on:
1. Assume a sitting position
2. Ambulate
3. Onset of neck pain not immediate
4. Absence of Midline tenderness
5. MVA not consistent with above risk factors - If pnt cannot have AROM Assessed, they need Radiographs
- If pnt can have AROM assessed and it is < 45 degrees, they need radiographs
What is a Minimal Detectable Change?
The amount of change that must be observed before the change can be considered to exceed measurement error
What is Minimal Clinically Important Difference?
The smallest difference that the patients perceive as beneficial
How do you score the Neck Disability Index?
- Total of 10 items
- 6 Responses for Each Item, each scored 0-5
- Total is expressed as percentage, the higher the percentage, the higher the perceived disability
How do you score the Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS)?
- Patiient provides 5 functional items they are having difficulty with
- Graded 0-10
- 0 is the inability to perform the activity, 10 is the ability to perform as well as before injury occurred
Describe the scoring and the scales on the FABQ
- FABQ work subscale consists of 7 items
- FABQ Physical Activity subscale consists of 4 items
- Possible 42 points for Work, and 24 for Physical Activity
- Higher scores demonstrate higher fear avoidance
Describe Common Clinical Findings and Symptoms of a patient with Neck Pain with Mobility Deficits
Clinical Findings - Age < 50 - Acute Neck Pain - Symptoms isolated to the Neck - Restricted Cervical ROM Symptoms - Unilateral Neck Pain - Neck Motion Limitations - Onset of Sx often linked to a recent awkward movement or position - Possible associated upper extremity pain
What are some tests to identify ligamentous insufficiency in the Cervical Spine?
- Sharp Purser
- Alar Ligament Integrity Test
- Central PA pressure to assess for midline tenderness and segmental mobility
What are some common Symptoms of Vertebro-Basilar Insufficieny?
- Vertigo/ Dizziness
- Tinnitus
- Ataxia/ Unsteady Gait
- Diplopia/ Visual Perceptual Disturbances
- Nausea
What are some common clinical features suggestive of Vertebro-Basilar Insufficiency?
- Unilateral and Suboccipital pain in the head and neck
- Patient Never Experienced pain like it before
- Pnt report of stiff neck with no motion loss
What are some common Neurological Signs of Vertebro-Basilar Insufficiency?
- Ipsilateral Horner Syndrome
- Ipsilateral Limb Ataxia
- Gait Ataxia
- Ipsilateral Sensory abnormalities of face
- Nystagmus
What is the most common cause of VBI?
- Trauma; Specifically from high- velocity flexion distraction and rotational forces such as whiplash
Name 6 predictors useful in determining which patients will benefit from Cervical Spine Manipulation
- Initial Scores on NDI < 11.5
- Having Bilateral Involvement
- Not performing Sedentary work > 5 hours per day
- Feeling better while moving the neck
- Did not feel worse while extending the neck
- Diagnosis of Spodylosis without Radiculopathy
Name 6 predictors usfeul in determining which Cervical Pain patients might benefit from Thoracic manipulation
- Symptom Duration < 30 days
- No Symptoms distal to shoulder
- Subject reports that looking up does not aggravate Sx
- FABQ Physical Activity Subscale < 12
- Diminished Upper Thoracic Kyphosis (T3-5)
- Cervical Extension < 30 deg
What are some common clinical findings and symptoms associated with Neck Pain with Headache Patients?
- Unilateral Headache
- Headache worsened with palpation of posterior neck
- Restricted Cervical ROM and Segmental Mobility
- Substandard performance on the Cranial Cervical Flexion Test
- Headache worsened by sustained positions and neck movements
What are some characteristics that differentiate patients who get migraines and Cervicogenic Headache patients?
