7th - 9th Grade: Science Flashcards
What are the 7 classifications of animals (in order)?
- Kingdom
- Phylum
- Class
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
What phylum do insects belong?
What is the intermediate stage in an insect’s development?
All of the bodies and forms of water on and around the earth’s surface, including vapor and clouds in the atmosphere are identified collectively as what?
The middle section of an insect’s body
Breathing pores on an insects abdomen
What can be defined as an act or process of solving a problem or the process in which one substances spreads evenly through another?
Name the process of evolution wherein organisms that are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce, whereas those that are weaker may not.
Natural selection
What phylum, the second-largest of the invertebrate animals, include sails, slugs, clams, oysters, squid and octopus?
This refers to the shape of the earth’s surface across an area or region, Give this term for the study of an area including the size and location of hills and dips in the land
Give the adjective that refers to organisms or tissue which can live in the absence of oxygen
What name is given to a steel or iron core wrapped with wire which becomes magnetic when electricity passes through it?
What kind of simple machine is an axe?
In zoology, what term refers to animals that feed partly or entirely on the bodies on dead animals?
What two-word term refers to a theory used by scientists to explain volcanic eruptions, the movement of continents, and other geological changes?
Plate tectonics
What name refers to the family of mammals which incudes the modern horse, zebras, mules, and donleys?
What class of joint-legged invertebrates includes scorpions, ticks, and spiders?
What word can refer to the number of items occurring in a given category or a physical quantity which is measured using the Hertz?
What verb can mean to change or cause from a gaseous to a liquid or solid state or to reduce to a shorter form?
What term refers to the regrowth by an animal or plant of an organ, tissue, or part that has been lost or destroyed, such as the ability of a starfish to regrow a lost arm?
What word is used to describe the bending or turning of a wave, such as light or sound wave, when it passes from one medium to another of different density?
The metric system uses two scales to measure temperature. Name both of them
Celsius and Kelvin
What name is given to any material that allows electrons, and thus electricity, to pass through it?
What term describes molten rock deep within the Earth’s mantle?
Which general term refers to the produce that is formed when a metal replaces the hydrogen atom in an acid?
What name is given to the small cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell, surrounded by a membrane and containing water and food?
What is the term for a plant development from a seed into a plant?
What is the name of the tissue that carries food substances to all parts of the plant?
What is the term for the rate of change of velocity of a moving object?
What is the physics term for energy of motion
Kinetic energy
What is the term for mammals having ten fingers and toes, such as apes and monkeys
What is the name for invertebrates with jointed legs and an exoskelton?
What is the zoology term for an egg-laying mammal
What weather phenomenon does the Beaufort scale measure?
Wind speed
This cellular organelle tends to take up most of the interior of a mature plant cell and is involved in maintaining turgor pressure. Name this membrane-enclosed sac which stores water and dissolved materials
What term is defined as speed that an object must reach in order to free itself from the gravitational pull of the earth or any other body?
Escape Velocity
What is the symbol on the periodic table for Neon?
In thermodynamics, what is the degree of uncertainty or disorder in a system?
What is the symbol on the periodic table for Phosphorus?
What is the symbol on the periodic table for Sulfur?
What type of electromagnet radiation, studied by William Lawrence Bragg, has a wavelength that falls between those of UV rays and gamma rays?
X rays
What is the symbol on the periodic table for Tin?
What is the term for the study of matter and energy and the way they interact
What is the term for the tendency of all objects to keep moving in the same path
What is the term for any push or pull that causes the body to move?
What is the name for the ratio of an object’s mass to its volume
What element is contained in all organic compounds?
What famous English scientist theorized that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?
Sir Isaac Newton
Besides precipitation, what water cycle phenomenon occurred in the nursery rhyme, “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”
In physics, what is the term for the type of energy a body possesses due to its position?
Potential Energy
What is the name given to the science of coding and decoding messages in order to keep these messages secure?
What is the process called where part of one plant is attached onto another, resulting in two different plants growing from one base?
What type of asexual reproduction shares its name with a type of reaction?
What type of chemical bond is characterized by two or more atoms which are held together by sharing electrons?
Covalent Bond
What is the name of a plant with ONE growing season?
What is the name of a plant with TWO growing season?
What is the name of a plant that lives year after year?