High School: Religion Flashcards
What is the name of Islam’s holy book?
(pronounced kor-an)
What is the name of Daoism’s holy book?
Dao de Jing
What is the name of Judaism’s holy book?
What is the name of Hinduism’s holy book?
The Veda
The word Torah means teaching, guidance and law. It also constitutes the first five books of that traditionally attributed to Moses. Name this other name given to this sets of books
Pentateuch (pent-uh-took)
It was consecrated and opened in 1605 by Edward the Confessor. All coronations of the British Crown have taken place here since William the Conqueror except for two Edwards who were never crowned. Name this famous London church that has, among others, tombs of Geoffrey Chaucer and Ben Johnson
Westminster Abbey
These are said to be sacred images used in religious devotion. They are usually painted on wood using egg tempera but can be cast from metal, embroidered, or carved in stone. Name this type of art most associated with the Eastern Orthodox church
icon or iconography
There are five pillars of Islam. Given the description, provide the pillar (you may use the Arabic OR English name)
Must be done five times a day
Prayer OR Salat OR Salah
There are five pillars of Islam. Given the description, provide the pillar (you may use the Arabic OR English name)
Must make this journey once in a lifetime if physically/financially able
pilgrimage or Hajj
There are five pillars of Islam. Given the description, provide the pillar (you may use the Arabic OR English name)
Process to become a Muslim
declaration of faith OR Shahadah
There are five pillars of Islam. Given the description, provide the pillar (you may use the Arabic OR English name)
2.5% of ones wealth given annually
almsgiving OR Zakat OR Zakah
There are five pillars of Islam. Given the description, provide the pillar (you may use the Arabic OR English name)
refrain from food, drink, sex sunup to sundown during Ramadam
fasting OR Sawm
In Buddhism, it is the sum and the effects of all actions by a being during one’s life. Name this term that defines how one’s lives to come will be determined
It was promoted by a satirical letter in response to a push to teach intelligent design in schools instead of evolution. The letter spread across the internet causing some to believe it was a real religion. Name this religion, which tips it cap to Rastafarianism whose deity is made up of spaghetti with meatball eyes
Patafarianism or The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
It is over 2,500 years old and originate in India. Its oldest branch is Mahayana (mah-high-yana) and its younger is Theravada (tear-uh-vada). Name this religion that adherents want to become Bodhisattva (Bo-dee-saht-vah)
It was originally built as a Hindu temple during the Khmer (come-ear) Empire, this religious building appears on the flag of the country in which it is found. Name this famous temple found in Cambodia
Angkor Wat (ang-gore what)
This name appears in over 100 languages, making it one of the most common. Derived from the Latin word meaning “stone” or “rock” it is usually thought of as the first pope and a large namesake city in Russia. What is the name?
Perhaps his most famous quote was, “Preach the Gospel at times, and when necessary, use words” He is among the most venerated saints in Roman Catholicism and founder of the Franciscan order. Name this patron saint of Italy and the patron saint of the environment and animals
St. Francis (of Assisi)
Joseph Smith was the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. While he was in the town of Palmyra, New York in September 1823, he had a vision and was visited by an angel of God who told him where to find a hidden book. Name this guardian angel of the golden plates.
It is known as “the key pf life” and has been used by many cultures and religions over the centuries. Name this symbol that is used in jewelry, which comes from ancient Egyptian roots, but has been used by Coptic Christians, neopagans and other types of Christians
In the Bible, this prophet of God was sent to Nineveh by God to preach, but he was afraid and fled to Tarshish. Name this well-known biblical character who got the chance to do some mammalian studies from the inside - not ichthyological (ick-thee-OH-logical studies as many may think
The first group of this religion was known as the Valiant Sixty. Some of its sects include Hicksites, Guernyites (gur-knee-ites), Wilberites and Beaconites. It is also divided into Liberal and Conservative forms. Name this religious group founded by George Fox
The Peoples Temple was formed by Jim Jones. This religious group had over 900 of its members die of murder and suicide in 1978 in the Jonestown Massacre. Name this country with its capital at Georgetown
One of the verses in this Old Testament book is “Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits. This comes from Chapter 103, verse 2 of the book. Name the book of the Bible
What was the name for a heretical (her-et-ih-cuhl) 2nd century Christian movement that believed the world was created by a lesser divinity and that Christ brought special knowledge to the world
Gnostic (noss-tick) OR gnosis (know-sis)
note: Gnosticism is also OK
What is the name of the Biblical character who was a Moabite woman who married Boaz?
What is the name of the Biblical character who was the youngest son of Jesse - a shepherd boy turned king?
