High School: U.S. Presidents & Politics Flashcards
He served in the House of Representatives and as governor of Ohio. He was in the “half-breed” faction of the Republican party and attempted to bring racial equality to the South. Name this man considered to be the first post-Reconstruction president who followed U.S. Grant, becoming the 19th president of the United States
Rutherford B. Hayes
He was a lawyer and civil rights activist. He was denied entry to the University of Maryland Law School and attended Howard University. He would argue one of the most important Supreme Court cases in history. Name this man who won the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka and became the first African American Supreme Court justice
Thurgood Marshall (must provide first name)
The cornerstone for this building was laid in 1792. It has 130 rooms and covers 18 acres. Name the oldest federal building in Washington D.C. which received its current name from Teddy Roosevelt in 1901 when he lived thereq
White House
He was the son of a Greek immigrant who became the Governor of Maryland in 1967. He would late become the 39th Vice President of the United States. Name this man who was accused of taking kickbacks and resigned from office and was replaced by Gerald Ford as vice-president.
Spiro Agnew
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrate each year in the United States from September 15th to October 15th. Interestingly, it did not become an observed month of celebration until September 14th, 1989. Name the U.S. President who signed the proclamation
George H.W. Bush
Upon his agreement to sign this legislation, President Johnson said his party would lose the Southern vote for a generation. Name this landmark act signed in 1964 that guaranteed equal freedoms to all regardless of race
Civil Rights (act of 1964)
What U.S. president famously said, “The buck stops here”
(Harry) Truman
What U.S. president famously said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
Teddy Roosevelt (prompt on Roosevelt)
Teddy Roosevelt was frustrated by what President Taft had done while in office. He created what was nicknames the Bull Moose Party to run for the presidency in 1912. What is the real name for this party he created solely for the purpose of running for president
Progressive (Party)
She was a US congressional representative from 1979 - 1985 representing the state of New York. A political meeting of women in a New York City Chinese restaurant, her fortune cookie read, “You will win big in ‘84” Name this first woman to be the vice-presidential nominee of a major political party
(Geraldine) Ferraro
This presidential proclamation added a great deal of territory to the United States. This territory, however, was off the coast. Name this order that the seas, seabed and that below the seabed of all continental shelves contiguous to the US were the territory of the United States
Truman Proclamation
It is one of six amendments to the Constitution that have not been ratified. It passed Congress in 1810 and is still pending before the States. What is this proposed amendment that would strip US citizenship for anyone who took a title, such as emperor, king or prince?
Titles of Nobility (Amendment)
He watched the 1978 movie Taxi Driver and became obsessed with it. He collected information on JFK’s assassination and just two months into his presidency, Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded by this man who wanted to impress movie star, Jodie Foster. Name this attempted assassin of Reagan
(John) Hinckley (Jr.)
The first televised Presidential debates were broadcasted in 1960 between 2 candidates. John F. Kennedy faced off with the current Vice President who lost the 1960 election narrowly. Name this future president
(Richard) Nixon
(blitz before JFK acceptable but name both candidates)
He was born in Denison, Texas in 1890 but moved to Abilene, Kansas when he was one. He played football at West Point and graduated in the lower middle part of the 1915 class. Name the future general who planned the D-Day invasion and later became the 34th president of the U.S.
(Dwight D.) Eisenhower
His father was a goatherder until he earned a scholarship to attend college in the U.S. His mother met his father in a Russian language class at the University of Hawai’i. Name the man who would g on to become a community organizer, a Senator from Illinois and the 44th president of the U.S.
(Barack) Obama
He became the first black American to serve as Minority Leader of the House of Representatives in 2023.
