hindbrain (brainstem) Flashcards
what are the hindbrain’s components?
-myelencephalon: medulla +PONS (lower brain stem)
-metencephalon: cerebellum
what are the functions of the myelencephalon\brainstem?
- function of the cranial nerves: The brainstem is the origin or termination point for most cranial nerves, which are essential for the sensory and motor functions of the head and neck.
Posterior (Dorsal) Side: Primarily sensory functions.
Anterior (Ventral) Side: Primarily motor functions.
-The brainstem controls various autonomic reflexes that regulate essential bodily functions like Swallowing, coughing, sneezing, and vomiting.
- reticular formation function: (reticular formation A network of interconnected neurons throughout the brainstem that plays a key role in regulating several vital functions.)
Control of Sleep/Waking, Arousal, and Consciousness
Contains Nuclei for Neurotransmitters:
Links cerebellum with rest of the brain – control of movement
sleep regulation
Control of vital functions (breathing and cardiovascular system)
What symptoms do you expect when the lower brainstem is disconnected from the rest of the brain(myenchephalon)? i.e. intact hind brain & spinal cord - Low decerebrate
Sensory input cannot reach rest of the brain:
low consciousness
Muscle rigidity
Persistent vegetative state
what symptoms do u expect when u have damage to the reticular formation(myenchephalon)?
what symptoms do u expect when u have damage to the medulla(myenchephalon)?
stop breathing
your heartbeat stops bruh
what are the functions of the Metencephalon/Cerebellum?
-it Receives input from the vestibular system(in the ear\balance) and from the sensory receptors of trunk and limbs
-Motor coordination and motor learning
-Integration of motor function with mental processes
What symptoms do you expect from cerebellar lesions(Metencephalon)?
- Problems with equilibrium, postural reflexes
-problems with Skilled motor activity (wobbly cat video)
what is postural support?
it performs units of movements, such as licking. when it is stimulated, it shows exaggerated standing, postural reflexes, and elements of sleepwalking behaviour.(major function of hindbrain)