What is the name of the Biblical character who was taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar II and loyal
What is the name of the Biblical character who was brought up in royalty by the daughter of Pharaoh - 10 major rules
What is the name of the Biblical character who was a colorful dreamer in Genesis - most beloved of Jacob’s sons
What is the name of the Biblical character who was the adopted daughter of Mordecai - she become queen of Persia
What is the name of the Biblical character who was the first to say Jesus is Messiah - then denies he knows Jesus
What is the name of the Biblical character who was the father-in-law of Moses who advised him to divide his leadership
What is the name of the Biblical character who was boldest of all prophets - had prophets of Baal slaughtered
What is the name of the Biblical character who was also known as Tabitha - she was a female raised from the dead after Jesus’ resurrection
What is the name of the Biblical character who perseveres against all odds - he loses everything and still loves God
His name means “beloved one.” He was made king at a very young age by tribal leaders after his grandfather and father were killed in battle. Name this King of Judah who was the youngest of eight male siblings and is most famous for slaying the giant Goliath
Born in the 6th century BCE and was the 24th supreme preacher. Rishabhadeva (Rish-habe-E-uh) was the actual founder of Jainism millions of years ago but this person is credited as the modern Jainism founder. Name this man whose preaching is in the Agam Sutras
Mahavira (ma-ha-veer-uh)
Born in 1509, he was raised in a very strict Catholic family and his father wanted him to become a priest. In 1536, this French theologian published institutes for Christian Religion. Name this reformer considered to be the most important second generation of the Protestant Reformation and who made the idea of predestination prominent
John Calvin
This book of the Bible uses a blend of poetry and prose to deliver its complex message of wisdom. Shakespeare used this book’s message in Hamlet to explore the problem of the suffering of the innocent. Name this book whose titular character is known for his patience in spite of being repeatedly challenged and afflicted by God
She is an avatar of Parvati (par-vaht-EE) and is mistakenly believed to be the Hindu devil by Westerners. She is depicted wearing a skirt of several arms and a necklace of skulls or severed heads. Who is the Hindu goddess of empowerment, violence and motherly love and is also known as the Dark Mother?
In Greek, these are the letters that are usually formal, moralistic and teach lessons. A famous collection of these types of letters were written around 51-58 CE and were sent to various churches to spread Christianity. Name these letters written by Paul that make up 13 books of the Bible.
What religion was founded by Bodhidharma (BO-dee-darma)?
Zen Buddhism
What religion was founded by Charles Taza Russell
Jehovah’s Witness
What religion was founded by L. Ron Hubbard
What religion was founded by Laozi (Lao-zoo)
Taoism (Dow-ism)
Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Science
What Christian denomination was founded by Aimee Semple McPherson
Foursquare (Church)
Emzara (em-zar-uh), Sedeqetelebab (said-fwuh-bomb) Na’eltama’uk (nile-tuh-muck) and Adatanese (eye-dot-uh-knees-says) were said to have embarked on this craft for a journey. Also, along for the ride were Japheth, Shem and Ham. Of course, there was one other guy on the craft for 150 days. Name the rain-induced craft
Noah’s Ark
The chapter in the Bible has been used by everyone from Kayne West, Pink Floyd, and Coolio, The Grateful Dead, and U2. In fact, Coolio’s Gangsta Paradise reignited interest in this Biblical chapter. Name this Psalm that is traditionally read at funerals
Psalm 23
Hebrews 11:1-38 goes through a litany of Old Testament heroes. Among them all, two women are mentioned. Sarah is one of the women. Name the other woman mentioned among all the men - she is known for her hiding of the two spies sent to scout Jericho before their attack.
(note: on blitz before Sarah, must provide both names)
An angel appeared to this man and instructed him to restore God’s church on earth. Name this man, who in 1823, spoke with this angel, or resurrected being, named Moroni
Joseph Smith
(note: he founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints… sometimes called Mormons)
It shares its ancient roots with the Vedic (VA-dik) traditions and was once one of the largest religions in the world. It was the first religion to use dualistic theology and had a messianic figure. Name this religion whose god is Ahura Mazda and would be the last in the alphabet of world religions.
(note: mainly practiced today in India and Iraq)
This man is in the apocryphal writings included in the Catholic Bible; however he does not appear in the Protestant versions of the Bible. He is said to have left Jerusalem in 600 BC to go to a promise land. Who is this man that the Latter Day Saints believe God told to go to what is today the United States?
20 + C+ M + B + 23 is an example of the formula used by Catholics and Anglicans to mark a visit. 20 and 23 make the current year. The C is for Caspar, the M for Melchoir and the B for Balthazar. Who are these three people known in the Christmas story?
Wise Men (accept Three Wise Men, Magi, or “noble pilgrims from the east”)
It is known in Buddhism as one’s duty to be truthful, cause no injury and to be generous. Name this term that Hindus add requirements of the duty to your class, status and station in life - but don’t confuse it with karma
dharma (dar-muh)
He posted a manifest on Wittenberg (Vitt-n-berg) Germany which proclaimed his protests of the practice of indulgence by the Catholic Church. Name this man who posted his 95 Theses in 1517 beginning the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
This Biblical figure is shown as the example of moral living for Jewish people. It is written that he was promised by God that his offspring would be “as numerous as the stars” Name this patriarch character whose tale is mentioned in the book of Genesis
These were first an 1842 letter that was sent to a Chicago newspaper editor. They contained the basic beliefs as written by Joseph Smith and are the fundamental thirteen doctrines of the Latter-Day Saints. Name these fundamental beliefs that were later adopted as scripture.
Articles of Faith