Hakeem Jefferies
In any order, name the first four presidents ELECTED in the 20th century (20 seconds to list all four)
Theodore Roosevelt (must have both names)
(William) Taft
(Woodrow) Wilson
(Warren) Harding
She was a civil rights pioneer to women, African Americans and Congress. She was instrumental in founding programs such as food stamps and nutrition for women, children and infants. She once said, “Tremendous amounts of talent are lost to our society just because that talent wears a skirt.” Name this first African American woman to be elected to the US Congress
(Shirley) Chisholm
The United States declared that it would not interfere in the affairs of Europe but that the entire Western Hemisphere was a sphere of influence of the United States. Name this policy declared in 1823 by the president of the United States
Monroe Doctrine
This established a new government upon landfall. 41 male passengers agreed to follow the laws set up by the agreement. Name this agreement of the titular ship on which they sailed that landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620
Mayflower Compact
It was enacted as a result of the Seven Years War. The people resorted to mob violence, which caused the collectors on this tax to resign, Name this highly unpopular act passed by British Parliament in 1765 to tax American colony newspapers and other printed materials, which was repealed in 1766
Stamp (Act)
This philosophy was the basis of many political decision in the United States in the 19th century and was often used as justification for the expansion of American territory. Name this political doctrine, repudiated by John Quincy Adams because it would later be the basis of expansion of slavery into Texas
Manifest Destiny
This landmark Supreme Court case established First Amendment protection of symbolic speech. It was a result of a school rule which prohibited students from wearing black armbands in protest of the Vietnam War. Name this case, which the Supreme Court ruled on in 1969
Tinker v. Des Moines
This Cabinet-level department was established in 1989; however, the functions performed by this department go back to the beginning of the U.S. This department provides burials for eligible past and present military members and manages 135 national cemeteries. Name this department responsible for the healthcare, education, home loans, and life insurance for those who have served in the military.
(Department of) Veterans Affairs
This war saw many firsts: integrated US Army, United Nations in a war, use of helicopters and jest and MASH units. Name this war synonymous the 38th parallel and the firing of General MacArthur by President Truman
Korean or Korea War
He was angered by attacks on him in newspapers in 1804. He was a Federalist who aspired to be president. Name this man who was twice charged with murder and whose political career ended when he fatally shot Alexander Hamilton in Weehawken, New Jersey
(Aaron) Burr
She was born in Czechoslovakia in 1937. On January 23, 1997 she was sworn into her office as part of the cabinet of President Bill Clinton. Name this first woman to be Secretary of State
(Madeleine) Albright
Eight US presidents died while in office, four by natural causes and four were assassinated. Name all eight presidents
William Henry Harrison.
Zachary Taylor.
Abraham Lincoln *
James A. Garfield *
William McKinley *
Warren G. Harding.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
John F. Kennedy *
(* assassinated)
In January 2001 before leaving office, Bill Clinton granted a controversial presidential pardon to his brother for a 1985 cocaine possession and drug-trafficking conviction. Name his brother
Roger Clinton (both names)
The vote was 126-47 in the House of Representatives. The Radical Republicans voted to impeach him over firing of Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton and his lenient policies toward Southern Reconstruction. Name this first president to be impeached who also avoided removal from office by only one vote
Andrew Johnson (must have both names)
He suffered hearing loss in his right ear after an actor fired a pistol too close to his head during the making of a movie. He was born in Illinois and served in US Army public relations and theatrical productions during WW2. Name this man who was an actor before he was elected as the 40th president of the United States
(Ronald) Reagan
The Amendment to the US Constitution was proposed in 1960 and was ratified in 1961. It stipulated that Washington D.C. was not a state and could never have more electors that the least-populous state. Name this amendment that gave the District of Columbia the vote for President
23rd Amendment
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
Make America Great Again
(Donald) Trump
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
(Barack) Obama
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
(Bill) Clinton
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
A Chicken in Every Pot
(Herbert) Hoover
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
William Henry Harrison (provide full name)
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
A Full Dinner Pail
(William) McKinley
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
Build Back Better
(Joe) Biden
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
He Kept Us Out of War
(Woodrow) Wilson
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
Don’t Swap Horses in the Middle of the Stream
(Abraham) Lincoln
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
54-40 or Fight
(James) Polk
Given a winning US Presidential campaign slogan, name the President:
I Like Ike
(Dwight) Eisenhower
In this case, Marshall said, “the power to tax involves the power to destroy.” Name the Supreme Court case which ruled on implied powers and the right fir the government to set up a Federal bank
McCullough v Maryland
This principle of government is the doctrine under which all legislative and executive actions are subject to examination by the Courts. It is also where laws and decisions can be invalidated if they are not compatible with a higher authority, like the Constitution. Give the formal name for this doctrine
Judicial Review
This president was born in North Carolina - making him one of only two from the state. He was known as “dark horse” and was the last of the Jacksonian presidents. Name the president who campaigned that Texas would be re-annexed, and that Oregon would be occupied - the 11th president of the U.S.
