High Middle Ages Flashcards
Bishops sold positions in the church
One of the problems w the church that reformers wanted to fix
Like monks but preached to poor and travelled. Owned nothing and lived by begging
One of the earliest order of Friars
Many were scholars
Francis of Assisi
Founded Franciscans (order of Friars) Treated all creatures including animals as spiritual brothers and sisters
Style of architecture many churches were built with
Style of architecture
Spread throughout Europe in early 1100s
Larger churches in city areas
Urban II
Pope that called for the first crusade
“Holy wars” whose purpose were to gain back Jerusalem
Some worked some didn’t
Led to bitterness between Islam and Christianity
Increased persecution of Jews
Increased trade w west
Weakened power of pope and feudal nobility so power of kind increased
Spanish tried to drive Muslims out of Spain in a Spanish crusade
Court held by church to suppress heresy
Isabella and Ferdinand used it to increase their power after unifying Spain under Christianity
Three-field system
System farmers used where had 3 fields
2 were used while one rested
Increased food so healthy people so more people
Revival of learning led to more universities
New ideas and expressions
A way an author can write
Language of where they’re from
Could be different than the common language (Latin)
Wrote the Divine Comedy in Italian (vernacular)
Wrote The Canterbury Tales in English (vernacular)
Argued most basic religious truths could be proved by logical arguments
He and others used info of Aristotle to debate ideas
Teachings influenced thought of Western Europeans
Aquinas and fellow scholars that met at great universities
Edward the Confessor
His death led to the Norman conquest
William the Conqueror
Duke of Normandy
Claimed English crown and invaded bc cousin of edward who died
Norman Conquest
William took over England after the battle of Hastings
Battle of Hastings
Battle between Normans and Anglo-Saxons that resulted in Normans gaining control of England
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Henry II added to land holdings in England and France by marrying her
King John
Son of Henry II
Lost Normandy and all other northern French lands
Cruel ruler - very high taxes and alienated church
Actions led to Magna Carta
Magna Carta
Guaranteed certain basic political rights for every citizen
Edward I
King that created parliament
Legislative group
Two branches: House of Commons and House of Lords
Church leaders, Great lords, commoners/merchants meet
Increased Royal power over nobles but limited King’s power
Clement V moved from Rome to here and popes lived here for next 69 years
The move weakened the church
Great Schism
Two popes excommunicated each other
French pope in Avignon and Italian pope in Rome
Bubonic plague
Plague that wiped out 1/3 of Europe
Effects: manorialism, decrease in pop and trade, Jews blamed, peasant revolts, church suffered
Changed the warfare of 100 years war
Helped English win at Crècy, Poitiers, and Agincourt
End of chivalric warfare
Hundred Years War
Century of war between England and France that led to the end of medieval society in Europe
Changed style of warfare
Joan of Arc
Young peasant girl that had visions of kicking England out of France
Made French win at Orleans
Captured and burned at stake for being a witch
To change something
Church reform