Cervicogenic Headache patients
- Have less cervical ROM into Flexion and Extension
- Have Significantly higher instances of of painful upper cervical joint dysfunction and muscle tightness
Describe Cranial Cervical Flexion Test
- Inflate pressure cuff to 20 mmHg
- Put it under the cervical lordosis while patient in supine
- Tell patient to nod head as if saying yes with upper neck
- Hold Position for 10 seconds
- Repeat with 22,24,26, 28, and 30 mmHg
What is considered an abnormal/ Substandard performance of the Cranial Cervical Flexion Test
- Unable to generate an increase in pressure of 6 mmHg
- Unable to hold pressure for 10 seconds
- Uses Superficial Neck Muscles
- Extending neck forcefully against pressure cuff to achieve pressure
What are some clinical findings associated with Neck Pain with Movement Coordination Impairments?
- Chronic Neck Pain
- Poor Performance on Cranial Cervical Flexion Test and Deep Flexor Endurance Test
- Flexibility Deficits in Upper Quarter Muscles (Scalenes, Levator Scap, Pec Minor, etc)
- Ergonomic Inefficiency
- Associated Upper Extremity Pain
What are some clinical findings associated with Neck Pain with Radiating Pain?
- Positive on the Wainner Radiculopathy Rule
- Signs of Nerve Root Compression
- Success with reducing upper extremity symptoms with initial intervention procedures
- Radicular pain into Upper Extremity
Describe the Clinical Prediction Rule by Wainner that predicts Cervical Radiculopathy
- Positive Upper Limb Tension Test A (Median Bias)
- Positive Spurlings A
- Involved Side Cervical Rotation < 60 deg
- Positive Distraction Test
What are some common signs of Cervical Myelopathy or Upper Motor Neuron Pathology?
- Hyper-reflexia
- More diffuse Sensory Changes, not necessarily in Dermatomal Pattern’
- Clonus of Ankle
- Positive Babinski
- Positive Hoffmans
- Clumsiness of Gait
- Generalized weakness below level of involvement
What are some common signs of Lower Motor Neuron Pathology?
- Hypo-reflexia
- Absent Deep Tendon Reflexes
- Decreased sensation to light touch in dermatomal pattern
- Muscle Weakness in myotomal pattern
What are the Key Muscles, Dermatomal areas and reflexes to test for Neurological Screen of C5?
- Deltoid Muscle
- Lateral Forearm Sensation
- Biceps Brachii Reflex
What are the Key Muscles, Dermatomal areas and reflexes to test for Neurological Screen of C6?
- Biceps Brachii, Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus/Brevis Muscles
- Distal Thumb Sensation
- Brachioradialis Reflex
What are the Key Muscles, Dermatomal areas and reflexes to test for Neurological Screen of C7?
- Triceps and Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscles
- Distal Middle Finger Sensation
- Triceps Reflex
What are the Key Muscles, Dermatomal areas and reflexes to test for Neurological Screen of C8?
- Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle
- Distal Fifth Finger Sensation
- No Reflex
What are the Key Muscles, Dermatomal areas and reflexes to test for Neurological Screen of T1?
- First Dorsal Interossei Muscle
- Medial Forearm Sensation
- No Reflex
Describe the scale used to measure reflexes
- 0: Absent
- 1+: Hyporeactive Reflex
- 2+: Normal
- 3+: Hyperreactive but WNL of variation
- 4+: Hyperreactive
What are 4 variables described by Cleland that predict if Neck Pain with radiating pain patient will succeed with PT interventions?
- Age < 54
- Dominant Arm is not Affected
- Looking down does not worsen Symptoms
- Multimodal treatment including traction, manual therapy, and DNF Strengthening for at least 50% of the visits
What are the five variables in the Clinical Prediction Rule to determine if a patient will benefit from intermittent cervical traction?
- Patient reported peripheralization with lower cervical spine (C4-7) mobility testing
- Positive shoulder Abduction Sign
- Age greater or equal to 55
- Positive ULTTA
- Relief of Symptoms with manual distraction test
What is another classification system for neck pain
- Mobility
- Centralization
- Conditioning and Exercise Tolerance
- Pain Control
- Reduce Headache