(James Knox) Polk
Its deepest roots go back to 1914 and the Aviation Section of the US Army Signal Corps. But no formal agency of its kind was created until July 1958, less than one year after the launch of Sputnik. Provide the full name of this agency created by President Eisenhower better known as NASA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Given a fact, name the US President:
His son, Tad, had a pet turkey at the White House
(Abraham) Lincoln
Given a fact, name the US President:
The last Whig president
(Millard) Fillmore
Given a fact, name the US President:
Liked to skinny dip in the Potomac River
John Quincy Adams (prompt on Adams)
Given a fact, name the US President:
Also served a term on the Supreme Court
(William Howard) Taft
Given a fact, name the US President:
First to live in the White House
John Adams (prompt on Adams)
Given a fact, name the US President:
Served two non-consecutive terms
(Grover) Cleveland
Given a fact, name the US President:
First to send an email in 1994
(Bill) Clinton
Given a fact, name the US President:
He was on the now defunct $500 bill
(William) McKinley
Given a fact, name the US President:
First to be born when US had 50 states
(Barack) Obama
Given a fact, name the US President:
Longest inaugural address, then died of pneumonia
William Henry Harrison (prompt on Harrison)
Given a fact, name the US President:
18th president got a speeding ticket in his horse and buggy
(U.S.) Grant
He came from a privileged background and fought in WW2. He became a United States senator and wrote a book while he was recovering from back surgery. Name the only president to win a Pulitzer Prize and was the 35th president of the United States
(John F.) Kennedy (accept JFK)
He was born to Jamaican immigrants in New York City in 1937. From college to Army ROTC, he served in Vietnam and began to rise through the ranks, eventually to a four start General. He eventually became Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff. Name this man who President George W Bush named as the first African American Secretary of State in 2001.
(Colin) Powell
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1954: repealed separate but equal in education
Brown v (Topeka) Board of Education
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1803: Judiciary Review
Marbury v Madison
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1857: slaves were not citizens of the United States
Dred Scott v Sandford
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1964: not afforded Counsel while interrogated
Escobedo v Illinois
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
2010: Corporations like individuals can donate campaign money
Citizens United (v FEC)
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1961: violated 4tth amendment evidence excluded
Mapp v Ohio
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1819: charter a national bank
McCulloch v Madison
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1973: abortion is legalized
Roe v Wade
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1962: official school prayer in school disallowed
Engel v Vitale
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
1896: public railroads, separate cars, Louisana
Plessy v Ferguson
Given the year and brief description, name the landmark Supreme Court case:
2021: overturned Roe v Wade
Dobbs v. Jackson (Women’s Health Organization)
Marquis de Lafayette drafted France’s The Declaration of the Rights of man in 1789. He asked for another man’s insights and observations about the document. Name the American who helped draft the Rights of ma preamble to the early French constitutions. Hint: He was the 3rd president of the United States
(note: the studyguide says 4th)
(Thomas) Jefferson
She is Pueblo Indian from New Mexico who has advocated for Native American rights for decades. She made history when President Joe Biden nominated her to serve as Secretary of the Interior. Name this first Native American to serve in the Cabinet
(Deb) Haaland
Eldridge Gerry (pronounced Gary) is most famous for lending his name to gerrymandering. He is less known for being a United States vice-president. Name the president under whom he served
(James) Madison
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Harry S. Truman
None, doesn’t have one
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Herbert C. Hoover
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Ronald W. Reagan
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
James K. Polk
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Donald J. Trump
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Joseph R. Biden
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Richard M. Nixon
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
John F. Kennedy
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Warren G. Hardin
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Barack H. Obama
Given the president and their middle initial, give their middle name:
Gerald R. Ford
It was created in 1913 primarily as an immigration agency for the US government. Today, it governs occupational safety, unemployment benefits, and even some economic statistics. Name the cabinet-level department whose building is named after Frances Perkins, who led this department from 1933-1945
(Department of) Labor
She graduated from Princeton Law School and began practicing in her native New York City. She was appointed as a federal judge by George H.W. Bush in 1991 and soon gained fame as the judge who saved Major League Baseball from a strike in 1995. But she is most known now for becoming the first Hispanic confirmed to the Supreme Court. Name her
(Sonia) Sotomayor