High School: Mythology Flashcards
Scholars are almost certain that Jesus could not have been born on December 25h - he was likely a summer baby. His December birthdate is that of an existing Roman god that borrowed from an Iranian religion. Name this patron god of loyalty to the emperor
She is known, among other things, as the “destroyer of women” who killed Niobe’s six daughters because she insulted her mother. Name this Greek goddess whose mother is Leto and father Zeus and who is the huntress and protector of animals, as well as the goddess of childbirth
This character of Greco-Roman mythology was a nymph. Hera was suspicious that Zeus was consorting with nymphs and she protected him. Hera cursed this nymph and when she fell in love with Narcissus, she could only say the last words she said to Hera. Name this nymph who watch Narcissus fall in love with himself because she could not tell him she loved him
This Roman god carried a bow & arrow for love
This Roman building was dedicated to all gods and goddesses
(hint to remember: Pan = many, theo = god)
This was the Roman god of metalworking who was a race of people in Star Trek
The Roman goddess of hearth and home
This Roman god carried a trident
This Roman god had wings on his feet
This Roman god drank lots of wine
In Roman mythology, this deity was known for handicrafts and war
In Roman mythology, this deity was known for wild animals and hunting
In Roman mythology she was the Earth goddess
Terra Mater or Tellus
This Roman goddess lived in the underworld during the winter
In The Iliad, she routinely intervenes to ensure that a battle is fair and forces Ares to yield. Name the Greek goddess of defense and righteous battle who seems to always get her brother Ares to obey her
Who is the Roman counterpart to the Greek god Apollo?
Apollo (or Phoebus)
Who is the Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess Hecate
Who is the Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess Demeter?
Who is the Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess Persephone (per-seff-Oh-knee)
Who is the Roman counterpart to the Greek god Zeus
His mother could have been Echidna (uh-kid-nuh) which would make his father either Typhon, Hydra or Ceto (see-toe). In any case, he is a monster cobbles together by the parts of many creatures. Name this Greek fire-breathing monster who is part lion, goat and snake.
Chimera (kye-meer-uh)
In Greek and Egyptian mythology, it lives near a cool well in the Arabian Peninsula and it was associated with the Sun. It was said to live 1,400 years before rebirth. It shares a name with the 5th largest city in the U.S. Name this bird which rises from the ashes and symbolizes renewal or resurrection
She was the mother of Chimera (kigh-mere-uh), the Sphinx, and Colchian (coal-chee-N) dragon. Her sisters Stheno (ss-thEEno) and Euryale (your-rail-E) were immortals while she was the only mortal of the Gorgon sisters. Name this Greek monster who, like her sisters, had snakes for hair
He was known to be Hebe’s successor as a cupbearer to the gods. He was a beautiful young boy who Zeus took to Olympus disguised as an eagle. Name this boy who is the cupbearer for the Olympian gods and is the largest moon in the solar system
One of the twelve Titans, he is the axis on which the heavens and the constellations revolved. Like most Titans, he plays no active role in Greek religion but is important to the role of descendants. He is the father of Leto and Asteria and was the first inhabitant of the island of Kos. Name this Titan who name means “query” or question and is the god of the inquisitive mind
Coeus (key-ohs)
This place is referred to by Richard Wagner (Vahg-ner), Led Zeppelin and even Elton John in their music. The Germanic gods and heroes were featured in a temple of the same name that was built by Prince Ludwig of Bavaria. Name this “Hall of the Slain” in Norse mythology in Asgard that is guarded by Odin
According to the ancient Greek poet Hesiod, there was 3,000 river gods; however, one Titan daughter was over all of them. She is the daughter of Uranus and Gaia (guy-uh) and the sister and wife of Oceanus. Name this goddess whose marriage to Ocean made her goddess of all rivers and Oceanids
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Goddess of both love and war
Freyja (fray-uh)
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Idun (ee-thoon) gave the gods this fruit to keep them young
(golden) apples
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Thor is the god of this
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Odin gave this for a drink from the well of wisdom
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
God of the End of the World
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Instrument used to signal gods across the cosmos
Gjallarhorn (ya-la-horn)
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Loki’s daughter who ruled the Norse dark world of the dead
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Freyja’s chariot was pulled by this animal
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Humans lived in this realm
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Human were made of what creation
Given a clue from Norse mythology, name the god, animal, body part or item being described:
Eight-legged horse that carried Odin through nine worlds
This creature was said to live at Lake of Lerna in Argolid and was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna (eye-kid-nuh). This ferocious beast was raised by Hera to kill Hercules but Hercules slayed this creature as one of his 12 Labors. Name the creature
This minor deity left Crete to escape the wrath of Minos because he did not survive his transition from boyhood to manhood. Name this son of the inventor Daedalus (day-duy-luss) who fell into the sea after flying too close to the sun.
She is the daughter of Priam (pry-am) and Hecuba (heck-ooh-buh) and was a Trojan priestess in Greek mythology. Apollo gave her the gift of prophecy. But he gave her this gift on the condition that no one would believe her prophecies. Name this woman whose gift was cursed because she did not provide the romantic favors Apollo expected
In Norse mythology, Odin’s wife is Frigg or Frjadagr (freya-dager) a protector and helper and the goddess of marriage and women’s work. Name this day which is an anomaly in our everyday calendar - the only day of our week that is named after a female