Ankle Flashcards
plantar fascitis test
tender palpation at heel
medial heel tender
navicular drop test? pt should be over pronated
plantar fascitis tx:
ice massage "ringing out your foot" stretch achilles massage and stretch friction massage shoewear
Achilles tendinopathy test:
girth measurements
painful palpation
MMT of PF (should be weak)
Goni of DF (limited)
achilles tendinopathy tx:
post glide to inc. DF med/lat glides to inc. ROM ice, rest ankle pumps AAROM calf raises
hypomobile ankle test:
ROM all areas
all glides
hypomobile ankle tx:
**medial glide to inc. inversion and post glides for DF!!!!
lat glides to inc. eversion
ankle pumps,rolls, BAPS, no resistance, SLS
Compartment syndrome test:
girth, palpation, sensation test, pulse??, ask about immediate history!
compartment syndrome tx:
PRICE, stetching, mobility exercises, stretching and scar management
ankle sprain test:
ant. instability test
talar tilt test
what does ant. instability test (ankle anterior drawer), test?
anterior talofibular ligament
what does talar tilt test, test?
calcaneofibular ligament
ankle sprain tx:
taping, edema, massage, PRICE, ankle alphabet, BAPS, ankle pumps
medial tibial stress syndrome test:
>palpation of post/medial shin, >shin edema test/ girth, >over pronation? >over exerciser? >MMT and PROM of FDL, tibialis posterior and soleus...pain? >goni of hip IR- limited? >goni of PF- increased?
MTSS tx:
PRICE, post. glide to inc. hip IR, contract relax stretching, balance training, SLS, walking mechanics, eccentric calves exercises, shoewear, orthotics?
Morton’s neuroma test:
> squeeze test
over pronator?
pain with WBing?
morton’s neuroma tx:
ice, stretch, get them a MET PAD!!!
posterior talocrural glide
anterior talocrural glide
CPP of ankle
max DF
open pack position of ankle
10 degrees PF
medial subtalar glide
lateral subtalar glide
cpp subtalar joint
What is Homan’s sign
pt. prone, stab. leg and passively DF foot, pain=DVT
thompson’s test
squeeze calf to assess integrity of achilles tendon
how to find subtalar neutral
Patient is prone with foot unsupported
Grasp the foot over the 4th and 5th MT heads with index finger and thumb
With the other hand palpate the talus on the dorsum of the foot using thumb and index finger
Move foot medially and laterally until the talus disappears/feels equal on both sides.
Passively dorsiflex the foot to lock into subtalar neutral
when do u perform cuboid whip
when u suspect the cuboid is stuck plantarly