Hip Flashcards
labral tear in hip: tests
> ant. hip impingement test (start with hip in flexion, knee flexed, hip IR, move to hip ext. and ER)
Tx labral tear in hip
posterior glide to inc. flexion, distraction, contract/relax stretching
passive SLR, hip abductions, balance and SLS
what actions do u avoid with a hip labral tear
hip hyperextesion and forced flexion
tests: femoral neck fracture
IR/ER will reproduce pain and be limited
pain with resisted ER
tx: femoral neck fracture
glides, crutch training, education, RICE, clycling, strengthen IR/ER
Tests: Illiopsoas snapping hip
thomas test
what does the illiopsoas tendon snap over?
lesser trochanter
tx for snapping hip
stretch iliopsoas (contract relax), myofascial release, inferior glide, SLR, bridging, core, isometrics
hip OA tests:
distraction/compression, scour
hip OA tx:
lateral glide to inc. abduction and joint space, post glide to inc. flexion/IR, clams, walking, high reps, low resistance, low WB for joint health :)
trochanteric bursitis (external): test
palpate bursa, mod ober’s test, check gait for over pronation, FABER, goni in abduction, extension, ER
external trochanteric bursitis: tx
medial patellar glides, lateral and caudal/inferior glides to inc. joint space, ant. glide for inc. exten/ER, foam roller to IT band
strengthen hip abductors with clams, SLS, etc. stretch IT band
Test: hamstring strain
hammy length, empty end feel?, weak MMT?
Tx: hamstring strain
hold/relax stretch, e-stim, US, HMP for pain, heel slides, prone hammy curls
anterior glide of hip
post. glide of hip
superior glide of hip
hip adduction
inferior glide
hip abduction
fxnl hip mvmts: ROM
1) shoe tying
2) sitting
3) stooping
4) squatting
5) ascending stairs
6) descending stairs
7) putting foot on opp. thigh
8) putting on pants
1) 120 deg. flex
2) 112 deg. flex
3) 125 deg. flex
4) 115 flex, 20. abd, 20 IR
5) 67 flex
6) 36 flex
7) 120 flex, 20 abd, 20 ER
8) 90 flex
what is a normal femoral neck to femur angle?
125 degrees
what is coxa valga
increased femoral neck angle, 170 deg.
what is coxa vara
decreased femoral neck angle, 100 deg.
side effects of coxa valga
inc. joint rxn forces
side effects of coxa vara
dec. joint rxn forces, inc. shear forces on femoral head and neck (fxs) damages epiphyseal plate
normal femoral anteversion
8-15 degrees
excessive anteversion
> 15 degrees
< 8 degrees
test for femoral anteversion?
craig’s test
posterior approach THA precautions
flex> 90
adduction past midline
ant. approach THA precautions
avoid hip flex >90
hip extension
in a trochanteric osteotomy, avoid what?
gravity eliminated abduction for 6-8 wks
adult avascular necrosis: causes
alcoholism steriod use trauma 35-45 years old art. degeneration
adult avascular necrosis S&S
pain in buttocks, knees and ant. lateral thigh, limited ROM in hip abduction and IR
adult avascular necrosis tx:
AD training
activity modification
hip ROM and strength
sx normally needed
S&S piriformis syndrome:
post. buttock pain, pain down back of leg, pain inc. with sitting,
flat back posture
pain with palpation of greater sciatic notch
tests for piriformis
piriformis test