Abrahmic Religions - Islam Flashcards
Angel Gabriel
Had Muhammed repeat the revelations once a year during Ramadan.
Five Pillars of Islam
- ) Shahada Declaration of faith “there is no God but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of god.” Shows person is witness and servant to God
- ) Salat/Salah multiple prayers a day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, night) has a cleansing effect
- ) Zakat/Zakah giving 2.5% of income to charity. Wealth is from God so should be shared with his people
- ) Sawm/Siyam fasting during Ramadan (10th lunar month) from sunrise-sunset. Sympathy, self-restraint, closer to God, purification
- ) Hajj journey to Mecca where Muhammad was born. Reenacting trials of Abraham
Where Muhammad was born, was violent, tribes were important, present day Saudi Arabia
Youngest Abrahamic religion, created by Muhammad, people that practice are Muslim
Muslim place of prayer, receive some of the charity
Ancient shrine in the middle of Mecca, made it possible for Muhammad to make $ by traveling with rich people’s stuff
A person that practices Islam
God, should be feared
The journey to Mecca where Muhammad was born, reenacts trials of Abraham
5th pillar of Islam
People of the Book
Founder of Islam, orphan, in good tribe, received word of God. In 610 he was meditating and received the divine word and was told to recite it.
Prophet’s message, complete collection of revelations from God to Muhammad
Body of Islamic Law to regulate daily life
Up to 4 wives at once
No pork or alcohol
No gambling
Current middle east
People of the Book
Religion that came before Islam but still was an Abrahamic religion